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show chassis environment pem


show chassis environment pem <slot>

Syntax (ACX4000 Router)

show chassis environment pem

Syntax (TX Matrix Routers)

show chassis environment pem <lcc number | scc><slot>

Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Routers)

show chassis environment pem<lcc number | sfc number><slot>

Syntax (MX Series Router)

show chassis environment pem <slot><all-members><local><member member-id>

Syntax (QFX Series)

show chassis environment pem<slot (interconnect-device name slot ) | (node-device name)>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS 11.3 for the QFX Series.


Display Power Entry Module (PEM) environmental status information.

Note: The new high-capacity (4100W) enhanced DC PEM on MX960 routers includes a new design that can condition the input voltage. This results in the output voltage differing from the input voltage. The earlier generation of DC PEMs coupled the input power directly to the output, thereby making it safe to assume that the output voltage was equal to the input voltage.



Display environmental information about both PEMs. For the TX Matrix router, display environmental information about the PEMs, the TX Matrix router, and its attached T640 routers. For the TX Matrix Plus router, display environmental information about the PEMs, the TX Matrix Plus router, and its attached T1600 routers.


(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the PEMs in all the member routers of the Virtual Chassis configuration.

interconnect-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information about the PEMs in the Interconnect device.

lcc number

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display environmental information about the PEM in a specified T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to a TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display environmental information about the PEM in a specified T1600 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to a TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with a value from 0 through 3.


(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the PEM in the local Virtual Chassis member.

member member-id

(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the PEM in the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration. Replace member-id with a value of 0 or 1.

node-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information about the PEMs in the Node device.


(TX Matrix routers only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the PEM in the TX Matrix router (or switch-card chassis).


(TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the PEM in the TX Matrix Plus router (or switch-fabric chassis).


(Optional) Display environmental information about an individual PEM. Replace slot with 0 or 1.

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

show chassis environment pem (M40e Router)
show chassis environment pem (M120 Router)
show chassis environment pem (M160 Router)
show chassis environment pem (M320 Router)
show chassis environment pem (MX240 Router)
show chassis environment pem (MX480 Router)
show chassis environment pem (MX960 Router)
show chassis environment pem (T320 Router)
show chassis environment pem (T640 Router)
show chassis environment pem (T4000 Router)
show chassis environment pem (T640/T1600/T4000 Routers With Six-Input DC Power Supply)
show chassis environment pem lcc (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)
show chassis environment pem scc (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)
show chassis environment pem sfc (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)
show chassis environment pem lcc (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)
show chassis environment pem node-device (QFabric System
show chassis environment pem (QFX Series)
show chassis environment pem interconnect-device (QFabric System)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment pem command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment pem Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

PEM slot status

Number of the PEM slot.


Status of the PEM.


Temperature of the air flowing past the PEM.

AC Input

Status of the AC input for the specified component

AC Output

Status of the AC output for the specified component.

DC input

Status of the DC input for the specified component.

DC output

Status of the DC output for the specified component.


(Not available on M40e or M160 routers) Information about the load on supply, in percentage of rated current being used.


(M120, M160, M320, T640, T1600, TX Matrix, and TX Matrix Plus routers only) Information about voltage supplied to the PEM.


(T640, T1600, TX Matrix, and TX Matrix Plus routers only) Information about the PEM current.


(T640, T1600, TX Matrix, and TX Matrix Plus routers only) Information about the PEM power.


(T640, T1600, TX Matrix, and TX Matrix Plus routers only) SONET Clock Generator/Control Board/Switch Interface Board.


(T640, T1600, and T4000 routers with six-input DC power supply only) Information about the DC output to the fan.

Sample Output

show chassis environment pem (M40e Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                     OK
  AC input                        OK
  DC output                       OK

show chassis environment pem (M120 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input:                  OK
  DC Output:                 OK
  Load                       Less than 20 percent
    48.0 V input             52864 mV
    48.0 V fan supply        41655 mV
    3.3 V                     3399 mV
PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input:                  OK
  DC Output:                 OK
  Load                       Less than 20 percent
    48.0 V input             54537 mV
    48.0 V fan supply        42910 mV
    3.3 V                     3506 mV

show chassis environment pem (M160 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                     OK
  DC input                        OK
  DC output                       OK
  Load                            Less than 20 percent
    48.0 V input            	54833 mV
    48.0 V fan supply       	50549 mV
    8.0 V bias               8239 mV
    5.0 V bias               5006 mV

show chassis environment pem (M320 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 2 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                     OK
  DC input                        OK
  Load                            Less than 40 percent
    48.0 V input            51853 mV
    48.0 V fan supply       48877 mV
    8.0 V bias               8449 mV
    5.0 V bias               4998 mV
PEM 3 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                     OK
  DC input                        OK
  Load                            Less than 40 percent
    48.0 V input            51717 mV
    48.0 V fan supply       49076 mV
    8.0 V bias               8442 mV
    5.0 V bias               4998 mV

show chassis environment pem (MX240 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                 OK                                     
  DC Output:                  OK
PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                 OK                                     
  DC Output:                  OK

show chassis environment pem (MX480 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                 OK                                     
  DC Input:                   OK
  DC Output:                  OK
PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                 OK                                     
  DC Input:                   OK
  DC Output:                  OK

show chassis environment pem (MX960 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 2 status:
  State                      Present
PEM 3 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                 OK                                     
  DC Output:                  OK

show chassis environment pem (T320 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                     OK
  DC input:                       OK

show chassis environment pem (T640 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                  22 degrees C / 71 degrees F
  AC input: OK
  DC output:            Voltage   Current       Power    Load
       FPC 0              56875       606          34       4
       FPC 1              57016       525          29       3
       FPC 2                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 3                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 4                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 5                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 6              57158      1581          90      12
       FPC 7                  0         0           0       0
  SCG/CB/SIB              56750      1125          63       5

show chassis environment pem (T4000 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                33 degrees C / 91 degrees F             
  DC Input:                  OK
                      Voltage(V)  Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
      INPUT 0           54.625       9.812      535       22    
      INPUT 1           54.625      10.250      559       23    
      INPUT 2           55.125       0.125        6        0    
      INPUT 3           54.500      10.062      548       22    
      INPUT 4           54.750       9.375      513       21    
      INPUT 5           54.750      10.187      557       23    
  DC Output           Voltage(V)  Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
      FPC 0             55.750      10.125      564       37    
      FPC 1             51.625       0.000        0        0    
      FPC 2             52.000       0.000        0        0    
      FPC 3             55.062      10.437      574       38    
      FPC 4             52.125       0.000        0        0    
      FPC 5             55.000       9.375      515       34    
      FPC 6             55.187       9.687      534       35    
      FPC 7             51.437       0.000        0        0    
      SCG/CB/SIB        55.375      15.750      872       35    
      FAN               54.562      14.750      804       42    

show chassis environment pem (T640/T1600/T4000 Routers With Six-Input DC Power Supply)

user@host> show chassis environment pem
PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                36 degrees C / 96 degrees F
  DC Input:                  OK
                      Voltage(V)  Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
      INPUT 0            0.000       0.000        0        0
      INPUT 1           54.875       3.812      209       27
      INPUT 2           55.375       3.937      218       29
      INPUT 3           54.625       3.750      204       27
      INPUT 4           55.125       3.375      186       24
      INPUT 5           55.125       3.375      186       24
  DC Output           Voltage(V)  Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
      FPC 0             52.312       0.000        0        0
      FPC 1             52.687       0.000        0        0
      FPC 2             52.812       0.000        0        0
      FPC 3             55.812       7.062      394       52
      FPC 4             52.625       0.000        0        0
      FPC 5             52.625       0.000        0        0
      FPC 6             52.750       0.000        0        0
      FPC 7             52.750       0.000        0        0
      SCG/CB/SIB        55.937      11.937      667       55
      FAN               55.812       4.937      275       36

show chassis environment pem lcc (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)

user@host> show chassis environment pem 0 lcc 0
PEM 0 status:
  State                           Present
  Temperature                  27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
  DC input:                       Check
  DC output:            Voltage   Current       Power    Load
       FPC 0                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 1                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 2                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 3                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 4                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 5                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 6                  0         0           0       0
       FPC 7                  0         0           0       0
  SCG/CB/SIB                  0         0           0       0

show chassis environment pem scc (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)

user@host> show chassis environment pem scc
PEM 1 status:
  State                           Online
  Temperature                  24 degrees C / 75 degrees F
  DC input:                       OK
  DC output:            Voltage   Current       Power    Load
       SIB 0                  0         0           0       0
       SIB 1                  0         0           0       0
       SIB 2                  0         0           0       0
       SIB 3              56550         0           0       0
       SIB 4              55958      6912         386      51

show chassis environment pem sfc (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)

user@host> show chassis environment pem sfc 0
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                35 degrees C / 95 degrees F             
  DC Input:                   OK
  DC Output             Voltage   Current       Power    Load
      Channel 0           53820     14140         761      59     
      Channel 1           53550     12720         681      53     
      Channel 2           53840     12930         696      54     
      Channel 3           53690     14990         804      63     
      Channel 4           53620     15070         808      63     
      Channel 5           53900     14820         798      62     
      Channel 6           54120     5020          271      21     

show chassis environment pem lcc (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)

user@host> show chassis environment lcc 0
PEM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                38 degrees C / 100 degrees F            
  DC Input:                  OK
  DC Output             Voltage   Current       Power    Load
      FPC 0               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 1               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 2               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 3               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 4               56408     7575          427      56     
      FPC 5               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 6               56266     7956          447      59     
      FPC 7               56283     6100          343      45     
      SCG/CB/SIB          55916     8950          500      41     
PEM 1 status:
  State                      Present
  Temperature                35 degrees C / 95 degrees F             
  DC Input:                  Check
  DC Output             Voltage   Current       Power    Load
      FPC 0               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 1               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 2               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 3               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 4               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 5               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 6               0         0             0        0      
      FPC 7               0         0             0        0      
      SCG/CB/SIB          0         0             0        0      

show chassis environment pem node-device (QFabric System

user@switch> show chassis environment pem node-device node1
FPC 0 PEM 0 status:
  State                      Check
  Airflow                    Front to Back
  Temperature                OK
  AC Input:                  OK
  DC Output           Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
                          12        10            120      18
FPC 0 PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Airflow                    Back to Front
  Temperature                OK
  AC Input:                  OK
  DC Output           Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
                          11        10           110      17

show chassis environment pem (QFX Series)

user@switch> show chassis environment pem
FPC 0 PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Airflow                    Front to Back                           
  Temperature                OK                                      
  AC Input:                  OK
  DC Output           Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
                          12        17            204      31  

show chassis environment pem interconnect-device (QFabric System)

user@switch> show chassis environment pem interconnect-device IC1 1
IC1 PEM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Airflow                    Front to Back                           
  Temperature                OK                                      
  AC Input:                  OK
  DC Output           Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)  Load(%)
                          12        18            216      33     

Published: 2013-04-05


Related Documentation


Published: 2013-04-05