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show chassis environment psm


show chassis environment psm<psm-slot-number>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for MX2020 3D Universal Edge Routers.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for MX2010 3D Universal Edge Routers.


Display chassis environmental information about the power supply module (PSM).



Display environmental information about all PSMs.


(Optional) Display environmental information about the specified power supply module. For MX2020 routers, replace psm-slot-number with a value from 0 through 17. For MX2010 routers, replace psm-slot-number with a value from 0 through 8.

Required Privilege Level



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List of Sample Output

show chassis environment psm (MX2020 Router)
show chassis environment psm (MX2010 Router)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment psm command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment psm Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Status of the PSM.

  • Online—The PSM is online and running.
  • Offline—PSM is powered down.


Temperature in Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F) of the air flowing past the PSM.

DC Input

State of the DC input power feed for the specified zone at the specified amps and voltage, and load for the PSM.

DC Output

DC power output in Watts for the specified zone at the specified amps and voltage (A @ V), and load and percentage utilization of the maximum capacity for the PSM.

Hours Used

Number of hours the PSM has been operational.

Sample Output

show chassis environment psm (MX2020 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment psm
PSM 2 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.00       18.90     945.00 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.75      16.50      853.88     40.66
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 3 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       18.90     952.56 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.75      16.50      853.88     40.66
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 4 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       18.90     952.56 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.75      871.00     41.48
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 5 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       18.90     952.56 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.50      858.00     40.86
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 6 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       18.90     952.56 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.75      871.00     41.48
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 7 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       19.20     967.68 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.75      871.00     41.48
  Hours Used                 6140
PSM 8 status:                           
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.00       20.40     1020.00
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.75      17.00      879.75     41.89
  Hours Used                 3380
PSM 11 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         50.40       18.30     922.32 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.25      845.00     40.24
  Hours Used                 5615
PSM 12 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         50.40       18.30     922.32 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.00      832.00     39.62
  Hours Used                 6143
PSM 13 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         50.40       18.00     907.20 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.00      832.00     39.62
  Hours Used                 6143
PSM 14 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         50.00       18.30     915.00 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.00      832.00     39.62
  Hours Used                 6143
PSM 15 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         48.80       18.90     922.32 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.25      845.00     40.24
  Hours Used                 6143
PSM 16 status:                          
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         48.80       18.90     922.32 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.25      845.00     40.24
  Hours Used                 6143
PSM 17 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         0.00        0.00      0.00   
                             INP1         48.80       18.90     922.32 
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               52.00      16.25      845.00     40.24
  Hours Used                 5207

show chassis environment psm (MX2010 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment psm
PSM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         51.20       14.70     752.64 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2056
PSM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         51.20       14.35     734.72 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      12.75      653.44     26.14
  Hours Used                 2008
PSM 2 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         51.20       14.35     734.72 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.50      13.00      669.50     26.78
  Hours Used                 2032
PSM 3 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       14.35     723.24 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.00      12.75      650.25     26.01
  Hours Used                 2008
PSM 4 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         51.20       14.00     716.80 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2055
PSM 5 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         51.20       14.70     752.64 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2056
PSM 6 status:
  State                      Online
Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.80       14.70     746.76 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2056       
PSM 7 status:                           
  State                      Online     
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       14.70     740.88 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2056       
PSM 8 status:                           
  State                      Online     
  Temperature                OK                                      
  DC Input                   Feed       Voltage(V)  Current(A) Power(W)
                             INP0         50.40       14.70     740.88 
                             INP1         0.00        0.00      0.00   
  DC Output                  Voltage(V) Current(A)  Power(W)   Load(%)
                               51.25      13.00      666.25     26.65
  Hours Used                 2056       

Published: 2013-01-24

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Published: 2013-01-24