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show firewall


show firewall<counter counter-name><filter filter-name><log (detail | interface interface-name)><policer counters <(<detail> | counter-id counter-index <detail>)>>terse

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Option policer counters introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for EX Series switches.


Display statistics about configured firewall filters.



Display statistics about all configured firewall filters, counters, and policers.

counter counter-name

(Optional) Display statistics about a particular firewall filter counter.

filter filter-name

(Optional) Display statistics about a particular firewall filter.

log (detail | interface interface-name)

(Optional) Display detailed log entries of firewall activity or log information about a specific interface.

policer counters (<detail> | counter-id counter-index <detail>)

(EX8200 switches only) (Optional) Display policer counter statistics in brief or in detail.


(Optional) Display firewall filter names only.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show firewall
show firewall (filter filter-name)
show firewall (counter counter-name)
show firewall log
show firewall policer counters (EX8200 Switches Only)
show firewall policer counters (detail) (EX8200 Switches Only)
show firewall policer counters (counter-id counter-index) (EX8200 Switches only)
show firewall policer counters (counter-id counter-index detail) (EX8200 Switches only)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show firewall command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show firewall Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the filter that is configured with the filter statement at the [edit firewall] hierarchy level.

All levels


Display filter counter information:

  • Name—Name of a filter counter that has been configured with the counter firewall filter action
  • Bytes—Number of bytes that match the filter term where the counter action was specified.
  • Packets—Number of packets that matched the filter term where the counter action was specified.

All levels


Display policer information:

  • Name—Name of policer.
  • Packets—Number of packets that matched the filter term where the policer action was specified. This is the number of packets that exceed the rate limits that the policer specifies.

All levels

Policer Counters Counter Index

(EX Series switch only) Global management counter ID. The counter ID value (counter index) can be 0, 1, or 2.

All levels


(EX Series switch only) Number of packets within the limits. The number of packets is smaller than the committed information rate (CIR).

All levels


(EX Series switch only) Number of packets partially within the limits. The number of packets is greater than the CIR but the burst size is within the excess burst size (EBS) limit.

All levels


(EX Series switch only) Number of discarded packets.

All levels


(EX Series switch only) Number of green, yellow, red, or discarded packets in bytes.

All levels


(EX Series switch only) Number of green, yellow, red, or discarded packets.

All levels

Filter name

(EX Series switch only) Name of the filter with a term associated to a policer.


Term name

(EX Series switch only) Name of the term associated with a policer.


Policer name

(EX Series switch only) Name of the policer that is associated with a global management counter.


Sample Output

show firewall

user@switch> show firewall
Filter: egress-vlan-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
employee-web-counter                                   0                    0
Filter: ingress-port-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
ingress-port-counter                                    0                    0
Filter: ingress-port-voip-class-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
icmp-counter                                            0                    0
Name                                              Packets
icmp-connection-policer                                 0
tcp-connection-policer                                  0

show firewall (filter filter-name)

user@switch> show firewall filter egress-vlan-filter
Filter: egress-vlan-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
employee-web-counter                                   0                    0

show firewall (counter counter-name)

user@switch> show firewall counter icmp-counter
Filter: ingress-port-voip-class-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
icmp-counter                                            0                    0

show firewall log

user@switch> show firewall log
Log :

Time      Filter    Action Interface     Protocol        Src Addr                         Dest Addr
08:00:53  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP  	         
08:00:52  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             
08:00:51  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             
08:00:50  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             
08:00:49  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             
08:00:48  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             
08:00:47  pfe       R      ge-1/0/1.0    ICMP             

show firewall policer counters (EX8200 Switches Only)

user@switch> show firewall policer counters
Policer Counter Index 0:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                       73              15914
Yellow:                       9               1962
Discard:                    119              25942

Policer Counter Index 1:
                           Bytes            Packets
Green:                         0                  0
Yellow:                        0                  0
Discard:                       0                  0

Policer Counter Index 2:
                           Bytes            Packets
Green:                         0                  0
Yellow:                        0                  0
Discard:                       0                  0

show firewall policer counters (detail) (EX8200 Switches Only)

user@switch> show firewall policer counters detail
Policer Counter Index 0:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                       73              15914
Yellow:                       9               1962
Discard:                    119              25942

Filter name                Term name           Policer name
myfilter                   polcr-term-1        myfilter-polcr-1
inet-filter-ae             ae-snmp             policer-1
inet-filter-ae             ae-ssh              policer-2

Policer Counter Index 1:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                        0                  0
Yellow:                       0                  0
Discard:                      0                  0

Filter name                Term name           Policer name

Policer Counter Index 2:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                        0                  0
Yellow:                       0                  0
Discard:                      0                  0

Filter name                Term name           Policer name

show firewall policer counters (counter-id counter-index) (EX8200 Switches only)

user@switch> show firewall policer counters counter-id 0
Policer Counter Index 0:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                       73              15914
Yellow:                       9               1962
Discard:                    119              25942

show firewall policer counters (counter-id counter-index detail) (EX8200 Switches only)

user@switch> show firewall policer counters counter-id 0 detail
Policer Counter Index 0:
                          Bytes            Packets
Green:                       73              15914
Yellow:                       9               1962
Discard:                    119              25942

Filter name                Term name           Policer name
myfilter                   polcr-term-1        myfilter-polcr-1
inet-filter-ae             ae-snmp             policer-1
inet-filter-ae             ae-ssh              policer-2

Published: 2012-12-07