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show interfaces (Link Services)


For Multilink Frame Relay user-to-user network-to-network interface (UNI NNI):

show interfaces interface-type :channel<brief | detail | extensive | terse><descriptions><media><snmp-index snmp-index><statistics>

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end:

show interfaces interface-type <brief | detail | extensive | terse><descriptions><media> <snmp-index snmp-index><statistics>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Display status information about the specified link services interface.



On M Series and T Series routers, the interface type is ls-fpc/pic/port. On J Series routers, the interface type is ls-pim/0/port.

brief | detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display interface description strings.


(Optional) Display media-specific information about network interfaces.

snmp-index snmp-index

(Optional) Display information for the specified SNMP index of the interface.


(Optional) Display static interface statistics.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show interfaces extensive (MFR UNI NNI)
show interfaces extensive (MFR End-to-End)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show interfaces (link services) command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Physical Interface 

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

All levels


State of the interface. Possible values are described in the “Enabled Field” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels

Interface index

Physical interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

SNMP index number for the physical interface.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support.

detail extensive

Link-level type

Encapsulation being used on the physical interface: Multilink-Frame-Relay-UNI-NNI (default), LinkService, Frame-relay, Frame-relay-ccc, or Frame-relay-tcc.

All levels


Maximum transmission unit size on the physical interface.

All levels

Device flags

Information about the physical device. Possible values are described in the “Device Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels

Interface flags

Information about the interface. Possible values are described in the “Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels

Last flapped

Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone (hour:minute:second ago) . For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago).

detail extensive none

Statistics last cleared

Time when the statistics for the interface were last set to zero.

detail extensive

Link flags

Information about the link. Possible values are described in the “Link Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels


Current interface hold time up and hold time down, in milliseconds, in the format Up n ms, Down n ms.

detail extensive

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle options

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI only) Configured information about Multilink Frame Relay bundle options.

  • Device typeDCE (Data Communication Equipment) or DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).
  • MRRU—Configured size of the maximum received reconstructed unit (MRRU): 1500 to 4500 bytes. The default is 1524 bytes.
  • Fragmentation threshold—Configured fragmentation threshold: 128 through 16,320 bytes, in integer multiples of 64 bytes. The default setting is 0, which disables fragmentation.
  • Red differential delay limit—Red differential delay limit among bundle links has been reached, indicating an action will occur.
  • Yellow differential delay limit—Yellow differential delay among bundle links has been reached, indicating a warning will occur.
  • Red differential delay action—Type of actions taken when the red differential delay exceeds the red limit: Disable link transmit or Remove link from service.
  • Reassembly drop timer—Drop timeout value to provide a recovery mechanism if individual links in the link services bundle drop one or more packets: 1 through 127 milliseconds. By default, the drop timeout parameter is 0 (disabled). A value that is under 5 ms is not recommended.
  • Links needed to sustain bundle—Minimum number of links to sustain the bundle: 1 through 8.
  • LIP Hello timer—Link Interleaving Protocol hello timer: 1 through 180 seconds.
    • Acknowledgement timer—Maximum period to wait for an add link acknowledgement, hello acknowledgement, or remove link acknowledgement: 1 through 10 seconds.
    • Acknowledgement retries—Number of retransmission attempts to be made for consecutive hello or remove link messages after the expiration of the acknowledgement timer: 1 through 5.

detail extensive none

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle options (continued)

  • Bundle class—Bundle class ID.
  • LMI type—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI LMI type:ANSI or Q.933 ANNEX A.
    • T391 LIV polling timer—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI Full status polling counter: 1 through 255, with a default value of 6.
    • T392 polling verification timer—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI LMI error threshold. The number of errors required to bring down the link, within the event count specified by N393. The range is 1 through 10, with a default value of 3.
    • N391 full status polling count—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI Full status polling counter: 1 through 255.
    • N392 error threshold—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI LMI error threshold: 1 through 10.
  • N393 monitored event count—Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI LMI monitored event count: 1 through 10, with a default value of 4.

detail extensive none

Traffic statistics

Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical interface. All references to traffic direction (input or output) are defined with respect to the router. Input fragments received by the router are assembled into input packets; output packets are segmented into output fragments for transmission out of the router.

detail extensive

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle errors

Information about Multilink Frame Relay bundle errors.

  • Packet drops—Number of packets dropped.
  • Fragment drops—Number of fragments dropped.
  • MRRU exceeded—Number of times a packet was dropped because the configured MRRU value was exceeded.
  • Exception events—Exception events counter.

detail extensive

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle statistics

Information about Multilink Frame Relay bundles.

  • Fragments—Bundle fragment information.
    • Input—Total number and rate of frames and packets received, in Frames, fps (frames per second), Bytes, and bps (bits per second).
    • Output—Total number and rate of frames and packets transmitted, in Frames, fps, Bytes, and bps.
  • Packets—Bundle packet information.
    • Input—Total number and rate of frames and packets received, in Frames, fps (frames per second), Bytes, and bps (bits per second).
    • Output—Total number and rate of frames and packets transmitted, in Frames, fps, Bytes, and bps.

detail extensive

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle links information

  • Active bundle links—Number of bundle links that are currently active.
  • Removed bundle links—Number of bundle links that have been removed (RED differential delay action).
  • Disabled bundle links—Number of bundle links that have been disabled (RED differential delay action).

detail extensive none

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI active bundle links statistics

(Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI only) Display information for each active bundle link.

  • Frames—Number of multilink control frames received on this bundle link.
  • fps—Rate of multilink control frames received on this bundle link (in frames per second).
  • Bytes—Number of bytes received on this bundle link.
  • bps—Number of bits per second received on this bundle link.
  • interface-name—Name of the bundle link interface.
  • Input—Total number and rate of frames and packets received.
  • Output—Total number and rate of frames and packets transmitted.
  • Current differential delay—Compare this bundle link's round trip time to the average of all bundle links' round trip times in ms (milliseconds).
  • Recent high differential delay—Highest differential delay value from the latest 10 intervals, in milliseconds.
  • Times over red diff delay—Number of times this bundle link exceeded the configured red differential delay limit.
  • Times over yellow diff delay—Number of times this bundle link exceeded the configured yellow differential delay limit.

detail extensive

Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI active bundle links statistics (continued)

  • LIP—Link Interleaving Protocol information.
  • Rcv—Number of messages received.
  • Xmt—Number of messages transmitted.
  • add_lnk—ADD__LINK message notifies the peer endpoint that the local endpoint supports frame processing. It is generated on both ends of a bundle link when a bundle link endpoint is ready to become operational.
  • lnk_ack—ADD_LINK_ACK message notifies the peer that the local router has received a valid ADD_LINK message.
  • lnk_rej—ADD_LINK_REJ message notifies the peer that the local router has received an invalid ADD_LINK message.
  • hello—HELLO message notifies the peer that the local router is up. Both ends of a link bundle generate this message.
  • hel_ack—HELLO_ACK message notifies the peer that the local router has received a valid HELLO message.
  • lnk_rem—REMOVE_LINK message notifies the peer that the local router has received a REMOVE_LINK message.
  • rem_ack—REMOVE_LINK_ACK message notifies the peer that the local router has received a valid ADD_LINK message.

detail extensive

Frame exceptions

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end only. Information about framing exceptions. Includes events recorded under Exception Events for each logical interface.

  • Oversized frames—Number of frames received that exceed maximum frame length. Maximum length is 4500 Kb (kilobits).
  • Errored input frames—Number of input frame errors.
  • Input on disabled link/bundle—Number of frames received on disabled links. These frames can result either from an inconsistent configuration, or from a bundle or link being brought up or down with traffic actively flowing through it.
  • Output for disabled link/bundle—Number of frames sent for a disabled or unavailable link. These frames can result either from an inconsistent configuration, or from a bundle being brought up or down while traffic is flowing through it.
  • Queuing drops—Total number of packets dropped before traffic enters the link services IQ interface. Indicates that the interface is becoming oversubscribed.

detail extensive

Buffering exceptions

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end only. Information about buffering exceptions. Includes events recorded under Exception Events for each logical interface:

  • Packet data buffer overflow—Packet buffer memory is full. This overflow can occur when the aggregate data rate exceeds the physical link services interface capacity.
  • Fragment data buffer overflow—Fragment buffer memory is full. This overflow can occur when excessive differential delay is experienced across the links within a single bundle, or when the aggregate data rate exceeds the physical link services interface capacity. Check the logical interface exception event counters to determine which bundle is responsible.

detail extensive

Assembly exceptions

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end only. Information about assembly exceptions. Includes events recorded under Exception Events for each logical interface.

An assembly exception does not necessarily indicate an operational problem with the physical link services interface itself. If multilink-encapsulated traffic is dropped or reordered after a sequence number has been assigned, the assembling multilink interface records one or more exception events. The multilink interface can drop multilink-encapsulated fragments itself as a result. Any multilink packets or fragments dropped by the physical link services interface itself result in packet or fragment drop counts on individual logical interfaces. If the logical interface drop counts are zero, but exception events are seen, the most likely cause is a problem with the individual link interfaces. Even if the logical interface fragment drop counts are nonzero, excess differential delay or traffic losses on individual interfaces can be the root cause.

detail extensive

Assembly exceptions (continued)

  • Fragment timeout—The drop timer expired while a fragment sequence number was outstanding. Occurs only if the drop timer is enabled. This timeout can occur if the differential delay across the links in a bundle exceeds the drop-timer setting, or if a multilink packet is lost in transit while the drop timer is enabled. These events do not necessarily indicate any problem with the operation of the physical link services interface itself, but can occur when one or more individual links drop traffic. Check the logical interface exception event counters to determine which bundle is responsible.
  • Missing sequence number—A gap was detected in the sequence numbers of fragments on a bundle. These events do not necessarily indicate any problem with the operation of the physical link services interface itself, but can occur when one or more individual links drop traffic. Check the logical interface exception event counters to determine which bundle is responsible.
  • Out-of-order sequence number—Two frames with out-of-order sequence numbers occurred within a single link. This event indicates that an individual link within a bundle reordered traffic, making the multilink interface unable to correctly process the resulting stream. Check the logical interface exception event counters to determine which bundle is responsible.
  • Out-of-range sequence number—Frame was received with an out-of-range sequence number. These events can occur when a large amount of multilink-encapsulated traffic is lost or the multilink peer is reset, so that a large jump in sequence numbers results. A small number of these events can occur when the far end of a bundle is taken down or brought up. Check the logical interface exception event counters to determine which bundle is responsible.

detail extensive

Hardware errors

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end only. Information about hardware errors:

  • Data memory error—A memory error was detected on the interface DRAM. Indicates possible hardware failure. Contact Juniper Networks technical support.
  • Control memory error—A memory error was detected on the interface DRAM. Indicates possible hardware failure. Contact Juniper Networks technical support.

detail extensive

Logical Interface 

Logical interface

Name of the logical interface.

All levels


Logical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive none

SNMP ifIndex

Logical interface SNMP interface index number.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support.

detail extensive


Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the “Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

All levels


Encapsulation being used: PPP, Multilink - FR or Multilink - PPP

All levels


Speed at which the interface is running.

All levels

Bundle options

For Multilink Frame Relay end-to-end interfaces only:

  • MRRU—Configured size of the maximum received reconstructed unit (MRRU): 1500 to 4500 bytes. The default is 1524 bytes.
  • Drop timer period—Drop timeout value to provide a recovery mechanism if individual links in link services bundle drop one or more packets: 1 through 127 milliseconds. Values under 5  milliseconds are not recommended. The default setting is 0, which disables the timer.
  • Sequence number format—(MLPPP) Short sequence number header format.
  • Fragmentation threshold—Configured fragmentation threshold: 128 through 16,320 bytes, in integer multiples of 64 bytes. The default setting is 0, which disables fragmentation.
  • Links needed to sustain bundle—Minimum number of links to sustain the bundle: 1 through 8.
  • Interleave fragments—State of the process that interleaves long packets with high-priority ones. Only Disabled is currently supported.
  • Remote MRRU—MRRU value received from remote peer. If negotiation has not been initiated, the default value is displayed.

detail extensive none

Bundle status (MLPPP) or Multilink class status (MC-MLPPP)

Information about bundle status:

  • Remote MRRU—MRRU value received from remote peer. If negotiation has not been initiated, the default value is displayed.
  • Received sequence number—Sequence number for received packets.
  • Transmit sequence number—Sequence number for transmitted packets.
  • Packet drops—Number and byte count of output packets that were dropped, rather than being encapsulated and sent out of the router as fragments. The packet drop counter is incremented if there is a temporary shortage of packet memory on the AS PIC, which causes packet fragmentation to fail.
  • Fragment drops—Number and byte count of input fragments that were dropped, rather than being reassembled and handled by the router as packets. This counter also includes fragments that have been received successfully but had to be dropped because not all fragments that constituted a packet had been received. The fragment drop counter is incremented when a fragment received on constituent links is dropped. Drop fragments can be triggered by sequence ordering errors, duplicate fragments, timed-out fragments, and bad multilink headers.

detail extensive none

Bundle status (MLPPP) or Multilink class status (MC-MLPPP) (continued)

  • MRRU exceeded—Number of reassembled packets exceeding the MRRU. This counter is not implemented in this release.
  • Fragment timeout—Drop timer expired while a fragment sequence number was outstanding. Occurs only if the drop timer is enabled. This timeout can occur if the differential delay across the links in a bundle exceeds the drop-timer setting, or if a multilink packet is lost in transit while the drop timer is enabled.
  • Missing sequence number—Gap detected in the sequence numbers of fragments on a bundle.
  • Out-of-order sequence number—Two frames with out-of-order sequence numbers within a single link. This event indicates that an individual link within a bundle reordered traffic, making the multilink interface unable to correctly process the resulting stream.
  • Out-of-range sequence number—Frame with an out-of-range sequence number. These events can occur when a large amount of multilink-encapsulated traffic is lost or the multilink peer is reset, so that a large jump in sequence numbers results. A small number of these events can occur when the far end of a bundle is taken down or brought up.
  • Packet data buffer overflow—Packet buffer memory full. This overflow can occur when the aggregate data rate exceeds the physical link services IQ interface capacity.
  • Fragment data buffer overflow—Fragment buffer memory full. This overflow can occur when excessive differential delay is experienced across the links within a single bundle, or when the aggregate data rate exceeds the physical link services IQ capacity.

detail extensive none

Bundle errors

Information about bundle errors.

  • Packet drops—Number and byte count of output packets that were dropped, rather than being encapsulated and sent out of the router as fragments.
  • Fragment drops—Number and byte count of input fragments that were dropped, rather than being reassembled and handled by the router as packets.
  • MRRU exceeded—Number of reassembled packets exceeding the MRRU.
  • Exception events—Number of exceptional events encountered other than MRRU exceeded errors. These events are categorized under the physical interface: Frame exceptions, Buffering exceptions, and Fragment exceptions. Exception events do not necessarily indicate that the multilink interface is not operating properly. Individual link failures can produce exceptional events.

detail extensive


Information about fragments and packets received and sent by the router. All references to traffic direction (input or output) are defined with respect to the router. Input fragments received by the router are assembled into input packets; output packets are segmented into output fragments for transmission out of the router.

  • Bundle—Information about bundles.
  • Link—Information about links used in the multilink operation.

detail extensive


Protocol family configured on the logical interface.

detail extensive none


MTU size on the logical interface. If the MTU value is negotiated down to meet the MRRU requirement on the remote side, this value is marked Adjusted.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only.

detail extensive

Route table

Routing table in which this address exists. For example, Route table:0 refers to inet.0.

detail extensive


Information about the protocol family flags. Possible values are described in the “Family Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none

Addresses, Flags

Information about the address flags. Possible values are described in the “Addresses Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.

detail extensive none


IP address of the remote side of the connection.

detail extensive none


IP address of the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Broadcast address on the logical interface.

detail extensive none


Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support.

detail extensive

Sample Output

show interfaces extensive (MFR UNI NNI)

user@host> show interfaces ls-1/3/0:0 extensive
Physical interface: ls-1/3/0:0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 25, SNMP ifIndex: 35, Generation: 124
  Link-level type: Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI, MTU: 1524
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Last flapped   : 2002-11-01 15:26:25 PST (00:34:49 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Link flags     : None
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle options:
    Device type                       DTE
    MRRU                              1524
    Fragmentation threshold           1500
    Red differential delay limit      10
    Yellow differential delay limit   6
    Red differential delay action     Disable link transmit
    Reassembly drop timer             0
    Links needed to sustain bundle    1
    LIP Hello timer                   10
        Acknowledgement timer         4
        Acknowledgement retries       2
    Bundle class                      A
    LMI type                          Q.933 Annex A
      T391 LIV polling timer          10
      T392 polling verification timer 15
      N391 full status polling count  6
      N392 error threshold            3
      N393 monitored event count      4
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0
   Output bytes  :                    0
   Input  packets:                    0
   Output packets:                    0
  Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle errors:
    Packet drops                    0 (0 bytes)        
    Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)
    MRRU exceeded                   0
    Exception events                0
  Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle statistics
                     Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           824          0         17304          320
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           824          0         17304          320
  Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI bundle links info:
      Active bundle links       4
      Removed bundle links      0
      Disabled bundle links     0
  Multilink Frame Relay UNI NNI active bundle links statistics:
                     Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           206          0          4326           80
      Current differential delay       0.2 ms
      Recent high differential delay   3.8 ms
      Times over red diff delay        0
      Times over yellow diff delay     0
      LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack
      Rcv:      2       2       0      206     207       0       0
      Xmt:      2       1       0      207     206       0       0
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           206          0          4326           80
      Current differential delay       0.2 ms
      Recent high differential delay   3.7 ms
      Times over red diff delay        0
      Times over yellow diff delay     0
      LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack                    
      Rcv:      2       2       0      206     207       0       0
      Xmt:      2       1       0      207     206       0       0
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           206          0          4326           80
      Current differential delay       0.4 ms
      Recent high differential delay   3.8 ms
      Times over red diff delay        0
      Times over yellow diff delay     0
      LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack
      Rcv:      2       2       0      206     207       0       0
      Xmt:      2       1       0      207     206       0       0
      Input :             0          0             0            0
      Output:           206          0          4326           80
      Current differential delay       0.3 ms
      Recent high differential delay   3.8 ms
      Times over red diff delay        0
      Times over yellow diff delay     0
      LIP:add_lnk lnk_ack lnk_rej    hello hel_ack lnk_rem rem_ack
      Rcv:      2       2       0      206     207       0       0
      Xmt:      2       1       0      207     206       0       0
  Logical interface ls-1/3/0:0.0 (Index 5) (SNMP ifIndex 28) (Generation 10)
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Multilink-FR-UNI-NNI
    Bandwidth: 622080kbps
    Bundle errors:
      Packet drops                    0 (0 bytes)
      Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)
      MRRU exceeded                   0
      Exception events                0
    Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
        Input :             0          0             0            0     
        Output:           824          0         17304          320
        Input :             0          0             0            0
        Output:           824          0         17304          320
        Input :             0          0             0            0
        Output:           206          0          4326           80
        Input :             0          0             0            0
        Output:           206          0          4326           80
        Input :             0          0             0            0
        Output:           206          0          4326           80
        Input :             0          0             0            0
        Output:           206          0          4326           80
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 [Adjusted], Generation: 15, Route table: 0
      Flags: User-MTU, MTU-Protocol-Adjusted
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast: Unspecified,
        Generation: 10

show interfaces extensive (MFR End-to-End)

user@host> show interfaces ls-0/3/0 extensive
Physical interface: ls-0/3/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 264, SNMP ifIndex: 104, Generation: 525
  Link-level type: LinkService, MTU: 1524
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Last flapped   : 2002-10-16 17:53:49 PDT (00:22:00 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                73471                  264 bps
   Output bytes  :                80335                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                  822                    0 pps
   Output packets:                  819                    0 pps
  Frame exceptions:
    Oversized frames                  0
    Errored input frames              0
    Input on disabled link/bundle     0
    Output for disabled link/bundle   4
    Queuing drops                     3
  Buffering exceptions:
    Packet data buffer overflow       0
    Fragment data buffer overflow     0
  Assembly exceptions:
    Fragment timeout                  0
    Missing sequence number           0
    Out-of-order sequence number      0
    Out-of-range sequence number      0
  Hardware errors (sticky):
    Data memory error                 0
    Control memory error              0
  Logical interface ls-0/3/0.0 (Index 5) (SNMP ifIndex 527) (Generation 47)
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Multilink-PPP
    Bandwidth: 1536kbps
    Bundle options:
      MRRU                            1524
      Drop timer period               0
      Sequence number format          long (24 bits)
      Fragmentation threshold         0
      Links needed to sustain bundle  1
      Interleave fragments            Disabled
    Bundle status:
      Remote MRRU                     1500
      Received sequence number        0x19ec14
      Transmit sequence number        0x38cfa8
      Packet drops                    0 (0 bytes)
      Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)
      MRRU exceeded                   0
      Fragment timeout                0
      Missing sequence number         0
      Out-of-order sequence number    0
      Out-of-range sequence number    0
      Packet data buffer overflow     0
      Fragment data buffer overflow   0
    Bundle errors:
      Packet drops                    2 (68 bytes)
      Fragment drops                  0 (0 bytes)
      MRRU exceeded                   0
      Exception events                0
    Statistics         Frames        fps         Bytes          bps
        Input :           172          0         15544          288
        Output:           165          0         16645            0
        Input :           143          0         12885          288
        Output:           134          0         12276            0
        Input :           143          0         12885          288
        Output:           134          0         12276            0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 76, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, Broadcast: 
        Unspecified, Generation: 81
    Protocol iso, MTU: 1500 [Adjusted], Generation: 77, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
    Protocol inet6, MTU: 1500, Generation: 78, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Default Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination: 8016::1:0/126, Local: 8016::1:1, 
        Broadcast: Unspecified, Generation: 83
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
        Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::2a0:a5ff:fe12:4777, 
        Broadcast: Unspecified,
        Generation: 85

Published: 2013-01-30

Published: 2013-01-30