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show lacp timeouts


show lacp timeouts<interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1R4


Display Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) timeout entries.



(Optional) Display LACP timeout information about the specified aggregated Ethernet, Ethernet, fast Ethernet, or gigabit Ethernet interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show lacp timeouts
show lacp timeouts (aggregated Ethernet interface)
show lacp timeouts (gigabit Ethernet Interface)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show lacp timeouts command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show lacp timeouts Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Aggregated interface

Name of aggregated Ethernet interface.

LACP interfaces

Name of logical Ethernet interface configured for LACP.

Current State

State of the aggregation port. The state is one of the following values:

  • Attached—Multiplexer state machine initiates the process of attaching the port to the selected aggregator.
  • Collecting—Yes indicates that the receive function of this link is enabled with respect to its participation in an aggregation. Received frames are passed to the aggregator for collection. No indicates the receive function of this link is not enabled.
  • Collecting Distributing—Collecting and distributing states are merged together to form a combined state (coupled control). Because independent control is not possible, the coupled control state machine does not wait for the partner to signal that collection has started before enabling both collection and distribution.
  • Detached—Process of detaching the port from the aggregator is in progress.
  • Distributing—Yes indicates that the transmit function of this link is enabled with respect to its participation in an aggregation. Frames might be passed down from the aggregator’s distribution function for transmission. No indicates the transmit function of this link is not enabled.
  • Waiting—Multiplexer state machine is in a holding process, awaiting an outcome.

Last timeout

  • Date and time that the logical Ethernet interface entry timed out and how much time has elapsed since timing out.
  • (interface-name option) Never is displayed if the interface has not experienced a timeout.

Sample Output

show lacp timeouts

user@host> show lacp timeouts
Aggregated interface: ae0
    LACP Interfaces  Current state       Last timeout
      ge-1/2/0        Detached             2012-09-05 05:14:00 UTC (00:00:05 ago)
      ge-1/3/0        Detached             2012-09-05 05:14:00 UTC (00:00:05 ago)

Aggregated interface: ae1

show lacp timeouts (aggregated Ethernet interface)

user@host > show lacp timeouts ae0
Aggregated interface: ae0
    LACP Interfaces  Current state           Last timeout
      ge-1/2/0        Collecting distributing  Never              
      ge-1/3/0        Collecting distributing  Never

show lacp timeouts (gigabit Ethernet Interface)

user@host > show lacp timeouts ge-1/2/0
Aggregated interface: ae0
    LACP Interfaces  Current state           Last timeout
      ge-1/2/0        Collecting distributing  Never

Published: 2012-12-04

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-12-04