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show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces


show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces<ethernet-interface-name><level md-level><brief | detail | extensive>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2 for EX Series switches.


Display IEEE 802.1ag Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) connectivity fault management (CFM) database information for Ethernet interfaces.


brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display CFM information only for CFM entities attached to the specified Ethernet interface.

level md-level

(Optional) Display CFM information for CFM identities enclosed within a maintenance domain of the specified level.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces detail
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfacesextensive
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces level
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces (Trunk Interfaces)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Interface identifier.

All levels

Interface status

Local interface status.

All levels

Link status

Local link status. Up, down, or oam-down.

All levels

Maintenance domain name

Maintenance domain name.

detail extensive

Format (Maintenance domain)

Maintenance domain name format configured.

detail extensive


Maintenance domain level configured.

All levels

Maintenance association name

Maintenance association name.

detail extensive

Format (Maintenance association)

Maintenance association name format configured.

detail extensive

Continuity-check status

Continuity-check status.

detail extensive


Continuity-check message interval.

detail extensive


Lost continuity-check message threshold.

detail extensive

MEP identifier

Maintenance association end point (MEP) identifier.

All levels


Number of MEP neighbors.

All levels


MEP direction configured.

detail extensive

MAC address

MAC address configured for the MEP.

detail extensive

MEP status

Indicates the status of the Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) protocol running on the MEP: Running, inactive, disabled, or unsupported.

detail extensive

Remote MEP not receiving CCM

Whether the remote MEP is not receiving connectivity check messages (CCMs).

detail extensive

Erroneous CCM received

Whether erroneous CCMs have been received.

detail extensive

Cross-connect CCM received

Whether cross-connect CCMs have been received.

detail extensive

RDI sent by some MEP

Whether the remote defect indication (RDI) bit is set in messages that have been received. The absence of the RDI bit in a CCM indicates that the transmitting MEP is receiving CCMs from all configured MEPs.

detail extensive

CCMs sent

Number of CCMs transmitted.

detail extensive

CCMs received out of sequence

Number of CCMs received out of sequence.

detail extensive

LBMs sent

Number of loopback request messages (LBMs) sent.

detail extensive

Valid in-order LBRs received

Number of loopback response messages (LBRs) received that were valid messages and in sequence.

detail extensive

Valid out-of-order LBRs received

Number of LBRs received that were valid messages and not in sequence.

detail extensive

LBRs received with corrupted data

Number of LBRs received that were corrupted.

detail extensive

LBRs sent

Number of LBRs transmitted.

detail extensive

LTMs sent

Linktrace messages (LTMs) transmitted.

detail extensive

LTMs received

Linktrace messages received.

detail extensive

LTRs sent

Linktrace responses (LTRs) transmitted.

detail extensive

LTRs received

Linktrace responses received.

detail extensive

Sequence number of next LTM request

Sequence number of next LTM request to be transmitted.

detail extensive

1DMs sent

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of one-way delay measurement (1DM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

Valid 1DMs received

If the interface is attached to a receiver MEP for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of valid 1DM frames received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

Invalid 1DMs received

If the interface is attached to a receiver MEP for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of invalid 1DM frames received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

DMMs sent

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of Delay Measurement Message (DMM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

DMRs sent

If the interface is attached to a responder MEP for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of Delay Measurement Reply (DMR) frames sent.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

Valid DMRs received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of valid DMRs received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

Invalid DMRs received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of invalid DMRs received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

detail extensive

Remote MEP count

Number of remote MEPs.


Identifier (remote MEP)

MEP identifier of the remote MEP.


MAC address (remote MEP)

MAC address of the remote MEP.


State (remote MEP)

State of the remote MEP.


Interface (remote MEP)

Interface of the remote MEP.


Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces
Interface       Link       Status           Level       MEP          Neighbours
ge-1/1/0.0      Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.1      Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.10     Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.100    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.101    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.102    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.103    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.104    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.105    Up         Active           0           2            1
ge-1/1/0.106    Up         Active           0           2            1


show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces detail

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces detail
Interface name: ge-5/2/9.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
  Maintenance domain name: md0, Format: string, Level: 5
    Maintenance association name: ma1, Format: string
    Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
    MEP identifier: 1, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:90:69:0b:4b:94
    MEP status: running
      Remote MEP not receiving CCM                  : no
      Erroneous CCM received                        : yes
      Cross-connect CCM received                    : no
      RDI sent by some MEP                          : yes
      CCMs sent                                     : 76
      CCMs received out of sequence                 : 0
      LBMs sent                                     : 0
      Valid in-order LBRs received                  : 0
      Valid out-of-order LBRs received              : 0
      LBRs received with corrupted data             : 0
      LBRs sent                                     : 0
      LTMs sent                                     : 0
      LTMs received                                 : 0
      LTRs sent                                     : 0
      LTRs received                                 : 0
      Sequence number of next LTM request           : 0
      1DMs sent                                     : 0
      Valid 1DMs received                           : 0
      Invalid 1DMs received                         : 0
      DMMs sent                                     : 0
      DMRs sent                                     : 0
      Valid DMRs received                           : 0
      Invalid DMRs received                         : 0 
    Remote MEP count: 2
      Identifier    MAC address        State    Interface
       2001     00:90:69:0b:7f:71       ok    ge-5/2/9.0
       4001     00:90:69:0b:09:c5       ok    ge-5/2/9.0

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfacesextensive

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces extensive
Interface name: ge-5/2/9.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
  Maintenance domain name: md0, Format: string, Level: 5
    Maintenance association name: ma1, Format: string
    Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
    MEP identifier: 1, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:90:69:0b:4b:94
    MEP status: running
      Remote MEP not receiving CCM                  : no
      Erroneous CCM received                        : yes
      Cross-connect CCM received                    : no
      RDI sent by some MEP                          : yes
      CCMs sent                                     : 76
      CCMs received out of sequence                 : 0
      LBMs sent                                     : 0
      Valid in-order LBRs received                  : 0
      Valid out-of-order LBRs received              : 0
      LBRs received with corrupted data             : 0
      LBRs sent                                     : 0
      LTMs sent                                     : 0
      LTMs received                                 : 0
      LTRs sent                                     : 0
      LTRs received                                 : 0
      Sequence number of next LTM request           : 0
      1DMs sent                                     : 0
      Valid 1DMs received                           : 0
      Invalid 1DMs received                         : 0
      DMMs sent                                     : 0
      DMRs sent                                     : 0
      Valid DMRs received                           : 0
      Invalid DMRs received                         : 0 
    Remote MEP count: 2
      Identifier    MAC address        State    Interface
       2001     00:90:69:0b:7f:71       ok    ge-5/2/9.0
       4001     00:90:69:0b:09:c5       ok    ge-5/2/9.0

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces level

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces level 7
Interface       Link       Status           Level       MEP          Neighbours
ge-3/0/0.0      Up         Active           7           201          0
xe-0/0/0.0      Up         Active           7           203          1

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces (Trunk Interfaces)

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces
Interface                   Link      Status       Level  MEP         Neighbours
ge-4/0/1.0, vlan 100        Up        Active       5      100         0
ge-10/3/10.4091, vlan 4091  Down      Inactive     4      400         0
ge-4/0/0.0                  Up        Active       6      200         0

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces ge-4/0/0.0
Interface                   Link      Status       Level  MEP         Neighbours
ge-4/0/0.0                  Up        Active       6      200         0

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces ge-4/0/1.0 vlan 100
Interface                   Link      Status       Level  MEP         Neighbours
ge-4/0/1.0, vlan 100        Up        Active       5      100         0

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management interfaces ge-10/3/10.4091 vlan 4091
Interface                   Link      Status       Level  MEP         Neighbours
ge-10/3/10.4091, vlan 4091  Down      Inactive     4      400         0

Published: 2012-12-07