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    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps


    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps

    Release Information

    Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.4.

    Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for EX Series switches.


    Display the status of the Automatic Protection Switching (APS) and Ring APS (RAPS) messages on an Ethernet ring.


    This command has no options.

    Required Privilege Level


    List of Sample Output

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (EX Switches)
    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Owner Node, Normal Operation on MX Routers)
    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Ring Node, Normal Operation on MX Routers)
    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Owner Node, Failure Condition on MX Routers)
    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Ring Node, Failure Condition on MX Routers)

    Output Fields

    Table 1 lists the output fields for the show protection-group ethernet-ring aps command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

    Table 1: show protection-group ethernet-ring aps Output Fields

    Field Name

    Field Description

    Ethernet Ring Name

    Name configured for the Ethernet ring.


    Status of the Ethernet ring RAPS messages.

    • NR—Indicates there is no request for APS on the ring.
    • SF—Indicates there is a signal failure on the ring.

    No Flush

    State of the ring flushing: No (normal) or Yes (failure).

    Ring Protection Link Blocked

    Blocking on the ring protection link: Yes or No.


    Whether this node is the ring originator: Yes or No.

    Remote Node ID

    Identifier (in MAC address format) of the remote node.

    Sample Output

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (EX Switches)

    user@switch>> show protection-group ethernet-ring aps
    Ring Name    Request/state  No Flush  RPL Blocked  Originator  Remote Node ID erp1         NR             no        yes          no          00:1F:12:30:B8:81

    Sample Output

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Owner Node, Normal Operation on MX Routers)

    user@host> show protection-group ethernet-ring aps
    Ethernet Ring Name  Request/state  No Flush  Ring Protection Link Blocked  
    pg101               NR             No        Yes                        
    Originator  Remote Node ID

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Ring Node, Normal Operation on MX Routers)

    user@host> show protection-group ethernet-ring aps
    Ethernet Ring Name  Request/state  No Flush  Ring Protection Link Blocked  
    pg102               NR             No        Yes                        
    Originator  Remote Node ID
    No          00:01:01:00:00:01 

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Owner Node, Failure Condition on MX Routers)

    user@host> show protection-group ethernet-ring aps
    Ethernet Ring Name  Request/state  No Flush  Ring Protection Link Blocked  
    pg101               SF             No        No                        
    Originator  Remote Node ID
    No          00:01:02:00:00:01 

    show protection-group ethernet-ring aps (Ring Node, Failure Condition on MX Routers)

    user@host> show protection-group ethernet-ring aps
    Ethernet Ring Name  Request/state  No Flush  Ring Protection Link Blocked  
    pg102               SF             No        Yes                        
    Originator  Remote Node ID
    Yes         00:00:00:00:00:00 

    Published: 2013-01-30