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show ptp global-information


show ptp global-information

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.


Show Precision Time Protocol (PTP)–related global information.


This command has no options.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show ptp global-information

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ptp global-information command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ptp global-information Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

PTP Global Configuration

Configured PTP, master, and slave parameters.

Domain Number

PTP domain with values from 0 through 127. The default value is 0. Only one PTP domain is supported at any given point in time.

Transport Encapsulation

Name of the encapsulation type: Ipv4.

Clock mode

Clock mode is either boundary or ordinary.

Priority Level1

Priority value of the clock: 0 through 255. The default is 128. The lower value takes precedence.

Priority Level2

Priority value of the clock: 0 through 255. The default is 128. This value is used to differentiate and prioritize the master clocks when the priority1-value is the same for different master clocks in a network. The lower value takes precedence.

Unicast Negotiation

Method by which the announce, synchronization, and delay-response packet rates are negotiated between the master and the slave or client before a PTP session is established. Unicast negotiation is enabled or disabled.

ESMC QL From Clock Class

Denotes whether the conversion from clock class to QL is enabled or disabled.

Clock Class/ESMC QLl

Denotes the user defined clock class to QL conversion.

Slave Parameters

Parameters configured on the slave clock:

  • Sync Interval—Log mean interval between synchronization messages requested during unicast negotiation.
  • Delay Request Interval—Log mean interval between delay-response messages requested during unicast negotiation.
  • Announce Interval—Log mean interval between announce messages requested during unicast negotiation.
  • Announce Timeout—Number of announce messages missed and detected by the slave, resulting in the slave identifying the master as unreachable.
  • Grant Duration—Length of time a unicast grant is assigned for unicast negotiation.

Master Parameters

Parameters configured on the master clock:

  • Sync Interval—Log mean interval between synchronization messages sent to a configured manual slave.
  • Announce Interval—Log mean interval between announce messages sent to a configured manual slave.
  • The minimum and maximum parameters below are the minimum and maximum values accepted during unicast negotiation from remote clients:

    • Min Announce Interval—Log2 value, which means that announce messages are sent once every eight seconds.
    • Max Announce Interval—Maximum acceptable interval between announce messages
    • Min Sync Interval—Minimum acceptable interval between synchronization messages.
    • Max Sync Interval—Log2 value, which means that the maximum synchronization rate is 128 messages per second.
    • Min Delay Response Interval—Minimum acceptable interval between delay-response messages.
    • Max Delay Response Interval—Maximum acceptable interval between delay-response messages.
  • Clock Step—Synchronous timing message: one-step or two-step. With two-step, a subsequent follow-up message is received after the first synchronous message.

Number of Slaves

Number of slaves configured on the router.

Number of Masters

Number of masters configured on the router.

Sample Output

show ptp global-information

user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0
Transport Encapsulation : IPv4
Clock mode              : Boundary
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     :  -
Slave Parameters:
  Sync Interval         : not applicable
  Delay Request Interval: -6 (64 packets per second)
  Announce Interval     : not applicable
  Announce Timeout      : 3
  Grant Duration        : not applicable
Master Parameters:
  Sync Interval               : -6 (64 packets per second)
  Announce Interval           : 1 (1 packet every 2 seconds)
  Min Announce Interval       : 3 (1 packet every 8 seconds)
  Max Announce Interval       : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Sync Interval           : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Max Sync Interval           : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Clock Step                  : one-step

Number of Slaves       : 1
Number of Masters      : 1

Published: 2013-01-11