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show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics


show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics <brief | detail> <remote-gw remote-peer-address> <service-set service-set-name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

New fields added in Junos OS Release 10.0.


(Adaptive services interface only) Display IPsec statistics for the specified service set. If no service set is specified, the statistics for all service sets are displayed.



Display standard IPsec statistics for all service sets.

brief | detail

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

remote-gw remote-peer-address

(Optional) Display IPsec statistics for an individual IPsec tunnel and an individual remote host.

service-set service-set-name

(Optional) Display information about a particular service set.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics detail
show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics remote-gw

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


The physical interface on which the IPsec tunnel is configured.

All levels

Service set

Name of the service set for which the IPsec tunnel is defined.

All levels

Local gateway

Gateway address of the local system.

All levels

Remote gateway

Gateway address of the remote system.

All levels

Tunnel index

Numeric identifier of the specific IPsec tunnel for the security association.

All levels

ESP statistics

Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) statistics:

  • Encrypted bytes—Total number of bytes encrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Decrypted bytes—Total number of bytes decrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Encrypted packets—Total number of packets encrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Decrypted packets—Total number of packets decrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel

All levels

AH Statistics

Authentication Header statistics:

  • Input bytes—Total number of bytes received by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Output bytes—Total number of bytes transmitted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Input packets—Total number of packets received by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.
  • Output packets—Total number of packets transmitted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

All levels


  • AH authentication failures—Number of authentication header (AH) failures. An AH failure occurs when there is a mismatch of the authentication header in a packet transmitted across an IPsec tunnel.
  • ESP authentication failures—Number of Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) failures. An ESP failure occurs when there is an authentication mismatch in ESP packets.
  • ESP Decryption failures—Number of ESP decryption failures.
  • Bad headers—Number of invalid headers detected.
  • Bad trailers—Number of invalid trailers detected.
  • Replay before window drops—Number of replay errors. A replay error is generated when a duplicate packet is received within the replay window.
  • Replayed pkts—Number of packets replayed.
  • IP integrity errors—Number of IP integrity errors.
  • Exceeds tunnel MTU—Number of times the tunnel maximum transmission unit (MTU) value was exceeded.
  • Rule lookup failures—Number of rule lookup failures.
  • No SA errors—Number of errors resulting from a missing security association (SA).
  • Flow errors—Number of flow errors.
  • Misc errors—Number of miscellaneous errors.

All levels

Sample Output

show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics detail

user@host> show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics
PIC: sp-0/2/0, Service set: ss0

ESP Statistics:
  Encrypted bytes:                0
  Decrypted bytes:                0
  Encrypted packets:              0
  Decrypted packets:              0
AH Statistics:
  Input bytes:                  168
  Output bytes:                 168
  Input packets:                  2
  Output packets:                 2
  AH authentication failures:     0
  ESP authentication failures:    0
  ESP decryption failures:        0
  Bad headers: 0, Bad trailers: 0                   
  Replay before window drops: 0, Replayed pkts: 0   
  IP integrity errors: 0, Exceeds tunnel MTU: 0     
  Rule lookup failures: 0, No SA errors: 0          
  Flow errors: 0, Misc errors: 0                    

show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics remote-gw

user@host> show services ipsec-vpn ipsec statistics remote-gw
PIC: sp-3/1/0, Service set: service-set-2
Local gateway:, Remote gateway:, Tunnel index: 2
ESP Statistics:
 Encrypted bytes:                0
 Decrypted bytes:                0
 Encrypted packets:              0
 Decrypted packets:              0
AH Statistics:
 Input bytes:                    0
 Output bytes:                   0
 Input packets:                  0
 Output packets:                 0
  AH authentication failures:     0
  ESP authentication failures:    0
  ESP decryption failures:        0
  Bad headers: 0, Bad trailers: 0                   
  Replay before window drops: 0, Replayed pkts: 0   
  IP integrity errors: 0, Exceeds tunnel MTU: 0     
  Rule lookup failures: 0, No SA errors: 0          
  Flow errors: 0, Misc errors: 0                    

Published: 2013-01-30

Published: 2013-01-30