show services local-policy-decision-function flows
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.
Display local policy decision function (L-PDF) flows.
interface interface-name | — | Display L-PDF flows for the specified interfaces only. |
subscribersubscriber-name | — | Display L-PDF flows for the specified subscribers only. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show services local-policy-decision-function flows by interfaceshow services local-policy-decision-function flows by subscriber
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services local-policy-decision-function flows command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show services local-policy-decision-function flows Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description |
Interface | Interface name. |
service-set | Service set name. |
service-set-interface | Service set interface name. |
Currently active flows | Number of currently active flows. |
High watermark flows | Maximum number of flows. |
Protocol | (With interface option) Protocol identifier. |
Source address | (With interface option) Source address. |
Source port | (With interface option) Source port. |
Destination address | (With interface option) Destination address. |
Destination port | (With interface option) Destination port. |
Application | (With interface option) Application name. |
Application group | (With interface option) Application group identifier. |
Sample Output
show services local-policy-decision-function flows by interface
user@host> show services local-policy-decision-function
flows subscriber
Interface: ge-0/0/5.26 service-set: aacl_ms30 service-set interface: ms-3/0/0 Currently active flows: 0 High watermark flows: 0
show services local-policy-decision-function flows by subscriber
user@host> show services local-policy-decision-function
flows interface ge-1/1/0
Interface: ge-1/1/0.0 service-set: IDP service-set interface: ms-2/0/0 Currently active flows: 2 High watermark flows: 2 Protocol Source address Source port Destination address Destination port Application Application group tcp 81 32813 junos:ftp [63] unknown [1023] tcp 32813 81 junos:ftp [63] unknown [1023]