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show virtual-chassis


show virtual-chassis<status>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2 for EX Series switches.


Display information about all members of the Virtual Chassis configuration.



Display information about all Virtual Chassis members.


Same output as for show virtual-chassis.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show virtual-chassis (EX4200 Virtual Chassis)
show virtual-chassis (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show virtual-chassis command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show virtual-chassis Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Virtual Chassis ID

Assigned ID that applies to the entire Virtual Chassis configuration.

Virtual Chassis Mode

Mode of the Virtual Chassis: Enabled, Disabled, or Mixed.

Member ID

Assigned member ID and FPC:

  • On EX2200 Virtual Chassis and EX3300, EX4200, and EX4500 Virtual Chassis, member IDs are numbered 0 through 9. The FPC number refers to the member ID assigned to the switch.
  • On EX8200 Virtual Chassis, member IDs are numbered 0 through 9. The FPC number indicates the slot number of the line card within the Virtual Chassis. The FPC number on member 0 is always 0 through 15. The FPC number on member 1 is always 16 through 31. The FPC number on member 2 is always 32 through 47; and so on for the members.


For a nonprovisioned configuration:

  • Prsnt for a member that is currently connected to the Virtual Chassis configuration
  • NotPrsnt for a member ID that has been assigned but is not currently connected

For a preprovisioned configuration:

  • Prsnt for a member that is specified in the preprovisioned configuration file and is currently connected to the Virtual Chassis configuration
  • Unprvsnd for a member that is interconnected with the Virtual Chassis configuration but is not specified in the preprovisioned configuration file

Serial No

Serial number of the member switch or external Routing Engine.


Model number of the member switch.

Mastership Priority

Mastership priority value of the member switch.


Role of the member switch: Master, Backup, or Linecard.

Mixed Mode

(EX4200, EX4500, and EX4550 switches) Mixed mode configuration status:

  • Y for a member switch configured in mixed mode.
  • N for a member switch not configured in mixed mode.
  • NA for a member switch that cannot be configured in mixed mode.


Location of the member device.

If this field is empty, the location field was not set for the device.

Neighbor List

Member ID of the neighbor member to which this member’s Virtual Chassis port (VCP) is connected.

Sample Output

show virtual-chassis (EX4200 Virtual Chassis)

user@switch> show virtual-chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 0019.e250.47a0
Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled
                                          Mastership        Mixed  Neighbor List
Member ID  Status  Serial No    Model      priority   Role    Mode   ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0)  Prsnt   AK0207360276 ex4200-24t     249   Master*    N   8   vcp-0    
                                                                    1   vcp-1    
1 (FPC 1)  Prsnt   AK0207360281 ex4200-24t     248   Backup     N   0   vcp-0    
                                                                    2   vcp-1    
2 (FPC 2)  Prsnt   AJ0207391130 ex4200-48p     247   Linecard   N   1   vcp-0    
                                                                    3   vcp-1    
3 (FPC 3)  Prsnt   AK0207360280 ex4200-24t     246   Linecard   N   2   vcp-0    
                                                                    4   vcp-1    
4 (FPC 4)  Prsnt   AJ0207391113 ex4200-48p     245   Linecard   N   3   vcp-0    
                                                                    5   vcp-1    
5 (FPC 5)  Prsnt   BP0207452204 ex4200-48t     244   Linecard   N   4   vcp-0    
                                                                    6   vcp-1    
6 (FPC 6)  Prsnt   BP0207452222 ex4200-48t     243   Linecard   N   5   vcp-0    
                                                                    7   vcp-1    
7 (FPC 7)  Prsnt   BR0207432028 ex4200-24f     242   Linecard   N   6   vcp-0    
                                                                    8   vcp-1    
8 (FPC 8)  Prsnt   BR0207431996 ex4200-24f     241   Linecard   N   7   vcp-0    
                                                                    0   vcp-1    
Member ID for next new member: 9 (FPC 9)

show virtual-chassis (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

user@external-routing-engine> show virtual-chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: c806.0842.de51
Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled
                                             Mastership            Neighbor List
Member ID       Status  Serial No    Model    priority  Role       ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0-15)    Prsnt   BA0908380001 ex8216          0  Linecard   8  vcp-0/0
                                                                   8  vcp-0/1
                                                                   1  vcp-4/0/4
1 (FPC 16-31)   Prsnt   BT0909411634 ex8208          0  Linecard   8  vcp-0/0
                                                                   0  vcp-3/0/4
8 (FPC 128-143) Prsnt   062009000021 ex-xre        128  Master     9  vcp-1/0
                                                                   1  vcp-1/2
                                                                   9  vcp-1/3
                                                                   0  vcp-2/0
                                                                   9  vcp-2/1
                                                                   0  vcp-1/1
9 (FPC 144-159) Prsnt   062009000022 ex-xre        128  Backup*    8  vcp-1/0
                                                                   8  vcp-1/2
                                                                   8  vcp-1/3
                                                                   8  vcp-1/3

Published: 2012-12-07