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community (Protocols Layer 2 Circuit)


community community-name {invert-match;members community-members;}

Hierarchy Level

[edit logical-systems logical-system-name policy-options], [edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols l2circuit local-switching interface interface-name backup-neighbor address],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols l2circuit neighbor address interface interface-name],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols l2circuit neighbor address interface interface-name backup-neighbor address],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls neighbor address backup-neighbor address],[edit policy-options],[edit protocols l2circuit local-switching interface interface-name backup-neighbor address],[edit protocols l2circuit neighbor address interface interface-name],[edit protocols l2circuit neighbor address interface interface-name backup-neighbor address],[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls neighbor address backup-neighbor address]

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Hierarchy levels associated with the backup-neighbor statement (pseudowire redundancy) added in Junos OS Release 9.2.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 at the [edit protocols l2circuit local-switching interface interface-name backup-neighbor address] hierarchy level.


Specify the community for the Layer 2 circuit.


community-name—Name of the Layer 2 circuit community.

invert-match—Invert the results of the community expression match.

members community-members—Specify the members of the community.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2012-11-29