Supported Platforms
unit (Dynamic Profiles Standard Interface)
unit logical-unit-number { auto-configure {agent-circuit-identifier {dynamic-profile profile-name;}}dial-options {ipsec-interface-id name;l2tp-interface-id name;(shared | dedicated);}encapsulation (atm-ccc-cell-relay | atm-ccc-vc-mux | atm-cisco-nlpid | atm-tcc-vc-mux | atm-mlppp-llc | atm-nlpid | atm-ppp-llc | atm-ppp-vc-mux | atm-snap | atm-tcc-snap | atm-vc-mux | ether-over-atm-llc | ether-vpls-over-atm-llc | ether-vpls-over-fr | ether-vpls-over-ppp | ethernet | frame-relay-ccc | frame-relay-ppp | frame-relay-tcc | frame-relay-ether-type | frame-relay-ether-type-tcc | multilink-frame-relay-end-to-end | multilink-ppp | ppp-over-ether | ppp-over-ether-over-atm-llc | vlan-bridge | vlan-ccc | vlan-vci-ccc | vlan-tcc | vlan-vpls);family family {access-concentrator name;address address;duplicate-protection;dynamic-profile profile-name;filter {adf {counter;input-precedence precedence;not-mandatory;output-precedence precedence;rule rule-value;}input filter-name (precedence precedence;}output filter-name {precedence precedence;}}max-sessions number;max-sessions-vsa-ignore;rpf-check {fail-filter filter-name;mode loose;}service { input { service-set service-set-name {service-filter filter-name;}post-service-filter filter-name;}input-vlan-map {inner-tag-protocol-id tpid;inner-vlan-id number;(push | swap);tag-protocol-id tpid;vlan-id number;}output { service-set service-set-name {service-filter filter-name;}}output-vlan-map {inner-tag-protocol-id tpid;inner-vlan-id number;(pop | swap);tag-protocol-id tpid;vlan-id number;}}service-name-table table-nameshort-cycle-protection <lockout-time-min minimum-seconds lockout-time-max maximum-seconds>;unnumbered-address interface-name <preferred-source-address address>;filter {input filter-name;output filter-name;}keepalives {interval seconds;}ppp-options {chap;pap;}vlan-id number;vlan-tags outer [tpid].vlan-id [inner [tpid].vlan-id];}}
Hierarchy Level
[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name]
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.
Configure a logical interface on the physical device. You must configure a logical interface to be able to use the physical device.
logical-unit-number—The specific unit number of the interface you want to assign to the dynamic profile, or one of the following Junos OS predefined variables:
- $junos-underlying-interface-unit—For static VLANs, the unit number variable. The static unit number variable is dynamically replaced with the client unit number when the client session begins. The client unit number is specified by the DHCP when it accesses the subscriber network.
- $junos-interface-unit—The unit number variable on a dynamic underlying VLAN interface for which you want to enable the creation of dynamic VLAN subscriber interfaces based on agent circuit identifier information.
The remaining statements are explained separately.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.