Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- MX Series
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and JSRC Overview
- Understanding JSRC-SAE Interactions
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and PTSP Overview
- Understanding PTSP-SAE Interactions
- Gx-Plus for Provisioning Subscribers Overview
- Understanding Gx-Plus Interactions Between the Router and the PCRF
Messages Used by Diameter Applications
The following Diameter applications are supported by Junos OS:
- JSRC—A Juniper Networks Diameter application registered with the IANA ( as Juniper Policy-Control-JSRC, with an ID of 16777244. Communicates with the SAE (remote SRC peer).
- PTSP—A Juniper Networks Diameter application registered with the IANA ( as Juniper JGx, with an ID of 16777273. Communicates with the SAE (remote SRC peer).
- Gx-Plus—An application that extends the 3GPP Gx
interface for wireline use cases. 3GPP Gx is registered with the IANA
( Communicates with a PCRF.
If data for a particular AVP included in a message is not available to the router, Gx-Plus simply omits the AVP from the message it sends to the PCRF. If the PCRF determines it has insufficient information to make a decision, it may deny the request. The Diameter answer messages include the Result-Code AVP (AVP 268); the values of this AVP convey success, failure, or errors to the requestor.
Juniper Networks has also registered the Juniper-Session-Recovery application (16777296) and two new command codes (8388628 for Juniper-Session-Events and 8388629 for Juniper-Session-Discovery) with the IANA (
Table 1 describes Diameter messages the applications use.
Table 1: Diameter Messages and Diameter Applications
Diameter Message | Code | Application | Description |
AA-Request (AAR) | 265 | JSRC, PTSP | Request from the application to the SAE at new subscriber login or during SAE-application synchronization. The request can be one of three types: address-authorization, provisioning-request, or synchronization. |
AA-Answer (AAA) | 265 | JSRC, PTSP | Response from the SAE to the application’s AA-Request message. |
Abort-Session-Request (ASR) | 274 | JSRC, PTSP | Request from the SAE to the application to log out a provisioned subscriber. |
Abort-Session-Answer (ASA) | 274 | JSRC, PTSP | Response from the application to the SAE’s ASR message. If the application sends the logout request to AAA, the ASA message includes a success notification (ACK). If the logout failed, the ASA message includes a failure notification (NAK). |
Accounting-Request (ACR) | 271 | JSRC, PTSP | Request from the SAE to the application or from the application to the SAE for statistics. |
Accounting-Answer (ACA) | 271 | JSRC, PTSP | Response to the ACR message to provide statistics for each installed policy (service). |
Credit-Control-Request (CCR) | 272 | Gx-Plus | Request from Gx-Plus to the PCRF at subscriber login, logout, or update. An initial request (CCR-I) is sent when a subscriber logs in and AAA is requested to activate the subscriber’s session. Gx-Plus retries the CCR-I message if a CCA-I message is not received from the PCRF within 10 seconds. The CCR-I message is retried up to 3 times. If no CCA-I is received after the 4 CCR-I messages have been sent—the first message plus 3 retries—then Gx-Plus starts sending CCR-N messages. CCR-N messages are retried forever until a success or failure response is received from the PCRF. CCR-N messages include the Juniper-Provisioning-Source AVP (AVP code 2101) set to local to notify the PCRF that the router has the authority to make a local decision regarding subscriber service activation. An update request (CCR-U) message is sent when a usage threshold is reached. The CCR-U reports the actual usage for all statistics. The PCRF may return a CCA-U message that includes new monitoring thresholds, service activations, service deactivations. A CCR-U is also sent to report the status of service activation or deactivation. A termination request (CCR-T) is sent at subscriber logout to inform the PCRF that a provisioned subscriber session is being terminated. CCR-T messages are retried forever until a success response is received from the PCRF. |
Credit-Control-Answer (CCA) | 272 | Gx-Plus | Reply from the PCRF to a CCR message. In response to a CCR-I, the PCRF returns a CCA-I message that indicates success (DIAMETER_SUCCESS) or failure (DIAMETER AUTHORIZATION REJECTED) depending on whether the subscriber has sufficient credit for the requested services. All other responses are ignored and the CCR-I is retried. In response to a CCR-T, the PCRF returns a CCA-T message that indicates a successful termination with a value of 2001 (DIAMETER SUCCESS) in the Result-Code AVP. All other responses are ignored and the CCR-T is retried. A CCA-N is a response to a CCR-N. |
Juniper-Session-Discovery-Request (JSDR) | 8388629 | Gx-Plus | Discovery request from the PCRF to Gx-Plus to discover subscriber sessions on the router. |
Juniper-Session-Discovery-Answer (JSDA) | 8388629 | Gx-Plus | Reply from router to a JSDR message; describes session information. The Result-Code AVP includes one of the following values, or an error value:
Juniper-Session-Event-Request (JSER) | 8388628 | Gx-Plus | Request from router to PCRF regarding events that take place on the router. Notifies the PCRF of certain events on the router by including the Juniper-Event-Type AVP (AVP code 2103). Events reported include cold or warm boots, explicit discovery requests, substantial configuration changes, non-response or error response from PCRF, and exhaustion of fault-tolerant resources. |
Juniper-Session-Event-Answer (JSEA) | 8388628 | Gx-Plus | Reply from PCRF to a JSER message. |
Push-Profile-Request (PPR) | 288 | JSRC, PTSP | Request from the SAE to the router to activate or deactivate services for a subscriber. |
Push-Profile-Answer (PPA) | 288 | JSRC, PTSP | Response from the router to the SAE’s PPR message. Includes success or failure notification for each of the service activation or deactivation commands in the request. |
Session-Resource-Query (SRQ) | 277 | JSRC, PTSP | Request from the router to the SAE or from the SAE to the router to initiate synchronization between router and the SAE. |
Session-Resource-Reply (SRR) | 277 | JSRC, PTSP | Response to the SRQ message to begin synchronization. |
Session-Termination-Request (STR) | 275 | JSRC, PTSP | Notification from the router to the SAE that a provisioned subscriber has logged out. |
Session-Termination-Answer (STA) | 275 | JSRC, PTSP | Response from the SAE to the router’s STR message. Includes success or failure notification. |
Related Documentation
- MX Series
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and JSRC Overview
- Understanding JSRC-SAE Interactions
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and PTSP Overview
- Understanding PTSP-SAE Interactions
- Gx-Plus for Provisioning Subscribers Overview
- Understanding Gx-Plus Interactions Between the Router and the PCRF
Published: 2012-12-04
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- MX Series
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and JSRC Overview
- Understanding JSRC-SAE Interactions
- Juniper Networks Session and Resource Control (SRC) and PTSP Overview
- Understanding PTSP-SAE Interactions
- Gx-Plus for Provisioning Subscribers Overview
- Understanding Gx-Plus Interactions Between the Router and the PCRF