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Interface Naming Conventions Used in the Junos OS Operational Commands

This topic explains the interface naming conventions used in the Junos OS operational commands, and contains the following sections:

Physical Part of an Interface Name

The physical interface naming conventions for Junos OS platforms is as follows:

  • On J Series and SRX devices, the unique name of each network interface has the following format to identify the physical device that corresponds to a single physical network connector:
  • On other platforms, when you display information about an interface, you specify the interface type, the slot in which the Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) is installed, the slot on the FPC in which the PIC is located, and the configured port number.

    In the physical part of the interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the FPC number, and a slash (/) separates the FPC, PIC, and port numbers:


Note: Exceptions to the type-fpc/pic/port physical description include the aggregated Ethernet and aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, which use the syntax aenumber and asnumber, respectively.

Logical Part of an Interface Name

The logical unit part of the interface name corresponds to the logical unit number, which can be a number from 0 through 16,384. In the virtual part of the name, a period (.) separates the port and logical unit numbers:

  • J Series and SRX devices:
  • Other platforms:

Channel Identifier Part of an Interface Name

The channel identifier part of the interface name is required only on channelized interfaces. For channelized interfaces, channel 0 identifies the first channelized interface. For channelized intelligent queuing (IQ) interfaces, channel 1 identifies the first channelized interface.

Note: Depending on the type of channelized interface, up to three levels of channelization can be specified. For more information, see the Junos Network Interfaces Configuration Guide.

A colon (:) separates the physical and virtual parts of the interface name:

  • J Series and SRX devices:
    type-slot/pim-or-ioc/port:channel type-slot/pim-or-ioc/port:channel:channel type-slot/pim-or-ioc/port:channel:channel:channel
  • Other platforms:

Published: 2012-11-27