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[edit policy-options] Hierarchy Level

Several statements in the [edit policy-options] hierarchy are valid at numerous locations within the hierarchy. To make the complete hierarchy easier to read, the repeated statements are listed in the following sections, which are referenced at the appropriate locations in Complete [edit policy-options] Hierarchy.

Common Policy Terms

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Common Ingress Policy Match Conditions and Complete [edit policy-options] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated.

  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name from prefix-list-filter prefix-list-name (exact | longer | orlonger)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name from route-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name from source-address-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name from prefix-list-filter prefix-list-name (exact | longer | orlonger)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name from route-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name from source-address-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length)]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name then]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name then]

The common policy terms are as follows:

(accept | reject);aigp-originate distance;as-path-expand (as-number | last-as) <count number>;as-path-prepend as-number;class class-name;color (preference | add number | subtract number);color2 (preference | add number | subtract number);community (add | delete | set | + | – | =) community-name;cos-next-hop-map map-name;damping list-name;default-action (accept | reject);destination-class class-name;
external {type (1 | 2);}
forwarding-class class-name;install-nexthop <strict> (lsp [ lsp-names ] | lsp-regex [ regular-expressions ] | static-lsp [ lsp-names ] | static-lsp-regex [ regular-expressions ]) <except (lsp [ lsp-names ] | lsp-regex [ regular-expressions | static-lsp [ lsp-names ] | static-lsp-regex [ regular-expressions ]])>;load-balance per-packet;local-preference (preference | add number | subtract number);
metric (metric-value | add number | igp <metric-offset> | minimum-igp <metric-offset> | subtract number | ... the following complex expression ...);expression {metric (multiplier number | offset number | multiplier number offset number);metric2 (multiplier number | offset number | multiplier number offset number);}
metric2 (metric-value | add number | subtract number);metric3 (metric-value | add number | subtract number);metric4 (metric-value | add number | subtract number);next (policy | term);next-hop (ip-address | discard | next-table routing-table-name | peer-address | reject | self);origin (egp | igp | incomplete);preference (preference | add number | subtract number);preference2 (preference | add number | subtract number);priority (high | low | medium);source-class class-name;tag (tag-number | add number | subtract number);tag2 (tag-number | add number | subtract number);trace;

Common Policy Match Conditions

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Complete [edit policy-options] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated.

  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name from]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name from]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name to]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name to]

The common policy match conditions are as follows:

area area-id;as-path [ regular-expression-names ];as-path-group [ as-path-group-names ];color preference;color2 preference;community [ community-names ];
external {type (1 | 2);}
family family-name;instance instance-name;interface [ interface-names ];level isis-level;local-preference value;metric metric-value;metric2 metric-value;metric3 metric-value;metric4 metric-value;neighbor [ ip-addresses ];next-hop [ ip-addresses ];nlri-route-type route-type-number;origin (egp | igp | incomplete);policy [ policy-names ];preference preference;preference2 preference;protocol [ protocol-names ];rib routing-table-name;tag [ tag-numbers ];tag2 tag-number;

Common Ingress Policy Match Conditions

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Complete [edit policy-options] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated at each level.

  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name from]
  • [edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name term term-name from]

The common ingress policy match conditions are as follows:

aggregate-contributor;condition [ conditions ];multicast-scope (scope-value | global | link-local | node-local | organization-local | site-local) <orhigher | orlower>;next-hop-type merged;prefix-list prefix-list-name;
prefix-list-filter prefix-list-name (exact | longer | orlonger) {... statements in Common Policy Terms ...;}
route-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length) {... statements in Common Policy Terms ...;}
route-type (external | internal);rtf-prefix-list name route-targets
source-address-filter ip-prefix</prefix-length> (exact | longer | orlonger | through ip-prefix</prefix-length> | upto /prefix-length) {... statements in Common Policy Terms ...;}
state (active | inactive);

Complete [edit policy-options] Hierarchy

The statement hierarchy in this section can also be included at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name] hierarchy level.

policy-options {as-path name regular-expression;as-path-group group-name {as-path name regular-expression;}community name {invert-match;members [ community-ids ];}condition condition-name {if-route-exists address table table-name;route-active-on (node0 | node1);}damping name {disable;half-life minutes;max-suppress minutes;reuse number;suppress number;}policy-statement policy-name {from {... statements in Common Policy Match Conditions AND    statements in Common Ingress Policy Match Conditions ...}term term-name {from {... statements in Common Policy Match Conditions AND    statements in Common Ingress Policy Match Conditions ...}to {... statements in Common Policy Match Conditions ...}then {... statements in Common Policy Terms ...}}to {... statements in Common Policy Match Conditions ...}then {... statements in Common Policy Terms ...}}prefix-list list-name {ip-prefix</prefix-length>;apply-path path;}}

Published: 2013-04-05