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Layer 2 Routing Instances Configuration Hierarchy

Use the vpls routing instance type for point-to-multipoint LAN implementations between a set of sites in a VPN.

To configure routing instances for Layer 2 networks, include the following statements:

routing-instances {routing-instance-name {access {address-assignment {... same statements as in the address-assignment subhierarchy in [edit access] Hierarchy Level ...}address-protection;description text;egress-protection {context-identifier context-id;}forwarding-options {...forwarding-options...}instance-role role;instance-type type;interface interface-name;l2-domain-id-for-l3 id;l2vpn-id community;layer3-domain-identifier identifier;multicast-snooping-options {... same statements as in [edit multicast-snooping-options] Hierarchy Level EXCEPT FOR ...traceoptions {...}    # NOT valid at this level}no-irb-layer-2-copy;no-local-switching;no-vrf-advertise;no-vrf-propagate-ttl;pbb-options {default-bvlan bvlan;peer-instance instance;vlan-id vlan-id isid-list [ isid-numbers ]}protocols {... the protocols subhierarchy appears after the main [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name] hierarchy ...}provider-tunnel {... the provider-tunnel subhierarchy appears after the main [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name] hierarchy ...}route-distinguisher (as-number:number | ip-address:number);routing-interface interface;routing-options {... the routing-options subhierarchy appears after the main [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name] hierarchy ...}service-groups {service-group-name {pbb-service-options {default-isid isid-number;isid isid-number vlan-id-list [ vlan-ids ];mac-address mac-address;}service-type type;}}services {mobile-ip {... same statements as in [edit services mobile-ip] Hierarchy Level ...}}switch-options {... same statements as in [edit switch-options] Hierarchy Level ...}vlan-id (id | all | none);vlan-model one-to-one;vlan-tags outer <tpid.>vlan-id inner <tpid.>vlan-id;[edit vlans] Hierarchy Level {... same statements as in [edit vlans] Hierarchy Level ...}vrf-advertise-selective {family {inet-mvpn;inet6-mvpn;}}vrf-export [ policy-names ];vrf-import [ policy-names ];vrf-propagate-ttl;vrf-table-label;vrf-target {export community-name;import community-name;}protocols {... protocols-configuration ...}routing-options {... routing-options-configuration ...}bridge-domains {bridge-domain-name {domain-type bridge;interface interface-name;routing-interface routing-interface-name;vlan-id (Bridge Domain or VLAN) (none | all | number);vlan-tags outer number inner number;bridge-options {interface-mac-limit limit {packet-action drop;}interface interface-name {interface-mac-limit limit {packet-action drop;}}mac-statistics;mac-table-size limit {packet-action drop;}no-mac-learning;static-mac mac-address;}}}}}

With the exception of the instance-type virtual-switch statement (which configures a virtual-switch routing instance), you can include the statements at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name]

The instance-type virtual-switch statement is not supported at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name] hierarchy level.

Published: 2013-04-05