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    Configuring a Clear Channel on a Channelized IQ Interface

    A clear channel consolidates the entire bandwidth of a channelized interface into a single unpartitioned stream that looks like a standard interface. For example, a channelized OC12 IQ interface configured as a clear channel appears to have an OC12 SONET interface. To configure a clear channel on a channelized IQ interface, include the no-partition statement at the [edit interfaces cxx-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level. Include the interface-type option to set the channelized interface type. Once the interface is established, you can configure it the same way as a regular interface.

    [edit]interfaces {coc12-1/1/0 {no-partition interface-type so; # This creates a SONET OC12 interface:}so-1/1/0 {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}}

    Published: 2012-11-28