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Configuring DHCP Services (J-Web Procedure)

Use the J-Web DHCP Configuration pages to configure DHCP pools for subnets and static bindings for DHCP clients on an ACX Series Converged Access Gateway router or EX Series switch. If DHCP pools or static bindings are already configured, use the Configure Global DHCP Parameters Configuration page to add settings for these pools and static bindings. Settings that have been previously configured for DHCP pools or static bindings are not overridden when you use the Configure Global DHCP Parameters Configuration page.

To configure the DHCP server:

  1. Select Configure > Services > DHCP.
  2. Access a DHCP Configuration page:
    • To configure a DHCP pool for a subnet, click Add in the DHCP Pools box.
    • To configure a static binding for a DHCP client, click Add in the DHCP Static Binding box.
    • To globally configure settings for existing DHCP pools and static bindings, click Configure Global DHCP Parameters.
  3. Enter information into the DHCP Configuration pages as described in Table 1.
  4. To apply the configuration, click Apply.

    Note: After you make changes to the configuration in this page, you must commit the changes for them to take effect. To commit all changes to the active configuration, select Commit Options > Commit. See Using the Commit Options to Commit Configuration Changes for details about all commit options.

Table 1: DHCP Server Configuration Pages Summary



Your Action

DHCP Pool Information

DHCP Subnet (required)

Specifies the subnet on which DHCP is configured.

Type an IP address prefix.

Address Range (Low) (required)

Specifies the lowest address in the IP address pool range.

Type an IP address that is part of the subnet specified in DHCP Subnet.

Address Range (High) (required)

Specifies the highest address in the IP address pool range.

Type an IP address that is part of the subnet specified in DHCP Subnet. This address must be greater than the address specified in Address Range (Low).

Exclude Addresses

Specifies addresses to exclude from the IP address pool.

  • To add an excluded address, type the address next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To delete an excluded address, select the address in the Exclude Addresses box, and click Delete.
Lease Time

Maximum Lease Time (Seconds)

Specifies the maximum length of time a client can hold a lease. (Dynamic BOOTP lease lengths can exceed this maximum time.)

Type a number from 60 through 4,294,967,295 (seconds). You can also type infinite to specify a lease that never expires.

Default Lease Time (Seconds)

Specifies the length of time a client can hold a lease for clients that do not request a specific lease length.

Type a number from 60 through 2,147,483,647 (seconds). You can also type infinite to specify a lease that never expires.

Server Information

Server Identifier

Specifies the IP address of the DHCP server reported to a client.

Type the IP address of the server. If you do not specify a server identifier, the primary address of the interface on which the DHCP exchange occurs is used.

Domain Name

Specifies the domain name that clients must use to resolve hostnames.

Type the name of the domain.

Domain Search

Specifies the order—from top to bottom—in which clients must append domain names when resolving hostnames using DNS.

  • To add a domain name, type the name next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To delete a domain name, select the name in the Domain Search box, and click Delete.

DNS Name Servers

Defines a list of DNS servers the client can use, in the specified order—from top to bottom.

  • To add a DNS server, type an IP address next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To remove a DNS server, select the IP address in the DNS Name Servers box, and click Delete.

Gateway Routers

Defines a list of relay agents on the subnet, in the specified order—from top to bottom.

  • To add a relay agent, type an IP address next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To remove a relay agent, select the IP address in the Gateway Routers box, and click Delete.

WINS Servers

Defines a list of NetBIOS name servers, in the specified order—from top to bottom.

  • To add a NetBIOS name server, type an IP address next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To remove a NetBIOS name server, select the IP address in the WINS Servers box, and click Delete.
Boot Options

Boot File

Specifies the path and filename of the initial boot file to be used by the client.

Type a path and filename.

Boot Server

Specifies the TFTP server that provides the initial boot file to the client.

Type the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server.

DHCP Static Binding Information

DHCP MAC Address (required)

Specifies the MAC address of the client to be permanently assigned a static IP address.

Type the hexadecimal MAC address of the client.

Fixed IP Addresses (required)

Defines a list of IP addresses permanently assigned to the client. A static binding must have at least one fixed address assigned to it, but multiple addresses are also allowed.

  • To add an IP address, type it next to the Add button, and click Add.
  • To remove an IP address, select it in the Fixed IP Addresses box, and click Delete.

Host Name

Specifies the name of the client used in DHCP messages exchanged between the server and the client. The name must be unique to the client within the subnet on which the client resides.

Type a client hostname.

Client Identifier

Specifies the name of the client used by the DHCP server to index its database of address bindings. The name must be unique to the client within the subnet on which the client resides.

Type a client identifier in string form.

Hexadecimal Client Identifier

Specifies the name of the client, in hexadecimal form, used by the DHCP server to index its database of address bindings. The name must be unique to the client within the subnet on which the client resides.

Type a client identifier in hexadecimal form.

Published: 2012-12-07

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-12-07