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Overriding the Default DHCP Relay Configuration Settings

You can override the default DHCP and DHCPv6 relay agent configuration settings at the global level, for a named group of interfaces, or for a specific interface within a named group.

  • To override global default DHCP relay agent configuration options, include the overrides statement and its subordinate statements at the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay] hierarchy level.
  • To override DHCP relay configuration options for a named group of interfaces, include the statements at the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay group group-name] hierarchy level.
  • To override DHCP relay configuration options for a specific interface within a named group of interfaces, include the statements at the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay group group-name interface] hierarchy level.
  • To configure overrides for DHCPv6 relay, use the supported statements at the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6] hierarchy level.

To override default DHCP relay agent configuration settings:

  1. Specify that you want to configure override options.

    Global override:

    [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay]user@host# edit overrides

    Group-level override:

    [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay]user@host# edit group boston overrides

    Per-interface override:

    [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay]user@host# edit group boston interface fe-1/0/1.2 overrides
  2. (DHCPv4 only) Enable DHCP relay proxy mode.

    See Enabling DHCP Relay Proxy Mode.

  3. (DHCPv4 only) Overwrite the giaddr in DHCP packets that the DHCP relay agent forwards.

    See Overwriting giaddr Information.

  4. (DHCPv4 only) Replace the IP source address in DHCP relay request and release packets with the gateway IP address (giaddr).

    See Replacing the DHCP Relay Request and Release Packet Source Address.

  5. (DHCPv4 only) Override the DHCP relay agent information option (option 82) in DHCP packets.

    See Overriding Option 82 Information.

  6. (DHCPv4 only) Override the setting of the broadcast bit in DHCP request packets and use the Layer 2 unicast transmission method.

    See Using Layer 2 Unicast Transmission for DHCP Packets.

  7. (DHCPv4 only) Trust DHCP client packets that have a giaddr of 0 and that contain option 82 information.

    See Trusting Option 82 Information.

  8. (DHCPv4 only) Override the ARP table population in distrusted environments.

    See Disabling ARP Table Population.

  9. (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Override the maximum number of DHCP clients allowed per interface.

    See Specifying the Maximum Number of DHCP Clients Per Interface.

  10. (DHCPv4 only) Configure client auto logout.

    See DHCP Auto Logout Overview.

  11. (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Enable or disable support for DHCP snooped clients on interfaces.

    See Enabling and Disabling DHCP Snooped Packets Support for DHCP Relay Agent.

  12. (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Send release messages to the DHCP server when clients are deleted.

    See Sending Release Messages When Clients Are Deleted.

  13. (DHCPv4 only) Disable the DHCP relay agent on specific interfaces.

    See Disabling DHCP Relay.

  14. (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6) Disable automatic binding of stray DHCP requests.

    See Disabling Automatic Binding of Stray DHCP Requests.

Published: 2013-04-01