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Sending Release Messages When Clients Are Deleted

By default, when DHCP relay and relay proxy delete a client, they do not send a release message to the DHCP server. You can override the default behavior and configure DHCP relay and relay proxy to send a release message whenever they delete a client. The release message sent by DHCP relay and relay proxy includes option 82 information.

Note: In Junos OS Release 10.1 and earlier, DHCP relay sends a release message to the DHCP server when the client-discover-match statement is included as a DHCP relay override. In Junos OS Release 10.2 and later, you must include the send-release-on-delete statement to configure DHCP relay and relay proxy to send the release message when the client-discover-match statement is included.

You can use the [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6] hierarchy level to override the default behavior for DHCPv6 relay agent.

To send a release message:

  1. Specify that you want to configure override options.
    • For DHCP relay agent:
      [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay]user@host# edit overrides
    • For DHCPv6 relay agent:
      [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6]user@host# edit overrides
  2. Specify that you want DHCP relay and relay proxy (or DHCPv6 relay agent) to send a release message when clients are deleted.
    [edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay overrides]user@host# set send-release-on-delete

Published: 2013-04-01