Configuring ATM IMA
Creating the IMA Groups (ATM Interfaces)
The following shows the configuration for IMA groups on ATM interfaces:
[edit chassis]fpc fpc-slot {pic pic-slot {aggregated-devices {ima {device-count count;}}}}
The PIC is automatically rebooted when a configuration that changes the IMA group count is committed.
IMA Link Options
ima-link-options {group-id g; # IMA group number, g is integer range}
IMA Group Options
ima-group-options {# IMA specification versionversion (1.0|1.1);# IMA group minimum active links; integer; default is 1minimum-links (1-8);# Transmit clock configuration; default is commontransmit-clock (common|independent);# IMA frame length in integer number of cells; default is 128frame-length (32|64|128|256);# IMA group symmetry mode selectionsymmetry (symmetrical-config-and-operation | symmetrical-config-asymmetrical-operation);frame-synchronization {# Number of consecutive invalid ICP cells for IFSM, integer; default 2alpha 1-2;# Number of consecutive errored ICP cells for IFSM, integer; default 2beta 1-2;# Number of consecutive valid ICP cells for IFSM, integer; default 1gamma 1-5;}# Maximum differential delay among links in msec, integer; default 25differential-delay 1-56;test-procedure {# Interface name of the IMA link to testinterface name;# IMA test pattern, integer; default is 0xAApattern 1-254;# Length of IMA pattern test in seconds, integer; default 10period 1-4294967294}}