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Configuring SAToP on Channelized OC3/STM1 (Multi-Rate) Circuit Emulation MIC with SFP

This configuration applies to the mobile backhaul application shown in Mobile Backhaul Application.

Configuring SONET/SDH Rate-Selectability

You can configure rate-selectability on the Channelized OC3/STM1 (Multi-Rate) MICs with SFP (MIC-3D-4COC3-1COC12-CE) by specifying its port speed as COC3-CSTM1 or COC12-CSTM4.

To configure the rate-selectability:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit chassis fpc slot pic slot port slot] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# edit chassis fpc slot pic slot port slot

    For example:

    [edit]user@host# edit chassis fpc 1 pic 0 port 0
  2. Set the speed as coc3-cstm1 or coc12-cstm4.
    [edit chassis fpc slot pic slot port slot]user@host# set speed (coc3-cstm1 | coc12-cstm4)

    For example:

    [edit chassis fpc 1 pic 0 port 0]user@host# set speed coc3-cstm1

    Note: When the speed is set as coc12-cstm4, instead of configuring COC3 ports down to T1 channels and CSTM1 ports down to E1 channels, you must configure COC12 ports down to T1 channels and CSTM4 channels down to E1 channels.

Configuring SONET/SDH Framing Mode at the MIC Level

To set the framing mode at the MIC (MIC-3D-4COC3-1COC12-CE) level, for all four ports on the MIC, include the framing statement at the [edit chassis fpc slot pic slot] hierarchy level.

[edit chassis fpc slot pic slot]user@host# set framing (sonet | sdh)# SONET for COC3/COC12 or SDH for CSTM1/CSTM4

After a MIC is brought online, interfaces are created for the MIC’s available ports on the basis of the MIC type and the framing option used.

  • If you include the framing sonet statement, four COC3 interfaces are created when the speed is configured as coc3-cstm1.
  • If you include the framing sdh statement, four CSTM1 interfaces are created when the speed is configured as coc3-cstm1.
  • If you include the framing sonet statement, one COC12 interface is created when the speed is configured as coc12-cstm4.
  • If you include the framing sdh statement, one CSTM4 interface is created when the speed is configured as coc12-cstm4.
  • If you do not specify framing at the MIC level, then the default framing is SONET for all the ports.

Note: If you set the framing option incorrectly for the MIC type, the commit operation fails.

Bit error rate test (BERT) patterns with all binary 1s (ones) received by T1/E1 interfaces on Circuit Emulation MICs configured for SAToP do not result in an alarm indication signal (AIS) defect. As a result, the T1/E1 interfaces remain up.

Configuring COC3/COC12 Ports Down to T1 Channels

When configuring COC3 ports down to T1 channels, on any port configured for SONET framing (numbered 0 through 3), you can configure three COC1 channels (numbered 1 through 3). On each COC1 channel, you can configure 28 T1 channels (numbered 1 through 28).

When configuring COC12 ports down to T1 channels, on a port configured for SONET framing, you can configure twelve COC1 channels (numbered 1 through 12). On each COC1 channel, you can configure 28 T1 channels (numbered 1 through 28).

To configure COC3 channelization down to COC1 and then down to T1 channels, include the partition statement at the [edit interfaces (coc1 | coc3)-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number] hierarchy level:

Note: To configure COC12 ports down to T1 channels, replace coc3 with coc12 ports in the following procedure.

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces coc3-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces coc3-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number

    For example:

    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces coc3-1/0/0
  2. Configure the sublevel interface partition index and the range of SONET/SDH slices, and set the sublevel interface type as coc1.
    [edit interfaces coc3-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# set partition partition-number oc-slice oc-slice interface-type coc1

    For example:

    [edit interfaces coc3-1/0/0]user@host# set partition 1 oc-slice 1 interface-type coc1
  3. Enter the up command to go to the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.
    [edit interfaces coc3-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# up

    For example:

    [edit interfaces coc3-1/0/0]user@host# up
  4. Configure the channelized OC1 interface and the sublevel interface partition index, and set the interface type as t1.
    [edit interfaces]user@host# set coc1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number:channel partition partition-number interface-type t1

    For example:

    [edit interfaces]user@host# set coc1-1/0/0:1 partition 1 interface-type t1

To verify this configuration, use the show command at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.

[edit interfaces]user@host# show
coc3-1/0/0 {partition 1 oc-slice 1 interface-type coc1;}
coc1-1/0/0:1 {partition 1 interface-type t1;}

After you partition the T1 channels, configure the SAToP options on them in the same way as you do on T1 interfaces. See Setting the SAToP Options.

Configuring CSTM1 Ports Down to E1 Channels

On any port configured for SDH framing (numbered 0 through 3), you can configure one CAU4 channel. On each CAU4 channel, you can configure 63 T1 channels (numbered 1 through 63).

To configure CSTM1 channelization down to CAU4 and then down to E1 channels, include statements for the various interface types at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces cstm1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# [edit interfaces cstm1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]

    For example:

    [edit]user@host# [edit interfaces cstm1-1/0/1]
  2. Configure the channelized interface as clear channel and then set the interface type as CAU4.
    [edit interfaces cstm1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# set no-partition interface-type cau4
  3. Enter up to go to the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.
    [edit interfaces cstm1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# up

    For example:

    [edit interfaces cstm1-1/0/1]user@host# up
  4. Configure the MPC slot, the MIC slot, and the port for the CAU4 interface. Set the sublevel interface partition index and set the interface type as E1.
    [edit interfaces] user@host# set cau4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number partition partition-number interface-type e1

    For example:

    [edit interfaces] user@host# set cau4-1/0/1 partition 1 interface-type e1
  5. Configure the MPC slot, the MIC slot, and the port for the E1 interface. Set SAToP as the encapsulation type and then set the logical interface for E1 interface.
    [edit interfaces]user@host# set e1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number:channel encapsulation satop unit interface-unit-number

    For example:

    [edit interfaces]user@host# set e1-1/0/:1 encapsulation satop unit 0

To verify this configuration, use the show command at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.

[edit interfaces]user@host# show
cstm1-1/0/1 {no-partition interface-type cau4;}
cau4-1/0/1 {partition 1 interface-type e1;}
e1-1/0/1:1 {encapsulation satop;unit 0;}

After you configure the E1 channels, configure SAToP options on them in the same way as you do on E1 interfaces. See Setting the SAToP Options.

Configuring CSTM4 Ports Down to E1 Channels

Note: When the port speed is configured as coc12-cstm4 at the [edit chassis fpc slot pic slot port slot] hierarchy level, you must configure CSTM4 ports down to E1 channels.

On any port configured for SDH framing (numbered 0 through 3), you can configure four CAU4 channels. On each CAU4 channel, you can configure 63 T1 channels (numbered 1 through 63).

To configure CSTM4 ports down to E1 channels, include statements for the various interface types at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces cstm4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces cstm4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number

    For example:

    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces cstm4-1/0/1
  2. Configure the sublevel interface partition index and the range of SONET/SDH slices, and set the sublevel interface type as cau4.
    [edit interfaces cstm4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# set partition partition-number oc-slice oc-slice interface-type cau4

    For example:

    [edit interfaces cstm4-1/0/1]user@host# set partition 1 oc-slice 1 interface-type cau4
  3. Enter up to go to the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.
    [edit interfaces cstm4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number]user@host# up

    For example:

    [edit interfaces cstm4-1/0/1]user@host# up
  4. Configure the MPC slot, the MIC slot, and the port for the CAU4 interface. Set the sublevel interface partition index and set E1 as the interface type.
    [edit interfaces] user@host# set cau4-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number:channel partition partition-number interface-type e1

    For example:

    [edit interfaces] user@host# set cau4-1/0/1:1 partition 1 interface-type e1
  5. Configure the MPC slot, the MIC slot, and the port for the E1 interface. Set SAToP as the encapsulation type and then set the logical interface for the E1 interface.
    [edit interfaces]user@host# set e1-mpc-slot/mic-slot/port-number:channel encapsulation satop unit interface-unit-number

    For example:

    [edit interfaces]user@host# set e1-1/0/1:1:1 encapsulation satop unit 0

To verify this configuration, use the show command at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.

[edit interfaces]user@host# show
cstm4-1/0/1 {partition 1 oc-slice 1 interface-type cau4;}
cau4-1/0/1:1 {partition 1 interface-type e1;}
e1-1/0/1:1:1 {encapsulation satop;unit 0;}

After you configure the E1 channels, configure the SAToP options on them in the same way as you do on E1 interfaces. See Setting the SAToP Options.

Published: 2013-01-15