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Displaying Detailed IS-IS Protocol Information


To trace IS-IS messages in detail, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the flag to display detailed IS-IS protocol messages.
    [edit protocols isis traceoptions] user@host# set flag hello detail
  2. Verify the configuration.
    user@host# show

    For example:

    [edit protocols isis traceoptions]user@host# show file isislog size 10k files 10;flag hello detail;
  3. Commit the configuration.
    user@host# commit
  4. View the contents of the file containing the detailed messages.
    user@host# run show log filename

    For example:

    user@host# run show log isislog
    Nov 29 23:17:50 trace_on: Tracing to "/var/log/isislog" started
    Nov 29 23:17:50 Sending PTP IIH on so-1/1/1.0
    Nov 29 23:17:53 Sending PTP IIH on so-1/1/0.0
    Nov 29 23:17:54 Received PTP IIH, source id abc-core-01 on so-1/1/0.0
    Nov 29 23:17:54     from interface index 11
    Nov 29 23:17:54     max area 0, circuit type l2, packet length 4469
    Nov 29 23:17:54     hold time 30, circuit id 6
    Nov 29 23:17:54     neighbor state up
    Nov 29 23:17:54     speaks IP
    Nov 29 23:17:54     area address 99.0008 (1)
    Nov 29 23:17:54     IP address
    Nov 29 23:17:54     4396 bytes of total padding
    Nov 29 23:17:54     updating neighbor abc-core-01
    Nov 29 23:17:55 Received PTP IIH, source id abc-core-02 on so-1/1/1.0
    Nov 29 23:17:55     from interface index 12
    Nov 29 23:17:55     max area 0, circuit type l2, packet length 4469
    Nov 29 23:17:55     hold time 30, circuit id 6
    Nov 29 23:17:55     neighbor state up
    Nov 29 23:17:55     speaks IP
    Nov 29 23:17:55     area address 99.0000 (1)
    Nov 29 23:17:55     IP address
    Nov 29 23:17:55     4396 bytes of total padding
    Nov 29 23:17:55     updating neighbor abc-core-02


Table 1 lists tracing flags that can be configured specific to IS-IS and presents example output for some of the flags.

Table 1: IS-IS Protocol Tracing Flags

Tracing Flags


Example Output


Complete sequence number PDU (CSNP)

Nov 28 20:02:48 Sending L2 CSN on interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:02:48 Sending L2 CSN on interface so-1/1/1.0

With the detail option.

Nov 28 20:06:08 Sending L2 CSN on interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:06:08 LSP abc-core-01.00-00 lifetime 1146Nov 28 20:06:08 sequence 0x1c4f8 checksum 0xa1e9Nov 28 20:06:08 LSP abc-core-02.00-00 lifetime 411Nov 28 20:06:08 sequence 0x7435 checksum 0x5424Nov 28 20:06:08 LSP abc-brdr-01.00-00 lifetime 465Nov 28 20:06:08 sequence 0xf73 checksum 0xab10Nov 28 20:06:08 LSP abc-edge-01.00-00 lifetime 1089Nov 28 20:06:08 sequence 0x1616 checksum 0xdb29Nov 28 20:06:08 LSP abc-edge-02.00-00 lifetime 1103Nov 28 20:06:08 sequence 0x45cc checksum 0x6883


Hello packet

Nov 28 20:13:50 Sending PTP IIH on so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:13:50 Received PTP IIH, source id abc-core-01 on so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:13:53 Received PTP IIH, source id abc-core-02 on so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:13:57 Sending PTP IIH on so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:13:58 Received PTP IIH, source id abc-core-01 on so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:13:59 Sending PTP IIH on so-1/1/1.0


Link-state PDUs (LSPs)

Nov 28 20:15:46 Received L2 LSP abc-edge-01.00-00, interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:15:46 from abc-core-01Nov 28 20:15:46 sequence 0x1617, checksum 0xd92a, lifetime 1197Nov 28 20:15:46 Updating L2 LSP abc-edge-01.00-00 in TEDNov 28 20:15:47 Received L2 LSP abc-edge-01.00-00, interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:15:47 from abc-core-02Nov 28 20:15:47 sequence 0x1617, checksum 0xd92a, lifetime 1197


Link-state PDU generation packets

Nov 28 20:21:24 Regenerating L1 LSP abc-edge-03.00-00, old sequence 0x682Nov 28 20:21:27 Rebuilding L1, fragment abc-edge-03.00-00Nov 28 20:21:27 Rebuilt L1 fragment abc-edge-03.00-00, size 59Nov 28 20:31:52 Regenerating L2 LSP abc-edge-03.00-00, old sequence 0x689Nov 28 20:31:54 Rebuilding L2, fragment abc-edge-03.00-00Nov 28 20:31:54 Rebuilt L2 fragment abc-edge-03.00-00, size 256Nov 28 20:34:05 Regenerating L1 LSP abc-edge-03.00-00, old sequence 0x683Nov 28 20:34:08 Rebuilding L1, fragment abc-edge-03.00-00Nov 28 20:34:08 Rebuilt L1 fragment abc-edge-03.00-00, size 59


All IS-IS protocol packets

Not available.


Partial sequence number PDU (PSNP) packets

Nov 28 20:40:39 Received L2 PSN, source abc-core-01, interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:40:39 Received L2 PSN, source abc-core-02, interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:41:36 Sending L2 PSN on interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:41:36 Sending L2 PSN on interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:42:35 Received L2 PSN, source abc-core-02, interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:42:35 LSP abc-edge-03.00-00 lifetime 1196Nov 28 20:42:35 sequence 0x68c checksum 0x746dNov 28 20:42:35 Received L2 PSN, source abc-core-01, interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:42:35 LSP abc-edge-03.00-00 lifetime 1196Nov 28 20:42:35 sequence 0x68c checksum 0x746dNov 28 20:42:49 Sending L2 PSN on interface so-1/1/1.0Nov 28 20:42:49 LSP abc-core-01.00-00 lifetime 1197Nov 28 20:42:49 sequence 0x1c4fb checksum 0x9becNov 28 20:42:49 Sending L2 PSN on interface so-1/1/0.0Nov 28 20:42:49 LSP abc-core-01.00-00 lifetime 1197Nov 28 20:42:49 sequence 0x1c4fb checksum 0x9bec


Shortest-path-first (SPF) calculations

Nov 28 20:44:01 Scheduling SPF for L1: ReconfigNov 28 20:44:01 Scheduling multicast SPF for L1: ReconfigNov 28 20:44:01 Scheduling SPF for L2: ReconfigNov 28 20:44:01 Scheduling multicast SPF for L2: ReconfigNov 28 20:44:02 Running L1 SPFNov 28 20:44:02 L1 SPF initialization complete: 0.000099s cumulative timeNov 28 20:44:02 L1 SPF primary processing complete: 0.000303s cumulative timeNov 28 20:44:02 L1 SPF result postprocessing complete: 0.000497s cumulative timeNov 28 20:44:02 L1 SPF RIB postprocessing complete: 0.000626s cumulative timeNov 28 20:44:02 L1 SPF routing table postprocessing complete: 0.000736s cumulative time

Published: 2013-01-22