Supported Platforms
Configuring a Statistics Profile for PTSP
The local policy decision function (L-PDF) enables you to configure properties for statistics output by creating a statistics profile. The statistics profile configures the files to which statistics records are exported and the format that is exported. You configure the statistics profile so that the statistics records are exported to a flat file. Flat files contain statistics that are collected for each subscriber by application or application group. The statistics in a flat file are not transmitted to the external policy manager using Diameter.
To configure a statistics profile for PTSP:
- Specify that you want to configure a statistics profile.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function]user@host# edit statistics
- Configure the file properties used for the trace output.
- Configure the profile properties.
- Specify the record type.
Tasks to configure a statistics profile for PTSP are:
Configuring the File Properties for Statistics Data Output
You configure a file to which the statistics data output is exported in a specified format.
To configure the file properties:
- Specify the unique filename for receiving statistics data
output.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics]user@host# edit file ptsp
- (Optional) Specify the maximum number of files that are
maintained at one time and the maximum size of each file. If you configure
one of these options, you also must set the other option. [edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics file ptsp]user@host# set files 10 size 1g
- Specify the interval for transferring files to archive
sites.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics file ptsp]user@host# set transfer-interval 60
- Specify one or more URLs for archiving the files. Archiving
can be done by using FTP or SCP.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics file ptsp]user@host# set archive-sites "ftp://anonymous@"
Configuring the Profile Properties for Statistics Data Output
You can create an AACL statistics profile, which configures the statistics to collect and write to a file in the /var/stats/aacl directory.
To configure the profile properties:
- Specify the name of the profile.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics]user@host# edit aacl-statistics-profile ptsp
- (Optional) Specify the file in the /var/stats/aacl directory in which statistics are collected. Enclose the name within
quotation marks. [edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics aacl-statistics-profile ptsp]user@host# set file "pstp"
- Set the interval for reporting statistics.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics aacl-statistics-profile ptsp]user@host# set report-interval 5
- Set the interim-active-only mode for reporting
statistics. This mode reports only statistics that have changed in
the past report interval. [edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics aacl-statistics-profile ptsp]user@host# set record-mode interim-active-only
- Specify the statistics to be collected in the log file. [edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics aacl-statistics-profile ptsp]user@host# set aacl-fields all-fields
Configuring the Record Type for Statistics Data
You must configure the interim record type for recording the AACL statistics.
To configure the record type:
- Specify interim as the record type.[edit system services local-policy-decision-function statistics]user@host# set record-type interim