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Configure Routing Protocol Process Tracing


Routing protocol process (rpd) tracing tracks all general routing operations and records them in a log file.

To configure routing protocol process (rpd) tracing and monitor trace file messages, follow these steps:

  1. Configure Routing Protocol Process Tracing
  2. Configure Routing Protocol Tracing for a Specific Routing Protocol
  3. Monitor Trace File Messages Written in Near-Real Time
  4. Stop Trace File Monitoring

Configure Routing Protocol Process Tracing


To configure routing protocol process (rpd) tracing, follow these steps:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the following hierarchy level:
    [edit]user@host# edit routing-options traceoptions
  2. Configure the file, file size, number, and flags:
    [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@host# set file filename size size file number [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@host# set flag flag

    For example:

    [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@host# set file daemonlog size 10240 files 10 [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@host# set flag general
  3. Verify the configuration:
    user@host# show

    For example:

    [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@host# show file daemonlog size 10k files 10;flag general;
  4. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit

Note: Some traceoptions flags generate an extensive amount of information. Tracing can also slow down the operation of routing protocols. Delete the traceoptions configuration if you no longer require it.

  1. View the contents of the file containing the detailed messages:
    user@host# run show log filename

    For example:

    [edit routing-options traceoptions]user@pro4-a# run show log daemonlog Sep 17 14:17:31 trace_on: Tracing to "/var/log/daemonlog" startedSep 17 14:17:31 Tracing flags enabled: generalSep 17 14:17:31 inet_routerid_notify: Router ID: 17 14:17:31 inet_routerid_notify: No Router ID assignedSep 17 14:17:31 Initializing LSI globalsSep 17 14:17:31 LSI initialization completeSep 17 14:17:31 Initializing OSPF instancesSep 17 14:17:31 Reinitializing OSPFv2 instance masterSep 17 14:17:31 OSPFv2 instance master running[...Output truncated...]


Table 1 lists tracing flags and example output for Junos-supported routing protocol daemon tracing.

Table 1: Routing Protocol Daemon Tracing Flags

Tracing Flag


Example Output


All operations

Not available.


Normal operations and routing table change

Not available.


Normal operations

Not available.


Policy operations and actions

Nov 29 22:19:58 export: Dest proto Static
Nov 29 22:19:58 policy_match_qual_or: Qualifier proto Sense: 0
Nov 29 22:19:58 policy_match_qual_or: Qualifier proto Sense: 0
Nov 29 22:19:58 export: Dest proto IS-IS


Routing table changes

Nov 29 22:23:59
Nov 29 22:23:59 rtlist_walker_job: rt_list walk for RIB inet.0 started with 42 entries
Nov 29 22:23:59 rt_flash_update_callback: flash KRT (inet.0) start
Nov 29 22:23:59 rt_flash_update_callback: flash KRT (inet.0) done
Nov 29 22:23:59 rtlist_walker_job: rt_list walk for inet.0 ended with 42 entries
Nov 29 22:23:59
Nov 29 22:23:59 KRT Request: send len 68 v14 seq 0 CHANGE route/user af 2 addr nhop-type unicast nhop
Nov 29 22:23:59 KRT Request: send len 68 v14 seq 0 ADD route/user af 2 addr nhop-type unicast nhop
Nov 29 22:23:59 KRT Request: send len 68 v14 seq 0 ADD route/user af 2 addr nhop-type unicast nhop
Nov 29 22:24:19 trace_on: Tracing to "/var/log/rpdlog" started
Nov 29 22:24:19 KRT Request: send len 68 v14 seq 0 DELETE route/user af 2 addr nhop-type unicast nhop
Nov 29 22:24:19 RELEASE gw, BGP pref 170/-101 metric so-1/1/0.0,so-1/1/1.0 <Release Delete Int Ext> as 65401
Nov 29 22:24:19 KRT Request: send len 68 v14 seq 0 DELETE route/user af 2 addr nhop-type unicast nhop


State transitions

Not available.


Interface transactions and processing

Nov 29 22:50:04 foreground dispatch running job task_collect for task Scheduler
Nov 29 22:50:04 task_collect_job: freeing task MGMT_Listen (DELETED)
Nov 29 22:50:04 foreground dispatch completed job task_collect for task Scheduler
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch running job rt_static_update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 task_job_delete: delete background job rt_static_update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch completed job rt_static_update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch running job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch returned job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch running job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 task_job_delete: delete background job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch completed job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 background dispatch running job Flash update for task RT
Nov 29 22:50:04 task_job_delete: delete background job Flash update for task RT


Timer usage

Nov 29 22:52:07 task_timer_hiprio_dispatch: ran 1 timer
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: running normal priority timer queue
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: ran 1 timer
Nov 29 22:52:07 task_timer_hiprio_dispatch: running high priority timer queue
Nov 29 22:52:07 task_timer_hiprio_dispatch: ran 1 timer
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: running normal priority timer queue
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: ran 1 timer
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: running normal priority timer queue
Nov 29 22:52:07 main: ran 2 timers

Configure Routing Protocol Tracing for a Specific Routing Protocol


To configure routing protocol tracing for a specific routing protocol, follow these steps:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the following hierarchy level:
    [edit] user@host# edit protocol protocol-name traceoptions
  2. Configure the file, file size, number, and flags:
    [edit protocols protocol name traceoptions] user@host# set file filename size size files number [edit protocols protocol name traceoptions]user@host# set flag flag

    For example:

    [edit protocols ospf traceoptions]user@host# set file ospflog size 10240 files 10 [edit protocols ospf traceoptions]user@host# set flag general
  3. Verify the configuration:
    user@host# show

    For example:

    [edit protocols ospf traceoptions]user@host# show file ospflog size 10k files 10;flag general;
  4. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit
  5. View the contents of the file containing the detailed messages:
    user@host# run show log filename

    For example:

    [edit protocols ospf traceoptions]user@pro4-a# run show log ospflog Sep 17 14:23:10 trace_on: Tracing to "/var/log/ospflog" startedSep 17 14:23:10 rt_flash_update_callback: flash OSPF (inet.0) startSep 17 14:23:10 OSPF: multicast address, route ignoredSep 17 14:23:10 rt_flash_update_callback: flash OSPF (inet.0) doneSep 17 14:23:10 CHANGE gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Delete Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 CHANGE gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Active Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 ADD gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Active Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 CHANGE gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Delete Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 CHANGE gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Active Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 ADD gw OSPF pref 10/0 metric 1/0 fe-0/0/0.0 <Active Int>Sep 17 14:23:10 rt_close: 4/4 routes proto OSPF[...Output truncated...]


Table 2 lists standard tracing options that are available globally or that can be applied to specific protocols. You can also configure tracing for a specific BGP peer or peer group. For more information, see the Junos System Basics Configuration Guide.

Table 2: Standard Trace Options for Routing Protocols

Tracing Flag



All operations


Normal operations and routing table changes


Normal operations


Policy operations and actions


Routing table changes


State transitions


Interface transactions and processing


Timer usage

Monitor Trace File Messages Written in Near-Real Time


To monitor messages in near-real time as they are being written to a trace file.


To monitor messages in near-real time as they are being written to a trace file, use the following Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) operational mode command:

user@host> monitor start filename

Sample Output

user@host> monitor start isis
*** isis ***
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating LSP isis5.02-00 in database
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating L2 LSP isis5.02-00 in TED
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis6.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis5.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis6.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis5.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Scheduling L2 LSP isis5.02-00 sequence 0xd87 on interface fxp2.3
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating LSP isis5.00-00 in database
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating L1 LSP isis5.00-00 in TED
Sep 15 18:32:21 Sending L2 LSP isis5.02-00 on interface fxp2.3
Sep 15 18:32:21     sequence 0xd87, checksum 0xc1c8, lifetime 1200

Stop Trace File Monitoring


To stop monitoring a trace file in near-real time, use the following Junos OS CLI operational mode command after you have started monitoring:

user@host monitor stop filename

Sample Output

user@host> monitor start isis
*** isis ***
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating LSP isis5.02-00 in database
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating L2 LSP isis5.02-00 in TED
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis6.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis5.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis6.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Adding a half link from isis5.02 to isis5.00
Sep 15 18:32:21 Scheduling L2 LSP isis5.02-00 sequence 0xd87 on interface fxp2.3
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating LSP isis5.00-00 in database
Sep 15 18:32:21 Updating L1 LSP isis5.00-00 in TED
Sep 15 18:32:21 Sending L2 LSP isis5.02-00 on interface fxp2.3
Sep 15 18:32:21     sequence 0xd87, checksum 0xc1c8, lifetime 1200
monitor stop isis 

Published: 2012-12-10

Published: 2012-12-10