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Setting the L2TP Destruct Timeout

You can configure the LAC or the LNS to specify how long the router attempts to maintain dynamic destinations, tunnels, and sessions after they have been destroyed. This destruct timeout aids debugging and other analysis by saving underlying memory structures after the destination, tunnel, or session is terminated. Any specific dynamic destination, tunnel, or session may not be maintained for this entire time period if the resources must be reclaimed early to allow new tunnels to be established.

Best Practice: Before you downgrade to a Junos OS Release that does not support this statement, we recommend that you explicitly unconfigure the feature by including the no destruct-timeout statement at the [edit services l2tp] hierarchy level.

To set the L2TP destruct timeout:

  • Configure the timeout period.
    [edit services l2tp]user@host# set destruct-timeout seconds

Published: 2012-11-29