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Identifying the ATM Interface Type


Display information about the type of ATM interface.


To determine the type of ATM interface on your router:

host1#show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN115736EAFC      MX240
Midplane         REV 07   760-021404   ABAA5038          MX240 Backplane
FPM Board        REV 03   760-021392   ABBA2758          Front Panel Display
PEM 0            Rev 01   740-022697   QCS0937C07K       PS 1.2-1.7kW; 100-240V AC in
PEM 1            Rev 01   740-022697   QCS0939C04X       PS 1.2-1.7kW; 100-240V AC in
PEM 2            Rev 01   740-022697   QCS0937C06B       PS 1.2-1.7kW; 100-240V AC in
PEM 3            Rev 01   740-022697   QCS0937C07U       PS 1.2-1.7kW; 100-240V AC in
Routing Engine 0 REV 12   740-013063   9009042291        RE-S-2000
Routing Engine 1 REV 12   740-013063   9009042266        RE-S-2000
CB 0             REV 06   710-021523   ABBC1435          MX SCB
CB 1             REV 06   710-021523   ABBC1497          MX SCB
FPC 2 				REV 14   750-031088   YH8446            MPC Type 2 3D Q
  CPU            REV 06   711-030884   YH9612            MPC PMB 2G 
  MIC 0         
  MIC 1          REV 10   750-036132   ZP7062            2xOC12/8xOC3 CC-CE
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2xOC12/8xOC3 CC-CE       
		Xcvr 0              NON-JNPR     23393-00492       UNKNOWN
      Xcvr 1              NON-JNPR     23393-00500       UNKNOWN
      Xcvr 2              NON-JNPR     23393-00912       UNKNOWN
      Xcvr 3     REV 01   740-015638   22216-00575       Load SFP
      Xcvr 4     REV 01   740-015638   24145-00110       Load SFP
      Xcvr 5     REV 01   740-015638   24145-00016       Load SFP
      Xcvr 6     REV 01   740-015638   24145-00175       Load SFP
      Xcvr 7              NON-JNPR     23393-00627       UNKNOWN
  QXM 0          REV 05   711-028408   YF4681            MPC QXM
  QXM 1          REV 05   711-028408   YF4817            MPC QXM
Fan Tray 0       REV 01   710-021113   XL3645            MX240 Fan Tray


On an MX Series router with an ATM MIC with SFP, the ATM interface is in FPC slot 2 and PIC slot 2, which translates to at-fpc/pic/port or at-2/2/0.

Table 1 lists the show chassis hardware command output fields.

Table 1: show chassis hardware Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Information about the backplane, routing engine, power entry modules (PEM), and fan trays. Also displays information about the FPCs and associated PICs and MPCs and associated MICs or DPCs.


Revision level of the chassis component.

Part Number

Part number of the chassis component.

Serial Number

Serial number of the chassis component. The serial number of the backplane is also the serial number of the router or switch chassis. Use this serial number when you need to contact Juniper Networks Customer Support about the router or switch chassis.


Brief description of the hardware component.

Published: 2012-12-05