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Verifying a RIP Configuration

To verify a RIP configuration, perform the following tasks:

Verifying the Exchange of RIP Messages


Verify that RIP messages are being sent and received on all RIP-enabled interfaces.


From the CLI, enter the show rip statistics command.

Sample Output

user@host> show rip statistics
RIPv2 info: port 520; holddown 120s.
    rts learned  rts held down  rqsts dropped  resps dropped
             10              0              0              0

t1-0/0/2.0:  0 routes learned; 13 routes advertised; timeout 120s; update interval 45s
Counter                         Total   Last 5 min  Last minute
-------                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Updates Sent                     2855           11            2
Triggered Updates Sent              5            0            0
Responses Sent                      0            0            0
Bad Messages                        0            0            0
RIPv1 Updates Received              0            0            0
RIPv1 Bad Route Entries             0            0            0
RIPv1 Updates Ignored               0            0            0
RIPv2 Updates Received             41            0            0
RIPv2 Bad Route Entries             0            0            0
RIPv2 Updates Ignored               0            0            0
Authentication Failures             0            0            0
RIP Requests Received               0            0            0
RIP Requests Ignored                0            0            0

ge-0/0/1.0:  10 routes learned; 3 routes advertised; timeout 180s; update interval 30s
Counter                         Total   Last 5 min  Last minute
-------                   -----------  -----------  -----------
Updates Sent                     2855           11            2
Triggered Updates Sent              3            0            0
Responses Sent                      0            0            0
Bad Messages                        1            0            0
RIPv1 Updates Received              0            0            0
RIPv1 Bad Route Entries             0            0            0
RIPv1 Updates Ignored               0            0            0
RIPv2 Updates Received           2864           11            2
RIPv2 Bad Route Entries            14            0            0
RIPv2 Updates Ignored               0            0            0
Authentication Failures             0            0            0
RIP Requests Received               0            0            0
RIP Requests Ignored                0            0            0


The output shows the number of RIP routes learned. It also shows the number of RIP updates sent and received on the RIP-enabled interfaces. Verify the following information:

  • The number of RIP routes learned matches the number of expected routes learned. Subnets learned by direct connectivity through an outgoing interface are not listed as RIP routes.
  • RIP updates are being sent on each RIP-enabled interface. If no updates are being sent, the routing policy might not be configured to export routes.
  • RIP updates are being received on each RIP-enabled interface. If no updates are being received, the routing policy might not be configured to export routes on the host connected to that subnet. The lack of updates might also indicate an authentication error.

Verifying the RIP-Enabled Interfaces


Verify that all the RIP-enabled interfaces are available and active.


From the CLI, enter the show rip neighbor command.

Sample Output

user@host> show rip neighbor
Source          Destination     Send   Receive   In
Neighbor          State  Address         Address         Mode   Mode     Met
--------          -----  -------         -----------     ----   -------  ---
ge-0/0/0.0           Dn (null)          (null)          mcast  both       1
ge-0/0/1.0           Up       mcast  both       1


The output shows a list of the RIP neighbors that are configured on the device. Verify the following information:

  • Each configured interface is present. Interfaces are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Each configured interface is up. The state of the interface is listed in the Destination State column. A state of Up indicates that the link is passing RIP traffic. A state of Dn indicates that the link is not passing RIP traffic. In a point-to-point link, this state generally means that either the end point is not configured for RIP or the link is unavailable.

Verifying Reachability of All Hosts in the RIP Network


By using the traceroute tool on each loopback address in the network, verify that all hosts in the RIP network are reachable from each Juniper Networks device.


For each device in the RIP network:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Troubleshoot>Traceroute.
  2. In the Remote Host box, type the name of a host for which you want to verify reachability from the device.
  3. Click Start. Output appears on a separate page.

Sample Output

1 ( 0.362 ms 0.284 ms 0.251 ms
2 ( 0.251 ms 0.235 ms 0.200 ms


Each numbered row in the output indicates a routing hop in the path to the host. The three-time increments indicate the round-trip time (RTT) between the device and the hop for each traceroute packet.

To ensure that the RIP network is healthy, verify the following information:

  • The final hop in the list is the host you want to reach.
  • The number of expected hops to the host matches the number of hops in the traceroute output. The appearance of more hops than expected in the output indicates that a network segment is probably unreachable. It might also indicate that the incoming or outgoing metric on one or more hosts has been set unexpectedly.

Related Documentation


Published: 2013-04-01


Related Documentation


Published: 2013-04-01