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Example: Configuring Junos OS Batch Commits

Junos OS Batch Commits Overview

Junos OS provides a batch commit feature that aggregates or merges multiple configuration edits from different CLI sessions or users and adds them to a batch commit queue. A batch commit server running on the device takes one or more jobs from the batch commit queue, applies the configuration changes to the shared configuration database, and then commits the configuration changes in a single commit operation.

Batches are prioritized by the commit server based on priority of the batch specified by the user or the time when the batch job is added. When one batch commit is complete, the next set of configuration changes are aggregated and loaded into the batch queue for the next session of the batch commit operation. Batches are created until there are no commit entries left in the queue directory.

When compared to the regular commit operation where all commits are independently committed sequentially, batch commits save time and system resources by committing multiple small configuration edits in a single commit operation.

Batch commits are performed from the [edit batch] configuration mode. The commit server properties can be configured at the [edit system commit server] hierarchy level.

Aggregation and Error Handling

When there is a load-time error in one of the aggregated jobs, the commit job that encounters the error is discarded and the remaining jobs are aggregated and committed.

For example, if there are five commit jobs (commit-1, commit-2, commit-3, commit-4, and commit-5) being aggregated, and commit-3 encounters an error while loading, commit-3 is discarded and commit-1, commit-2, commit-4, and commit-5 are aggregated and committed.

If there is an error during the commit operation when two or more jobs are aggregated and committed, the aggregation is discarded and each of those jobs is committed individually like a regular commit operation.

For example, if there are five commit jobs (commit-1, commit-2, commit-3, commit-4, and commit-5) that are aggregated and if there is a commit error caused because of commit-3, the aggregation is discarded, commit-1, commit-2, commit-3, commit-4, and commit-5 are committed individually, and the CLI reports a commit error for commit-3.

Example: Configuring Batch Commit Server Properties

This example shows how to configure batch commit server properties to manage batch commit operations.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • MX Series 3D Universal Edge Router
  • Junos OS Release 12.1 or later running on the device


You can control how the batch commit queue is handled by the commit server by configuring the server properties at the [edit system commit server] hierarchy level. This enables you to control how many commit jobs are aggregated or merged into a single batch commit, the maximum number of jobs that can be added to the queue, days to keep batch commit error logs, interval between two batch commits, and tracing operations for batch commit operations.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this section of the example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level. You can configure the commit server properties from either the regular [edit] mode or the [edit batch] mode.

Device R0

set system commit server maximum-aggregate-pool 4set system commit server maximum-entries 500set system commit server commit-interval 5set system commit server days-to-keep-error-logs 30set system commit server traceoptions commitd_novset system commit server traceoptions flag all

Configuring the Commit Server Properties

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. (Optional) Configure the number of commit transactions to aggregate or merge in a single commit operation.

    The default value for maximum-aggregate-pool is 5.

    Note: Setting maximum-aggregate-pool to 1 commits each of the jobs individually.

    In this example, the number of commit transactions is set to 4 indicating that four different commit jobs are aggregated into a single commit before the commit operation is initiated.

    [edit system commit server]user@R0# set maximum-aggregate-pool 4
  2. (Optional) Configure the maximum number of jobs allowed in a batch.

    This limits the number of commits jobs that are added to the queue.

    [edit system commit server]user@R0# set maximum-entries 500

    Note: If you set maximum-entries to 1, the commit server cannot add more than one job to the queue, and the CLI displays an appropriate message when you try to commit more than one job.

  3. (Optional) Configure the time (in seconds) to wait before starting the next batch commit operation.
    [edit system commit server]user@R0# set commit-interval 5
  4. (Optional) Configure the number of days to keep error logs.

    The default value is 30 days.

    [edit system commit server]user@R0# set days-to-keep-error-logs 30
  5. (Optional) Configure tracing operations to log batch commit events.

    In this example, the filename for logging batch commit events is commitd_nov, and all traceoption flags are set.

    [edit system commit server]user@R0# set traceoptions commitd_novuser@R0# set traceoptions flag all


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show system commit server command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@R0# show system commit servermaximum-aggregate-pool 4;maximum-entries 500;commit-interval 5;days-to-keep-error-logs 30;traceoptions {file commitd_nov;flag all;}

Committing the Configuration from Batch Configuration Mode

Step-by-Step Procedure

To commit the configuration from the [edit batch] mode, do one of the following:

  • Log in to the device and enter commit.
    [edit batch]user@R0# commit
    Added to commit queue request-id: 1000
  • To assign a higher priority to a batch commit job, issue the commit command with the priority option.
    [edit batch]user@R0# commit priority
    Added to commit queue request-id: 1001
  • To commit a configuration without aggregating the configuration changes with other commit jobs in the queue, issue the commit command with the atomic option.
    [edit batch]user@R0# commit atomic
    Added to commit queue request-id: 1002
  • To commit a configuration without aggregating the configuration changes with other commit jobs in the queue, and issuing a higher priority to the commit job, issue the commit command with the atomic priority option.
    [edit batch]user@R0# commit atomic priority
    Added to commit queue request-id: 1003


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Checking the Batch Commit Server Status


Check the status of the batch commit server.


user@R0> show system commit server
Commit server status : Not running

By default, the status of the commit server is Not running. The commit server starts running only when a batch commit job is added to the queue.

When a batch commit job is added to the queue, the status of the commit server changes to Running.

user@R0> show system commit server
Commit server status : Running
Jobs in process:
  1003 1004 1005


The Jobs in process field lists the commit IDs of jobs that are in process.

Checking the Batch Commit Status


Check the commit server queue for the status of the batch commits.


user@R0> show system commit server queue
Pending commits:
  Id: 1005
  Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 23:56:43 2011

Completed commits:
  Id: 1000
  Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:46:43 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1000

  Id: 1002
  Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:50:35 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1002

  Id: 1004
  Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:51:48 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1004

  Id: 1007
  Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:08:04 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1007

  Id: 1009
  Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:16:45 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1009

  Id: 1010
  Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:19:25 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1010

  Id: 1011
  Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:28:16 2011
  Status: Successfully committed 1011

Error commits:
  Id: 1008
  Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:08:18 2011
  Status: Error while commiting 1008


Pending commits displays commit jobs that are added to the commit queue but are not committed yet. Completed commits displays the list of commit jobs that are successful. Error commits are commits that failed because of an error.

Viewing the Patch Files in a Batch Commit Job


View the timestamps, patch files, and the status of each of the commit jobs. Patch files show the configuration changes that occur in each commit operation that is added to the batch commit queue.


  1. Issue the show system commit server queue patch command to view the patches for all commit operations.
    user@R0> show system commit server queue patch
    Pending commits:
    Completed commits:
      Id: 1000
      Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:46:43 2011
      Status: Successfully committed 1000
    [edit groups]
      re1 { ... }
    +     access {
    +         address-assignment {
    +             pool <*> {
    +                 family inet {
    +                     dhcp-attributes {
    +                         maximum-lease-time 300;
    +                         grace-period 300;
    +                         domain-name;
    +                         name-server {
    +                   ;
    +                   ;
    +                         }
    +                     }
    +                 }
    +             }
    +         }
    +     }
    + }
      Id: 1002
      Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:50:35 2011
      Status: Successfully committed 1002
    + snmp {
    +     community abc;
    + }
      Id: 1010
      Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:19:25 2011
      Status: Successfully committed 1010
    [edit system syslog]
      file test { ... }
    + file j {
    +     any any;
    + }
    Error commits:
      Id: 1008
      Last Modified: Wed Nov  2 01:08:18 2011
      Status: Error while commiting 1008
    [edit system]
    + radius-server {
    + port 222;
    + }

    The output shows the changes in configuration for each commit job ID.

  2. To view the patch for a specific commit job ID, issue the show system commit server queue patch id <id-number> command.
    user@R0> show system commit server queue patch id 1000
    Completed commits:
      Id: 1000
      Last Modified: Tue Nov  1 22:46:43 2011
      Status: Successfully committed 1000
    [edit system]
    + radius-server {
    + secret teH.bTc/RVbPM;
    + secret teH.bTc/RVbPM;
    + secret teH.bTc/RVbPM;
    + secret teH.bTc/RVbPM;
    + secret teH.bTc/RVbPM;
    + }


The output shows the patch created for a commit job. The + or - sign indicates the changes in the configuration for a specific commit job.

Viewing the Trace Files for Batch Commit Operations


View the trace files for batch commit operations. You can use the trace files for troubleshooting purposes.


  • Issue the file show /var/log/<filename> command to view all entries in the log file.
    user@R0> file show/var/log/commitd_nov

    The output shows commit server event logs and other logs for batch commits.

    Nov  1 22:46:43 Successfully committed 1000
    Nov  1 22:46:43 pausing after commit for 0 seconds
    Nov  1 22:46:43 Done working on queue
    Nov  1 22:47:17 maximum-aggregate-pool = 5
    Nov  1 22:47:17 maximum-entries= 0
    Nov  1 22:47:17 asynchronous-prompt = no
    Nov  1 22:47:17 commit-interval = 0
    Nov  1 22:47:17 days-to-keep-error-logs = -1
    Nov  1 22:47:17 Added to commit queue request-id: 1001
    Nov  1 22:47:17 Commit server status=running
    Nov  1 22:47:17 No need to pause
    Nov  1 22:47:18 Error while commiting 1001
    Nov  1 22:47:18 doing rollback
  • To view log entries only for successful batch commit operations, issue the file show /var/log/<filename> command with the | match committed pipe option.
    user@R0> file show/var/log/commitd_nov | match committed

    The output shows batch commit job IDs for successful commit operations.

    Nov  1 22:46:43 Successfully committed 1000
    Nov  1 22:50:35 Successfully committed 1002
    Nov  1 22:51:48 Successfully committed 1004
    Nov  2 01:08:04 Successfully committed 1007
    Nov  2 01:16:45 Successfully committed 1009
    Nov  2 01:19:25 Successfully committed 1010
    Nov  2 01:28:16 Successfully committed 1011
  • To view log entries only for failed batch commit operations, issue the file show /var/log/<filename> command with the | match “Error while” pipe option.
    user@R0> file show/var/log/commitd_nov | match “Error while”

    The output shows commit job IDs for failed commit operations.

    Nov  1 22:47:18 Error while commiting 1001
    Nov  1 22:51:10 Error while commiting 1003
    Nov  1 22:52:15 Error while commiting 1005
  • To view log entries only for commit server events, issue the file show /var/log/<filename> command with the | match “commit server” pipe option.
    user@R0> file show/var/log/commitd_nov | match “commit server”

    The output shows commit server event logs.

    Nov  1 22:46:39 Commit server status=running
    Nov  1 22:46:39 Commit server jobs=1000
    Nov  1 22:46:43 Commit server status=not running
    Nov  1 22:46:43 Commit server jobs=
    Nov  1 22:47:17 Commit server status=running
    Nov  1 22:47:18 Commit server jobs=1001
    Nov  1 22:47:18 2 errors reported by commit server
    Nov  1 22:47:18 Commit server status=not running
    Nov  1 22:47:18 Commit server jobs=
    Nov  1 22:50:31 Commit server status=running
    Nov  1 22:50:31 Commit server jobs=1002
    Nov  1 22:50:35 Commit server status=not running
    Nov  1 22:50:35 Commit server jobs=
    Nov  1 22:51:09 Commit server status=running
    Nov  1 22:51:10 Commit server jobs=1003
    Nov  1 22:51:10 2 errors reported by commit server
    Nov  1 22:51:10 Commit server status=not running

Published: 2012-11-27

Published: 2012-11-27