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Example: Configuring RIP Demand Circuits

RIP Demand Circuits Overview

RIP periodically sends routing information (RIP packets) to neighboring devices. These periodic broadcasts can consume bandwidth resources and interfere with network traffic by preventing WAN circuits from being closed. Demand circuits for RIP is defined in RFC 2091 and overcomes these issues by exchanging incremental updates on demand.

A demand circuit is a point-to-point connection between two neighboring interfaces configured for RIP. Demand circuits preserve bandwidth by establishing a link when data needs to be transferred, and terminating the link when the data transfer is complete. Demand circuits increase the efficiency of RIP on the configured interfaces by offering minimal network overhead in terms of messages passed between the demand circuit end points, thus conserving resources and reducing costs.

By configuring RIP demand circuits, a specific event triggers the device to send an update, thereby eliminating the periodic transmission of RIP packets over the neighboring interface. To save overhead, the device sends RIP information only when changes occur in the routing database, such as:

  • The device is first powered on
  • The device receives a request for route update information
  • A change occurs in the network
  • The demand circuit goes down or comes up

The device sends update requests, update responses, and acknowledgments. In addition, the device retransmits updates and requests until valid acknowledgments are received. The device dynamically learns RIP neighbors. If the neighboring interface goes down, RIP flushes routes learned from the neighbor’s IP address.

Routes learned from demand circuits do not age like other RIP entries because demand circuits are in a permanent state. Routes in a permanent state are only removed under the following conditions:

  • A formerly reachable route changes to unreachable in an incoming response
  • The demand circuit is down due to an excessive number of unacknowledged retransmissions

You can also set the RIP hold-down timer and the RIP demand circuit retransmission timer to regulate performance. The demand circuit uses these timers to determine if there is a change that requires update messages to be sent. There is also a database timer that runs only when RIP flushes learned routes from the routing table.

This topic includes the following sections:

RIP Demand Circuit Packets

When you configure an interface for RIP demand circuits, the supported command field packet types are different than those for RIP version 1 and RIP version 2. RIP packets for RIP demand circuits contain three additional packet types and an extended 4-byte update header. Both RIP version 1 and RIP version 2 support the three packet types and the extended 4-byte header. Table 1 describes the three packet types.

Table 1: RIP Demand Circuit Packet Types

Packet Type


Update Request

Update request messages seek information for the device’s routing table. This message is sent when the device is first powered on or when a down demand circuit comes up. The device sends this message every 5 seconds (by default) until an update response message is received.

Update Response

Update response messages are sent in response to an update request message, which occurs when the device is first powered on or when a down demand circuit comes up. Each update response message contains a sequence number that the neighbor uses to acknowledge the update request.

Update Acknowledge

Update acknowledge messages are sent in response to every update response message received by the neighbor.

Note: These packets are only valid on interfaces configured for RIP demand circuits. If a demand circuit receives a RIP packet that does not contain these packet types, it silently discards the packet and logs an error message similar to the following:

Ignoring RIP packet with invalid version 0 from neighbor and source

Timers Used by RIP Demand Circuits

RIP demand circuits use the RIP hold-down timer and the RIP demand circuit retransmission timer to regulate performance and to determine if there is a change in the network that requires the device to send update messages. The hold-down timer is a global RIP timer that affects the entire RIP configuration. Whatever range you configure for RIP applies to RIP demand circuits. The retransmission timer affects only RIP demand circuits. In addition, there is a database timer that runs only when RIP flushes learned routes from the routing table.

  • Hold-down timer (global RIP timer)—Use the hold-down timer to configure the number of seconds that RIP waits before updating the routing table. The value of the hold-down timer affects the entire RIP configuration, not just the demand circuit interfaces. The hold-down timer starts when a route timeout limit is met, when a formerly reachable route is unreachable, or when a demand circuit interface is down. When the hold-down timer is running, routes are advertised as unreachable on other interfaces. When the hold-down timer expires, the route is removed from the routing table if all destinations are aware that the route is unreachable or the remaining destinations are down. By default, RIP waits 120 seconds between routing table updates. The range is from 10 to 180 seconds.
  • Retransmission timer (RIP demand circuit timer)—RIP demand circuits send update messages every 5 seconds to an unresponsive peer. Use the retransmission timer to limit the number of times a demand circuit resends update messages to an unresponsive peer. If the configured retransmission threshold is reached, routes from the next hop router are marked as unreachable and the hold-down timer starts. The value of the retransmission timer affects only the demand circuit interfaces. To determine the number of times to resend the update message, use the following calculation:
    5 seconds x number of retransmissions = retransmission seconds

    The retransmission range is from 5 through 180 seconds, which corresponds to sending an update message a minimum of 1 time (5 seconds) and a maximum of 36 times (180 seconds).

  • Database timer (global timeout timer)—Routes learned from demand circuits do not age like other RIP entries because demand circuits are in a permanent state. On a RIP demand circuit, the database timer starts upon receipt of the update response message with the flush flag sent from a RIP demand circuit peer. When the neighbor receives this message, all routes from that peer are flushed, and the database timer starts and runs for the configured route timeout interval. When the database timer is running, routes are still advertised as reachable on other interfaces. When the database timer expires, the device advertises all routes from its peer as unreachable.

Example: Configuring RIP Demand Circuits

This example describes how to configure an interface as a RIP demand circuit.


Before you begin, configure the device interfaces. See the Router Interfaces or the Junos OS Interfaces Configuration Guide for Security Devices.


A demand circuit is a point-to-point connection between two neighboring interfaces configured for RIP. Demand circuits increase the efficiency of RIP on the configured interfaces by eliminating the periodic transmission of RIP packets. Demand circuits preserve bandwidth by establishing a link when data needs to be transferred, and terminating the link when the data transfer is complete. In this example, two devices are connected using SONET/SDH interfaces.

Note: When you configure RIP demand circuits, any silent removal of the RIP configuration goes unnoticed by the RIP peer and leads to stale entries in the routing table. To clear the stale entries, deactivate and reactivate RIP on the neighboring devices.

In this example, you configure interface so-0/1/0 with the following settings:

  • demand-circuit—Configures the interface as a demand circuit. To complete the demand circuit, you must configure both ends of the pair as demand circuits.
  • max-retrans-time—RIP demand circuits send update messages every 5 seconds to an unresponsive peer. Use the retransmission timer to limit the number of times a demand circuit resends update messages to an unresponsive peer. If the configured retransmission threshold is reached, routes from the next-hop router are marked as unreachable, and the hold-down timer starts. The value of the retransmission timer affects only the demand circuit interfaces. To determine the number of times to resend the update message, use the following calculation:
    5 seconds x retransmissions = retransmission seconds

    For example, if you want the demand circuit to send only two update messages to an unresponsive peer, the calculation is: 5 x 2 = 10. When you configure the retransmission timer, you enter 10 seconds.

    The retransmission range is from 5 through 180 seconds, which corresponds to sending an update message a minimum of 1 time (5 seconds) and a maximum of 36 times (180 seconds).


In the following example, you configure a neighboring interface to be a RIP demand circuit and save the configuration.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands in the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

set interfaces so-0/1/0 unit 0 family inet address protocols rip group group1 neighbor so-0/1/0 demand-circuit set protocols rip group group1 neighbor so-0/1/0 max-retrans-time 10

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires that you navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure a RIP demand circuit on one neighboring interface:

  1. Configure the interface.
    [edit interfaces]user@host# set so-0/1/0 unit 0 family inet address
  2. Configure the neighbor as a demand circuit.
    [edit protocols rip]user@host# set group group1 neighbor so-0/1/0 demand-circuit
  3. Configure the demand circuit retransmission timer.
    [edit protocols rip]user@host# set group group1 neighbor so-0/1/0 max-retrans-time 10
  4. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.
    [edit]user@host# commit

    Note: Repeat this entire configuration on the other neighboring interface.


Confirm your configuration by entering the show interfaces and show protocols commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show interfaces
so-0/1/0 {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}
user@host# show protocols
rip {group group1 { neighbor so-0/1/0 { demand-circuit; max-retrans-time 10; }}}


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying a Demand Circuit Configuration


Verify that the demand circuit configuration is working.


To verify that the demand circuit configuration is in effect, use the show rip neighbor operational mode command.

user@host> show rip neighbor
                         Source          Destination     Send   Receive  In
Neighbor          State  Address         Address         Mode   Mode     Met
--------          -----  -------         -----------     ----   -------  ---
so-0/1/0.0(DC)       Up       mcast  both       1

When you configure demand circuits, the show rip neighbor command displays a DC flag next to the neighboring interface configured for demand circuits.

Note: If you configure demand circuits at the [edit protocols rip group group-name neighbor neighbor-name] hierarchy level, the output shows only the neighboring interface that you specifically configured as a demand circuit. If you configure demand circuits at the [edit protocols rip group group-name] hierarchy level, all of the interfaces in the group are configured as demand circuits. Therefore, the output shows all of the interfaces in that group as demand circuits.

Published: 2013-04-01