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Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces

The Junos OS enables link aggregation of SONET/SDH interfaces; this is similar to Ethernet link aggregation, but is not defined in a public standard. The Junos OS balances traffic across the member links within an aggregated SONET/SDH bundle based on the Layer 3 information carried in the packet. This implementation uses the same load balancing algorithm used for per-packet load balancing. For information about per-packet load balancing, see the Junos OS Routing Protocols Configuration Guide.

You configure an aggregated SONET/SDH virtual link by specifying the link number as a physical device and then associating a set of physical interfaces that have the same speed. Channelized OC IQ, IQE, and SONET/SDH OC48/STM16 IQE PICs do not support SONET aggregation.

By default, no aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces are created. You must define the number of aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces by including the device-count statement at the [edit chassis aggregated-devices sonet] hierarchy level:

[edit chassis aggregated-devices sonet]device-count number;

The maximum number of aggregated interfaces is 16. The aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces are numbered from as0 through as15. For more information, see the Junos Services Interfaces Configuration Release 11.2.

Note: SONET/SDH aggregation is proprietary to the Junos OS and might not work with other software.

To configure aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, assign a number for the aggregated SONET/SDH interface asx at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces]asx {...}

The following example shows an aggregated SONET/SDH configuration:

[edit interfaces]as0 {aggregated-sonet-options {minimum-links 1;link-speed oc3;}unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}

You also need to specify the constituent physical interfaces by including the aggregate statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name sonet-options] hierarchy level; for more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Link Aggregation. You can optionally specify other physical properties that apply specifically to the aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces; for details, see SONET/SDH Physical Interface Properties Overview. For a sample configuration, see Example: Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces.

To remove the configuration statements related to asx and set the aggregated SONET/SDH interface to down state, delete the interface from the configuration:

[edit]user@host# delete interfaces asx

However, the aggregated SONET/SDH interface is not deleted until you delete the chassis aggregated-devices sonet device-count configuration statement.

You can configure the following aggregated SONET/SDH properties:

Configuring SONET/SDH Link Aggregation

On SONET/SDH interfaces, you can associate a physical interface with an aggregated SONET/SDH interface. To associate the interface with an aggregated SONET/SDH link, include the aggregate statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name sonet-options] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces interface-name sonet-options]aggregate asx;

x is the interface instance number and can be from 0 through 15, for a total of 16 aggregated interfaces. You should not mix SONET and SDH mode on the same aggregated interface. You must also include a statement configuring asx at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level. For a sample configuration, see Example: Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces.

Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Link Speed

On aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, you can set the required link speed for all interfaces included in the bundle, or specify that the bundle contains interfaces with mixed interface speeds.

Note: For nonconcatenated interfaces on aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, you can configure the link speed of the aggregate to match the speed of the nonconcatenated interface. For example, an OC12 PIC can have nonconcatenated interfaces with a link speed of OC3.

To set the required link speed or specify mixed interface speeds, include the link-speed statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-sonet-options] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-sonet-options]link-speed (speed | mixed);

The link speed can be one of the following values:

  • oc3—Links are OC3c or STM1c.
  • oc12—Links are OC12c or STM4c.
  • oc48—Links are OC48c or STM16c.
  • oc192—Links are OC192c or STM64c.
  • oc768—Links are OC768c or STM256c.

Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Minimum Links

On aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, you can configure the minimum number of links that must be up for the bundle as a whole to be labeled up. By default, only one link must be up for the bundle to be labeled up.

To configure the minimum number of links, include the minimum-links statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-sonet-options] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces interface-name aggregated-sonet-options]minimum-links number;

On a T Series, TX Matrix router with SONET interfaces, the valid range for minimum-links number is from 1 through 16. When the maximum value (16) is specified, all configured links of a bundle must be up for the bundle to be labeled up.

On all other router routers, the range of valid values for minimum-links number is 1 through 8 and the maximum number of links supported in an aggregate is eight. When the maximum value (8) is specified, all configured links of a bundle must be up for the bundle to be labeled up.

Configuring Filters or Sampling on Aggregated SONET/SDH Links

To set up firewall filters or sampling on aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, you must configure the asx interface with these properties. The filters function in the same manner as on other interfaces.

To configure a filter, include the filter statement:

filter {input input-filter-name;output output-filter-name;}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit interfaces as x unit logical-unit-number]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces asx unit logical-unit-number]

You must also configure separate statements that define the properties of the filter. For more information, see the Routing Policy Configuration Guide and Examples: Configuring Filters or Sampling on Aggregated SONET/SDH Links.

Examples: Configuring Filters or Sampling on Aggregated SONET/SDH Links

Configure filtering on aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces:

[edit interfaces]asx {unit 0 {family inet {address;filter {input input-filter-name;output output-filter-name;}}}}

Defining the Filter

[edit firewall]filter input-filter-name {term match-any-input {then {accept;}}}filter output-filter-name {term match-any-output {then {accept;}}}

Configuring Sampling on an Aggregated SONET/SDH Interface

[edit interfaces]asx {unit 0 {family inet {address;filter {input input-sampler-name;}}}}

Defining the Sampling Filter and the Forwarding Action

[edit firewall]filter input-sampler-name {term match-any-input {then {sample;accept;}}}[edit forwarding-options]sampling {input {family inet {rate 10000;run-length 1;}}}

Example: Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces

The following configuration is sufficient to get an aggregated SONET/SDH interface up and running:

[edit interfaces]as0 {aggregated-sonet-options {minimum-links 1;link-speed oc3;}unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}[edit chassis]aggregated-devices {sonet {device-count 15;}}[edit interfaces]so-1/3/0 {sonet-options {aggregate as0;}}

Published: 2012-12-05

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-12-05