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Configuring the Links in a Multilink or Link Services Bundle

To complete a multilink or link services interface configuration, you need to configure both the physical interface and the multilink or link services bundle. For multilink interfaces, you configure the link bundle on the logical unit. For link services interfaces, you configure the link bundle as a channel (see Figure 1). The physical interface is usually connected to networks capable of supporting MLPPP or MLFR (FRF.15 or FRF.16).

Figure 1: Multilink Interface Configuration

Multilink Interface Configuration

The following sample configuration refers to the topology in Figure 1 and configures a multilink or link services bundle over a T1 connection (for which the T1 physical interface is already configured).

  1. To configure a physical T1 link for MLPPP, include the following statements at the [edit interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level:
    unit 0 {family mlppp {bundle (ml-fpc/pic/port | ls-fpc/pic/port);}}

    You do not need to configure an IP address on this link.

    To configure a physical T1 link for MLFR FRF.16, include the following statements at the [edit interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level:

    encapsulation multilink-frame-relay-uni-nni;unit 0 {family mlfr-uni-nni {bundle ls-fpc/pic/port:channel;}}

    You do not need to configure an IP address or a DLCI on this link.

  2. To configure the logical address for the MLPPP, MLFR FRF.15, or MLFR FRF.16 bundle, include the address and destination statements:
    address address {destination address;}

    You can include these statements at the following hierarchy levels:

    • [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet]
    • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet]

    When you add statements such as mrru to the configuration and commit, the T1 interface becomes part of the multilink bundle.

Note: For MLPPP and MLFR (FRF.15 and FRF.16) links, you must specify the subnet address as /32 or /30. Any other subnet designation is treated as a mismatch.

Published: 2012-11-27

Supported Platforms

Published: 2012-11-27