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Understanding RADIUS Accounting Duplicate Reporting

When you configure RADIUS accounting, by default the router sends the accounting reports to the accounting servers in the context in which the subscriber was last authenticated. However, in a Layer 3 wholesale network environment, the wholesaler and retailer might use different RADIUS accounting servers, and both might want to receive accounting reports. In this situation, you can configure RADIUS accounting duplicate reporting, which sends reports to both the wholesaler and the retailer accounting servers.

Table 1 shows where subscriber management sends the accounting reports when you enable duplicate reporting. Subscriber management sends duplicate reports based on the access profile in which you configure the duplication statement, where the subscriber resides, and how the subscriber is authenticated.

Note: You can also enable accounting duplicate reporting based on the domain map configuration—you configure subscribers to authenticate with a non-default routing instance and a target logical system/routing instance of default/default. The accounting reports are then sent to both the authentication context and the default/default context.

Table 1: Duplicate RADIUS Accounting Reporting

Access Profile in Which Duplication Is Configured

Where Subscriber Is Authenticated

Subscriber’s Target Logical System/Routing Instance

Accounting Servers Where Accounting Reports Are Sent

retailer A


retailer A

wholesaler and retailer A

retailer A

retailer A

retailer A

wholesaler (default/default context)

Note: This is the domain map configuration described in the Note preceding this table.


wholesaler and retailer A

retailer A

wholesaler and retailer A

wholesaler and retailer B

wholesaler and retailer A

retailer B

wholesaler, retailer A, and retailer B

not configured (default)



single report sent to accounting servers in the context in which subscriber was last authenticated

Published: 2013-02-11

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Published: 2013-02-11