Displaying set Commands from the Junos OS Configuration
In configuration mode, you can display the configuration as a series of configuration mode commands required to re-create the configuration. This is useful if you are not familiar with how to use configuration mode commands or if you want to cut, paste, and edit the displayed configuration.
To display the configuration as a series of configuration mode commands, which are required to re-create the configuration from the top level of the hierarchy as set commands, issue the show configuration mode command with the display set option:
This topic contains the following examples:
Example: Displaying set Commands from the Configuration
Display the set commands from the configuration at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level:
To display the configuration as a series of configuration mode commands required to re-create the configuration from the current hierarchy level, issue the show configuration mode command with the display set relative option:
Example: Displaying Required set Commands at the Current Hierarchy Level
Display the configuration as a series of configuration mode commands required to re-create the configuration from the current hierarchy level:
To display the configuration as set commands and search for text matching a regular expression by filtering output, specify the match option after the pipe ( | ):
Example: Displaying set Commands with the match Option
Display IP addresses associated with an interface: