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Overview of a Routing Matrix with a TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D Configuration

A routing matrix with the TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D configuration consists of three types of chassis: a Juniper Networks TX Matrix Plus router and a combination of Juniper Networks T1600 Core Routers and Juniper Networks T4000 Core Routers.

  • TX Matrix Plus router—A routing matrix contains only one Juniper Networks TX Matrix Plus router. A TX Matrix Plus router in a routing matrix is also referred to as the switch-fabric chassis (SFC). In the Junos OS CLI, sfc 0 is used to refer to the TX Matrix Plus router. For information about installing and connecting to a TX Matrix Plus router, see the TX Matrix Plus Router Hardware Guide .
  • T1600 and T4000 routers—In the mixed LCC configuration, a routing matrix can comprise:
    • Six T1600 routers and one T4000 router
    • Four T1600 routers and two T4000 routers
    • Two T1600 routers and three T4000 routers

To enable the TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D configuration in the Junos OS CLI, you must configure the LCC mode on the SFC. To configure the LCC mode, include the set lcc-mode lcc lcc-number mode (empty | t1600 | t4000) statement at the [edit chassis] hierarchy level. By default, the LCC mode is set to t1600.

To view the configured LCC mode information, use the show chassis lcc-mode operational mode command.

  • The LCC mode t4000 is supported only on the even-numbered LCCs—LCC 0, LCC 2, LCC 4, and LCC 6.
  • When you set the LCC mode as t4000, you must set the next LCC (odd-numbered) mode as empty. For example, if you set LCC mode t4000 on LCC 2, then you must set the LCC 3 mode as empty. Otherwise, the commit operation fails. Setting the LCC mode for an LCC as empty disables the control plane and data plane connections between that LCC and the SFC, so the LCC does not come online.
  • LCC numbers in a mixed-mode configuration can be changed as long as the T4000 LCC is assigned an even number. For other valid combinations of LCCs in the mixed-mode configuration, see Line-Card Chassis ID in the TX Matrix Plus Router Hardware Guide .

In a routing matrix, the TX Matrix Plus router controls all the connected T1600 and T4000 routers, as shown in Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3.

Figure 1: TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D Configuration with One T4000 Router and Six T1600 Routers

Configuration with One T4000 Router and Six T1600 Routers

Figure 2: TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D Configuration with Two T4000 Routers and Four T1600 Routers

Configuration with Two T4000 Routers and Four T1600 Routers

Figure 3: TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D Configuration with Three T4000 Routers and Two T1600 Routers

Configuration with Three T4000 Routers and Two T1600 Routers

Published: 2013-06-21