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Example: Configuring Synchronous Ethernet on MX Series Routers


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • One MX80-T, MX5-T, MX10-T, MX40-T, MX80, MX240, MX480, or MX960 router
  • Junos OS Release 10.4 or later for MX80 3D Universal Edge Routers and 11.2R4 or later for MX80-T, MX5, MX10, MX40, MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers.


You can configure Synchronous Ethernet on MX5-T, MX10-T, MX40-T, MX80, MX80-T, MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers, which enables you to synchronize clocks between nodes in a network through frequency synchronization.

Note: You can set the values for each parameter according to your requirement. The values given in this example are for illustration purposes only.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure synchronization on the aforementioned routers, copy the following commands, paste them in a text file, remove any line breaks, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI.


set chassis synchronization clock-mode auto-select
set chassis synchronization network-type option-1
set chassis synchronization quality-mode-enable
set chassis synchronization selection-mode configured-quality
set chassis synchronization switchover-mode revertive
set chassis synchronization hold-interval configuration-change 1 restart 1 switchover 1
set chassis synchronization esmc-transmit interfaces ge-2/0/0
set chassis synchronization source external-a priority 2 quality-level prc request force-switch
set chassis synchronization interfaces ge-2/0/0 priority 1 quality-level prc request force-switch wait-to-restore 1

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

For step-by-step configuration, see Configuring Clock Synchronization Interface for MX Series Routers.

To configure Synchronous Ethernet, perform the following tasks:

  1. Configure the clock mode, network type, quality mode, selection mode, and switchover mode.
    [edit chassis synchronization]user@host# set clock-mode auto-select network-type option-1 quality-mode-enable selection-mode configured-quality switchover-mode revertive
  2. Configure the hold interval for configuration change, restart interval, and the switchover interval in seconds.
    [edit chassis synchronization]user@host# set hold-interval configuration-change 1 restart 1 switchover 1
  3. Configure the interfaces for transmitting ESMC.
    [edit chassis synchronization]user@host# set esmc-transmit interfaces ge-2/0/0
  4. Configure the source node with its quality level, priority, and request type.
    [edit chassis synchronization]user@host# set source external-a priority 2 quality-level prc request force-switch
  5. Configure the interfaces with priority, quality level, request type, and time to restore the interface to default.
    [edit chassis synchronization]user@host# set interfaces ge-2/0/0 priority 1 quality-level prc request force-switch wait-to-restore 1


Display the results of the configuration:

user@host# show chassis
synchronization {clock-mode (auto-select | free-run);esmc-transmit {interfaces (all | interface-name);}hold-interval {configuration-change seconds;restart seconds;switchover seconds;}network-type (option-1 | option-2);quality-mode-enable;selection-mode (configured-quality|received-quality);switchover-mode (revertive | non-revertive);source {(external-a | external-b) {priority number;quality-level (prc | prs |sec | smc | ssu-a | ssu-b | st2 | st3 | st3e | st4 | stu | tnc);request (force-switch | lockout);}interfaces interface-name {priority number;quality-level (prc | prs |sec | smc | ssu-a | ssu-b | st2 | st3 | st3e | st4 | stu | tnc);request (force-switch | lockout);wait-to-restore minutes;}}}


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying the Basic Parameters for Synchronization


Verify that the basic synchronization parameters such as the current clock status, clock locked to, and configured sources are working as expected.


From operational mode, enter the run show chassis synchronization command to display the synchronization details.


The output displays the basic synchronization parameters configured on the interface.

Verifying All the Parameters for Synchronization


Verify that all the synchronization parameters are working as expected.


From operational mode, enter the run show chassis synchronization extensive command to display all the synchronization details.


The output displays all the synchronization parameters configured on the interface.

Verifying the Global Configuration


Verify that all the global configuration parameters are working as expected.


From operational mode, enter the run show synchronous-ethernet global-information command to display the set parameters for the global configuration.


The output displays global information about the configured node.

Verifying the ESMC Transmit Parameters


Verify that the transmission parameters of ESMC on the interface are working as expected.


From operational mode, enter the run show synchronous-ethernet esmc transmit detail command to display the set parameters for the ESMC transmission.


The output displays all the transmission details about the configured ESMC interface.

Verifying the ESMC Statistics Parameters


Verify the statistics related to ESMC on the interface.


From operational mode, enter the run show synchronous-ethernet esmc statistics command to display the statistics for the ESMC transmission.


The output displays information about the ESMC statistics.

Verifying That the ESMC Statistics Are Cleared


Clear the statistics related to ESMC on the interface.


From operational mode, enter the clear synchronous-ethernet esmc statistics command to clear the statistics for the ESMC transmission.


The output displays the message that the ESMC statistics have been cleared.

Published: 2013-03-07