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Rebooting and Halting Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router Components

You can control which component in a routing matrix with a TX Matrix router is rebooted or halted. If you reboot or halt the TX Matrix router, by default you also reboot or halt the master Routing Engines on all T640 routers. To reboot a specific component, issue the request system reboot command with the all-lcc, lcc, or scc option.

user@router> request system reboot ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
   all-lcc              Reboot all LCC chassis
  at                   Time at which to perform the operation
  in                   Number of minutes to delay before operation
   lcc                  Reboot LCC (0..3)
  media                Boot media for next boot
  message              Message to display to all users
   scc                  Reboot SCC chassis
  |                    Pipe through a command
user@router>  request system reboot 
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes Rebooting lcc0-re0 Rebooting lcc1-re0

Similarly, to halt a specific component in a routing matrix, issue the request system halt command with the all-lcc, lcc, or scc option.

Caution: Before entering this command, you must have access to the TX Matrix router console port and the console ports of all of the LCCs in order to bring up the TX Matrix Routing Engines.

user@router> request system halt ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
   all-lcc              Halt all LCC chassis
  at                   Time at which to perform the operation
  both-routing-engines  Halt both Routing Engines
  in                   Number of minutes to delay before operation
   lcc                  Halt LCC (0..3)
  media                Boot media for next boot
  message              Message to display to all users
   scc                  Halt SCC
  |                    Pipe through a command

Issuing the request system halt both-routing-engines command on a TX Matrix router halts both Routing Engines in the TX Matrix router and both Routing Engines in all T640 routers in the routing matrix. To reboot a Routing Engine that has been halted, you must connect through the console. For more information about system commands, see the Junos OS Operational Mode Commands.

Published: 2012-11-28