Supported Platforms
Roadmap to Configuring a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router
When you configure the routing matrix with a TX Matrix router, you should do some or all of the following:
- You must connect to the Routing Engines of the routing matrix. For information on how to do this, see Connecting to a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- You must configure groups that support the components of the routing matrix. Groups offer a simple way to establish hostnames, management interfaces, and default routes. For more information on how to do this, see Configuring Groups to Support a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router Components.
- You can adjust the configuration to accommodate the number of FPCs installed on the routing matrix. For information on FPC numbering, see Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router FPC Numbering. For information on configuring the routing matrix to accommodate FPCs, see Adjusting the Configuration to Accommodate Increased FPC Numbers in a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- You can configure protocols and other features on the routing matrix. Other than the expanded range of FPC numbers for interfaces and the requirement to create groups for the T640 routers, you can configure protocols in exactly the same manner as you would for other Juniper Networks routers.
- For T640 routers, you can configure PIC-specific features, create an alarm for nodes that do not come online, and take a node offline. For more information, see Option: Configuring Chassis-Specific Statements for a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- As with every Junos router, you must commit configurations on the routing matrix before they take effect. For information on how to do this, see Committing Configurations on a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- When you upgrade the software on the routing matrix, the new image is loaded on the TX Matrix and distributed to all T640 routers. For more information, see Upgrading the Software for a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- For information about managing system processes in the routing matrix, see Managing System Processes in the Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- For information about rebooting the routing matrix or halting routing matrix software components, see Rebooting and Halting Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router Components.
- For information about enabling or temporarily disabling routing matrix hardware components, see Enabling and Disabling Specific Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router Hardware Components.
- For information about managing files on the routing matrix, see Managing Files on Routing Engines in a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
- For information about commonly used commands for the routing matrix, see Miscellaneous Commands for a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router.
Published: 2012-11-28
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- T Series
- Overview of the Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router
- System Requirements for the Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router
- Example: Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router Configuration
- Additional Information
- Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Router