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clear services stateful-firewall flows


clear services stateful-firewall flows <application-protocol protocol> <destination-port destination-port> <destination-prefix destination-prefix> <interface interface-name> <protocol protocol> <service-set service-set><source-port source-port> <source-prefix source-prefix>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Clear stateful firewall flows.



Clear all stateful firewall flows.

destination-port destination-port

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular destination port. The range of values is 0 to 65535.

destination-prefix destination-prefix

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular destination prefix.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular interface. On M Series and T Series routers, the interface-name can be ms-fpc/pic/port or rspnumber. On J Series routers, the interface-name is ms-pim/0/port.


(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for one of the following IP types:

  • number—Numeric protocol value from 0 to 255.
  • ah—IPsec Authentication Header protocol
  • egp—An exterior gateway protocol
  • esp—IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload protocol
  • gre—A generic routing encapsulation protocol
  • icmp—Internet Control Message Protocol
  • igmp—Internet Group Management Protocol
  • ipip—IP-over-IP Encapsulation Protocol
  • ospf—Open Shortest Path First protocol
  • pim—Protocol Independent Multicast protocol
  • rsvp—Resource Reservation Protocol
  • sctp—Stream Control Protocol
  • tcp—Transmission Control Protocol
  • udp—User Datagram Protocol
service-set service-set

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular service set.

source-port source-port

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular source port. The range of values is from 0 through 65535.

source-prefix source-prefix

(Optional) Clear stateful firewall flows for a particular source prefix.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

clear services stateful-firewall flows

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the clear services stateful-firewall flows command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: clear services stateful-firewall flows Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of an adaptive services interface.

Service set

Name of the service set from which flows are being cleared.

Conv removed

Number of conversations removed.

Sample Output

clear services stateful-firewall flows

user@host> clear services stateful-firewall flows
Interface   Service set                                             Conv removed
ms-0/3/0    svc_set_trust                                                     0
ms-0/3/0    svc_set_untrust                                                   0

Published: 2013-03-14