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show accounting pending-accounting-stops


show accounting pending-accounting-stops<detail | terse><profile-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.1.


Display all statistics for all pending accounting stop requests, including both service and session requests.



Display information for all access profiles.

detail | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Particular access profile for which you want to display accounting stop statistics.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show accounting pending-accounting-stops detail
show accounting pending-accounting-stops (Specific Profile)
show accounting pending-accounting-stops terse

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show accounting pending-accounting-stops command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show accounting pending-accounting-stops Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Type of client.

All levels


Name of the user logged in to the session.

All levels

Logical system/Routing instance

Logical system and routing instance used for the session.

detail none


Access profile used for AAA services for the session.

detail none

Session ID

ID of the subscriber session; generated when the subscriber logs in. In the Service name block, this is the ID of the service session.

All levels

Accounting Session ID

ID of the accounting session (RADIUS attribute 44). The ID appears in decimal or description format, as specified by the accounting-session-id-format statement.

detail none

IP Address

IP address of the subscriber.

detail none

IPv6 Prefix

IPv6 address of the subscriber.

detail none

Authentication State

State of the subscriber authentication session: AuthInit, AuthStart, AuthChallenge, AuthRedirect, AuthClntRespWait, AuthAcctVolStatsAckWait, AuthAcctStopAckWait, AuthServCreateRespWait, AuthLogoutStart, AuthStateActive, AuthClntLogoutRespWait, AuthProfileUpdateWait, AuthProvisionRespWait, AuthProvisionServiceCreationWait

detail none

Accounting State

State of the subscriber accounting session: Acc-Init, Acc-Start-Sent, Imm-Update-Stats-Pending, Acc-Interim-Sent, Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending, Acc-Stop-Sent, Acc-Stop-On-Fail-Deny-Sent, Acc-Stop-Ackd

detail none

Service name

Name of the attached service or policy.

detail none

Service State

State of the service provided in the subscriber session.

detail none

Session uptime

How long the session has been up, in HH:MM:SS.

detail none

Accounting status

Status of the accounting configuration for the service, on or off, and the type of accounting, time or volume+time. Configured in RADIUS Service-Statistics VSA [26-69].

detail none

Service accounting session ID

ID of the service accounting session; RADIUS Acct-Session-Id attribute (44). The ID appears in decimal or description format, as specified by the accounting-session-id-format statement.

detail none

Service accounting state

State of the service accounting session: Acc-Init, Acc-Start-Sent, Imm-Update-Stats-Pending, Acc-Interim-Sent, Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending, Acc-Stop-Sent, Acc-Stop-On-Fail-Deny-Sent, Acc-Stop-Ackd

detail none

Accounting interim interval

Amount of time between interim accounting updates for this service, in seconds; RADIUS Service-Interim-Acct-Interval VSA [26-140] or Diameter Acct-Interim-Interval AVP (85).

detail none

Subscriber ID

ID of the subscriber; generated when the subscriber logs in.

detail none

Service ID

ID of the subscriber service.

All levels


Name of the attached service or policy.


Sample Output

show accounting pending-accounting-stops detail

user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops detail
Type: pppoe
AAA Logical system/Routing instance: default:default
Access-profile: ce-ppp-profile
Session ID: 84
Accounting Session ID: 84
IP Address:
IPv6 Prefix: 2010:9999:18::/48
Authentication State: AuthAcctStopAckWait
Accounting State: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending
Service name: cos-service
  Service State: SvcInactive
  Session ID: 94
  Session uptime: 00:08:02
  Accounting status: on/time
  Service accounting session ID: 84:94-1352294677
  Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending
  Accounting interim interval: 600
Service name: filter-service
  Service State: SvcInactive
  Session ID: 93
  Session uptime: 00:08:02
  Accounting status: on/volume+time
  Service accounting session ID: 84:93-1352294677
  Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending
  Accounting interim interval: 600
Service name: filter-service6
  Service State: SvcInactive
  Session ID: 95
  Session uptime: 00:08:02
  Accounting status: on/volume+time
  Service accounting session ID: 84:95-1352294677
  Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending
  Accounting interim interval: 600

show accounting pending-accounting-stops (Specific Profile)

user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops ce-ppp-profile
Type:         Username:               Session ID:     Service ID:       Service
  pppoe       84
  pppoe       84              94                cos-service
  pppoe       84              93                filter-service
  pppoe       84              95                filter-service6

show accounting pending-accounting-stops terse

user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops terse
 Type:         Username:                   Session ID:     Service ID:       Service
  pppoe           84
  pppoe           84              94                cos-service
  pppoe           84              93                filter-service
  pppoe           84              95                filter-service6
  pppoe              85
  pppoe              85              94                cos-service
  pppoe              85              93                filter-service
  pppoe              85              95                filter-service6

Published: 2013-02-12