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Related Documentation
show accounting pending-accounting-stops
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.1.
Display all statistics for all pending accounting stop requests, including both service and session requests.
none | — | Display information for all access profiles. |
detail | terse | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
profile-name | — | (Optional) Particular access profile for which you want to display accounting stop statistics. |
Required Privilege Level
Related Documentation
List of Sample Output
show accounting pending-accounting-stops detailshow accounting pending-accounting-stops (Specific Profile)
show accounting pending-accounting-stops terse
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show accounting pending-accounting-stops command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show accounting pending-accounting-stops Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Level of Output |
Type | Type of client. | All levels |
Username | Name of the user logged in to the session. | All levels |
Logical system/Routing instance | Logical system and routing instance used for the session. | detail none |
Access-profile | Access profile used for AAA services for the session. | detail none |
Session ID | ID of the subscriber session; generated when the subscriber logs in. In the Service name block, this is the ID of the service session. | All levels |
Accounting Session ID | ID of the accounting session (RADIUS attribute 44). The ID appears in decimal or description format, as specified by the accounting-session-id-format statement. | detail none |
IP Address | IP address of the subscriber. | detail none |
IPv6 Prefix | IPv6 address of the subscriber. | detail none |
Authentication State | State of the subscriber authentication session: AuthInit, AuthStart, AuthChallenge, AuthRedirect, AuthClntRespWait, AuthAcctVolStatsAckWait, AuthAcctStopAckWait, AuthServCreateRespWait, AuthLogoutStart, AuthStateActive, AuthClntLogoutRespWait, AuthProfileUpdateWait, AuthProvisionRespWait, AuthProvisionServiceCreationWait | detail none |
Accounting State | State of the subscriber accounting session: Acc-Init, Acc-Start-Sent, Imm-Update-Stats-Pending, Acc-Interim-Sent, Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending, Acc-Stop-Sent, Acc-Stop-On-Fail-Deny-Sent, Acc-Stop-Ackd | detail none |
Service name | Name of the attached service or policy. | detail none |
Service State | State of the service provided in the subscriber session. | detail none |
Session uptime | How long the session has been up, in HH:MM:SS. | detail none |
Accounting status | Status of the accounting configuration for the service, on or off, and the type of accounting, time or volume+time. Configured in RADIUS Service-Statistics VSA [26-69]. | detail none |
Service accounting session ID | ID of the service accounting session; RADIUS Acct-Session-Id attribute (44). The ID appears in decimal or description format, as specified by the accounting-session-id-format statement. | detail none |
Service accounting state | State of the service accounting session: Acc-Init, Acc-Start-Sent, Imm-Update-Stats-Pending, Acc-Interim-Sent, Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending, Acc-Stop-Sent, Acc-Stop-On-Fail-Deny-Sent, Acc-Stop-Ackd | detail none |
Accounting interim interval | Amount of time between interim accounting updates for this service, in seconds; RADIUS Service-Interim-Acct-Interval VSA [26-140] or Diameter Acct-Interim-Interval AVP (85). | detail none |
Subscriber ID | ID of the subscriber; generated when the subscriber logs in. | detail none |
Service ID | ID of the subscriber service. | All levels |
Service | Name of the attached service or policy. | terse |
Sample Output
show accounting pending-accounting-stops detail
user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops
Type: pppoe Username: AAA Logical system/Routing instance: default:default Access-profile: ce-ppp-profile Session ID: 84 Accounting Session ID: 84 IP Address: IPv6 Prefix: 2010:9999:18::/48 Authentication State: AuthAcctStopAckWait Accounting State: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending Service name: cos-service Service State: SvcInactive Session ID: 94 Session uptime: 00:08:02 Accounting status: on/time Service accounting session ID: 84:94-1352294677 Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending Accounting interim interval: 600 Service name: filter-service Service State: SvcInactive Session ID: 93 Session uptime: 00:08:02 Accounting status: on/volume+time Service accounting session ID: 84:93-1352294677 Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending Accounting interim interval: 600 Service name: filter-service6 Service State: SvcInactive Session ID: 95 Session uptime: 00:08:02 Accounting status: on/volume+time Service accounting session ID: 84:95-1352294677 Service accounting state: Acc-Stop-Stats-Pending Accounting interim interval: 600
show accounting pending-accounting-stops (Specific Profile)
user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops
Type: Username: Session ID: Service ID: Service pppoe 84 pppoe 84 94 cos-service pppoe 84 93 filter-service pppoe 84 95 filter-service6
show accounting pending-accounting-stops terse
user@host> show accounting pending-accounting-stops
Type: Username: Session ID: Service ID: Service pppoe 84 pppoe 84 94 cos-service pppoe 84 93 filter-service pppoe 84 95 filter-service6 pppoe 85 pppoe 85 94 cos-service pppoe 85 93 filter-service pppoe 85 95 filter-service6