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show bfd session


show bfd session <brief | detail | extensive | summary><address address><discriminator discriminator><logical-system (all | logical-system-name)><prefix address>

Syntax (EX Series Switch and QFX Series)

show bfd session <brief | detail | extensive | summary><address address><discriminator discriminator><prefix address>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Options discriminator and address introduced in Junos OS Release 8.2.

Option prefix introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for the QFX Series.


Display information about active Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) sessions.



(Same as brief) Display information about active BFD sessions.

brief | detail | extensive | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

address address

(Optional) Display information about the BFD session for the specified neighbor address.

discriminator discriminator

(Optional) Display information about the BFD session using the specified local discriminator.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

prefix address

(Optional) Display information about all of the BFD sessions for the specified LDP forwarding equivalence class (FEC).

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

show bfd session
show bfd session brief
show bfd session detail
show bfd session detail (with Authentication)
show bfd session address extensive
show bfd session extensive
show bfd session extensive (with Authentication)
show bfd session summary

Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show bfd session command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show bfd session Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Address on which the BFD session is active.

brief detail extensive none


State of the BFD session: Up, Down, Init (initializing), or Failing.

brief detail extensive none


Interface on which the BFD session is active.

brief detail extensive none

Detect Time

Negotiated time interval, in seconds, used to detect BFD control packets.

brief detail extensive none

Transmit Interval

Time interval, in seconds, used by the transmitting system to send BFD control packets.

brief detail extensive none


Negotiated multiplier by which the time interval is multiplied to determine the detection time for the transmitting system.

detail extensive

Session up time

How long a BFD session has been established.

detail extensive


Protocol for which the BFD session is active: ISIS, OSPF, or Static.

detail extensive

TX interval

Time interval, in seconds, used by the host system to transmit BFD control packets.

brief detail extensive none

RX interval

Time interval, in seconds, used by the host system to receive BFD control packets.

brief detail extensive none


Indicates that BFD authentication is configured.

detail extensive


Name of the security authentication keychain being used by a specific client.

BFD authentication information for a client is provided in a single line and includes the keychain, algo, and mode parameters. Multiple clients can be configured on a BFD session.



BFD authentication algorithm being used for a specific client: keyed-md5, keyed-sha-1, meticulous-keyed-md5, meticulous-keyed-sha-1, or simple-password.

BFD authentication information for a client is provided in a single line and includes the keychain, algo, and mode parameters. Multiple clients can be configured on a BFD session.



Level of BFD authentication enforcement being used by a specific client: strict or loose. Strict enforcement indicates that authentication is configured at both ends of the session (the default). Loose enforcement indicates that one end of the session might not be authenticated.

BFD authentication information for a client is provided in a single line and includes the keychain, algo, and mode parameters. Multiple clients can be configured on a BFD session.


Local diagnostic

Local diagnostic information about failing BFD sessions.

detail extensive

Remote diagnostic

Remote diagnostic information about failing BFD sessions.

detail extensive

Remote state

Reports whether the remote system's BFD packets have been received and whether the remote system is receiving transmitted control packets.

detail extensive


BFD version: 0 or 1.



The replicated flag appears when nonstop routing or graceful Routing Engine switchover is configured and the BFD session has been replicated to the backup Routing Engine.

detail extensive

Min async interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between asynchronous control packet transmissions across the BFD session.


Min slow interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between synchronous control packet transmissions across the BFD session.


Adaptive async TX interval

Transmission interval being used because of adaptation.


RX interval

Minimum required receive interval.


Local min TX interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between control packet transmissions on the local system.


Local min RX interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between control packet detections on the local system.


Remote min TX interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between control packet transmissions on the remote system.


Remote min TX interval

Minimum amount of time, in seconds, between control packet detections on the remote system.


Threshold transmission interval

Threshold for notification if the transmission interval increases.


Threshold for detection time

Threshold for notification if the detection time increases.


Local discriminator

Authentication code used by the local system to identify that BFD session.


Remote discriminator

Authentication code used by the remote system to identify that BFD session.


Echo mode

Information about the state of echo transmissions on the BFD session.



LDP FEC address associated with the BFD session.

All levels

Egress, Destination

Displays the LDP FEC destination address. This field is displayed only on a router at the egress of an LDP FEC, where the BFD session has an LDP Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) client.

All levels

Remote is control-plane independent

The BFD session on the remote peer is running on its Packet Forwarding Engine. In this case, when the remote node undergoes a graceful restart, the local peer can help the remote peer with the graceful restart.

The following BFD sessions are not distributed to the Packet Forwarding Engine: multihop sessions, tunnel-encapsulated sessions, and sessions over aggregated Ethernet and integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interfaces.



Summary status of BFD authentication:

  • statusenabled/active indicates authentication is configured and active. enabled/inactive indicates authentication is configured but not active. This only occurs when the remote end of the session does not support authentication and loose checking is configured.
  • keychain—Name of the security authentication keychain associated with the specified BFD session.
  • algo—BFD authentication algorithm being used: keyed-md5, keyed-sha-1, meticulous-keyed-md5, meticulous-keyed-sha-1, or simple-password.
  • mode—Level of BFD authentication enforcement: strict or loose. Strict enforcement indicates authentication is configured at both ends of the session (the default). Loose enforcement indicates that one end of the session might not be authenticated.

This information is only shown if BFD authentication is configured.


Session ID

The BFD session ID number that represents the protection using MPLS fast reroute (FRR) and loop-free alternate (LFA).

detail extensive


Total number of active BFD sessions.

All levels


Total number of clients that are hosting active BFD sessions.

All levels

Cumulative transmit rate

Total number of BFD control packets transmitted per second on all active sessions.

All levels

Cumulative receive rate

Total number of BFD control packets received per second on all active sessions.

All levels

Multi-hop, min-recv-TTL

Minimum time to live (TTL) accepted if the session is configured for multihop.


route table

Route table used if the session is configured for multihop.


local address

Local address of the source used if the session is configured for multihop.


Sample Output

show bfd session

user@host> show bfd session
Address              State     Interface     Detect Time  Interval  Multiplier            Up        so-7/1/0.0          0.600     0.200      3            Up        ge-4/0/0.0          0.600     0.200      3

2 sessions, 2 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 10.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 10.0 pps

show bfd session brief

The output for the show bfd session brief command is identical to that for the show bfd session command. For sample output, see show bfd session.

show bfd session detail

user@host> show bfd session detail
Address              State     Interface     Detect Time  Interval  Multiplier            Up        so-7/1/0.0          0.600     0.200      3
  Client OSPF, TX interval 0.200, RX interval 0.200, multiplier 3
  Session up time 3d 00:34
  Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic None
  Remote state Up, version 1
  Replicated            Up        ge-4/0/0.0          0.600     0.200      3
  Client ISIS L2, TX interval 0.200, RX interval 0.200, multiplier 3
  Session up time 3d 00:29, previous down time 00:00:01
  Local diagnostic NbrSignal, remote diagnostic AdminDown
  Remote state Up, version 1

2 sessions, 2 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 10.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 10.0 pps

show bfd session detail (with Authentication)

user@host> show bfd session detail
Address              State     Interface     Detect Time  Interval  Multiplier            Up        so-7/1/0.0          0.600     0.200      3
  Client OSPF, TX interval 0.200, RX interval 0.200, multiplier 3, Authenticate
  Session up time 3d 00:34
  Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic None
  Remote state Up, version 1
  Replicated            Up        ge-4/0/0.0          0.600     0.200      3
  Client ISIS L2, TX interval 0.200, RX interval 0.200, multiplier 3
  Session up time 3d 00:29, previous down time 00:00:01
  Local diagnostic NbrSignal, remote diagnostic AdminDown
  Remote state Up, version 1

2 sessions, 2 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 10.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 10.0 pps

show bfd session address extensive

user@host> show bfd session extensive
Address              State     Interface     Detect Time  Interval  Multiplier       Up                            1.200     0.400      3
  Client Static, TX interval 0.400, RX interval 0.400, multiplier 3
  Session up time 00:17:03, previous down time 00:00:14
  Local diagnostic CtlExpire, remote diagnostic NbrSignal
  Remote state Up, version 1
  Min async interval 0.400, min slow interval 1.000
  Adaptive async tx interval 0.400, rx interval 0.400
  Local min tx interval 0.400, min rx interval 0.400, multiplier 3
  Remote min tx interval 0.400, min rx interval 0.400, multiplier 3
  Threshold transmission interval 0.000, Threshold for detection time 0.000
  Local discriminator 6, remote discriminator 16
  Echo mode disabled/inactive
  Multi-hop, min-recv-TTL 255, route-table 0, local-address

1 sessions, 1 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 2.5 pps, cumulative receive rate 2.5 pps

show bfd session extensive

user@host> show bfd session extensive                Up        ge-2/1/8.0     0.030     0.010        3   
 Client OSPF realm ospf-v2 Area, TX interval 0.010, RX interval 0.010
 Session up time 00:10:13
 Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic None
 Remote state Up, version 1
 Min async interval 0.010, min slow interval 1.000
 Adaptive async TX interval 0.010, RX interval 0.010
 Local min TX interval 0.010, minimum RX interval 0.010, multiplier 3
 Remote min TX interval 0.010, min RX interval 0.010, multiplier 3
 Local discriminator 12, remote discriminator 4
 Echo mode disabled/inactive
 Remote is control-plane independent
  Session ID: 0x201

                                                  Detect   Transmit
Address                  State     Interface      Time     Interval  Multiplier                Up        ge-2/1/4.0     0.030     0.010        3   
 Client OSPF realm ospf-v2 Area, TX interval 0.010, RX interval 0.010
 Session up time 00:10:14
 Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic NbrSignal
 Remote state Up, version 1
 Min async interval 0.010, min slow interval 1.000
 Adaptive async TX interval 0.010, RX interval 0.010
 Local min TX interval 0.010, minimum RX interval 0.010, multiplier 3
 Remote min TX interval 0.010, min RX interval 0.010, multiplier 3
 Local discriminator 13, remote discriminator 5
 Echo mode disabled/inactive
 Remote is control-plane independent
  Session ID: 0x202

2 sessions, 2 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 200.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 200.0 pps

show bfd session extensive (with Authentication)

user@host> show bfd session extensive
                                                  Detect   Transmit
Address                  State     Interface      Time     Interval  Multiplier           Up        so-1/0/0.0     2.400     0.800        10  
 Client Static, TX interval 0.600, RX interval 0.600, Authenticate 
       keychain bfd, algo keyed-md5, mode loose
 Session up time 00:18:07
 Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic NbrSignal
 Remote state Up, version 1
 Min async interval 0.600, min slow interval 1.000
 Adaptive async TX interval 0.600, RX interval 0.600
 Local min TX interval 0.600, minimum RX interval 0.600, multiplier 10
 Remote min TX interval 0.800, min RX interval 0.800, multiplier 3
 Local discriminator 2, remote discriminator 3
 Echo mode disabled/inactive
 Authentication enabled/active, keychain bfd, algo keyed-md5, mode loose

1 sessions, 1 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 1.2 pps, cumulative receive rate 1.2 pps

show bfd session summary

user@host> show bfd session summary
2 sessions, 2 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 10.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 10.0 pps

Published: 2013-03-14


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Published: 2013-03-14