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show chassis environment pdu


show chassis environment pdu<slot>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for PTX Series Packet Transport Switches.


(PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only) Display Power Distribution Unit (PDU) environmental status information.

On the PTX Series Packet Transport Switches, the power supply consists of Power Distribution Units (PDUs) that contain Power Supply Modules (PSMs). There are four PSMs for each PDU and each PSM provides power to a specific set of FRUs.

  • PSM 0: Fan Trays
  • PSM 1: Routing Engines, CBs, SIBs, FPD, and CCGs
  • PSM 2: FPCs
  • PSM 3: FPCs

This arrangement of PDUs and PSMs provide a modular power management design. Depending on which FRUs are present in the chassis, the required number of PSMs change enabling you to use only as much power as required to power the chassis.



Display environmental information about all PDUs.


(Optional) Display environmental information about an individual PDU. For the PTX5000 Packet Transport Switch, replace slot with 0 or 1.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show chassis environment pdu (PTX5000 Packet Transport Switch)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment pdu command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment pdu Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

PDU slot status

Number of the PDU slot.

PDU - State

Status of the PDU. Status can be Online, Present, or Absent.

PDU - Hours Used

Number of hours the PDU has been operational.

PDU - Firmware Version

Version level of the firmware running on the PDU.

PSM number status

PSM number. PSMs are numbered 0 through 3.

PSM - State

Status of the PSM. Status can be Online, Present, or Absent.

PSM - Temperature

Temperature of the air flowing past the PSM.

PSM - Fans

Status of the cooling fans associated with the PSM.

PSM - AC Input

Status of the AC input for the specified component

PSM - AC Output

Status of the AC output for the specified component.

PSM - DC input

Status of the DC input for the specified component.

PSM - DC output

Status of the DC output for the specified component.

PSM - Hours Used

Number of hours the PSM has been operational.

PSM - Firmware Version

Version level of the firmware running on the PSM.

Sample Output

show chassis environment pdu (PTX5000 Packet Transport Switch)

user@host> show chassis environment pdu 0
PDU 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Hours Used                 4281
  Firmware Version (MCU1)    00.02
  Firmware Version (MCU2)    00.02
  Firmware Version (MCU3)    00.02
  Firmware Version (MCU4)    00.02
PDU 0 PSM 0 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK   32 degrees C / 89 degrees F
  Fans                       OK
  DC Input                   OK
  DC Output                  OK
  Hours Used                 2864
  Firmware Version           00.04
PDU 0 PSM 1 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK   30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
  Fans                       OK
  DC Input                   OK
  DC Output                  OK
  Hours Used                 3540
  Firmware Version           00.04
PDU 0 PSM 2 status:                     
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK   29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
  Fans                       OK
  DC Input                   OK
  DC Output                  OK
  Hours Used                 3711
  Firmware Version           00.04
PDU 0 PSM 3 status:
  State                      Online
  Temperature                OK   29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
  Fans                       OK
  DC Input                   OK
  DC Output                  OK
  Hours Used                 4243
  Firmware Version           00.04

Published: 2013-03-14

Published: 2013-03-14