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show class-of-service interface


show class-of-service interface<detail | comprehensive> <interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Forwarding class map information added in Junos OS Release 9.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for the PTX Series Packet Transport Switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the ACX Series Universal Access routers.

Options detail and comprehensive introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.


Display the logical and physical interface associations for the classifier, rewrite rules, and scheduler map objects.



(M Series, MX Series, and T Series routers) (Optional) Display comprehensive quality-of-service (QoS) information about all physical and logical interfaces.


(M Series, MX Series, and T Series routers) (Optional) Display QoS and CoS information based on the interface.

If the interface interface-name is a physical interface, the output includes:

  • Brief QoS information about the physical interface
  • Brief QoS information about the logical interface
  • CoS information about the physical interface
  • Brief information about filters or policers of the logical interface
  • Brief CoS information about the logical interface

If the interface interface-name is a logical interface, the output includes:

  • Brief QoS information about the logical interface
  • Information about filters or policers for the logical interface
  • CoS information about the logical interface

(Optional) Display class-of-service (CoS) associations for the specified interface.


Display CoS associations for all physical and logical interfaces.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show class-of-service interface (Physical)
show class-of-service interface (Logical)
show class-of-service interface (Gigabit Ethernet)
show class-of-service interface (PPPoE Interface)
show class-of-service interface (T4000 Routers with Type 5 FPCs)
show class-of-service interface detail
show class-of-service interface comprehensive
show class-of-service interface (ACX Series Routers)

Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show class-of-service interface command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show class-of-service interface Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of a physical interface.


Index of this interface or the internal index of this object.

Dedicated Queues

Status of dedicated queues configured on an interface. Supported only on Trio MPC/MIC interfaces on MX Series routers.

Queues supported

Number of queues you can configure on the interface.

Queues in use

Number of queues currently configured.

Total non-default queues created

Number of queues created in addition to the default queues. Supported only on Trio MPC/MIC interfaces on MX Series routers.

Rewrite Input IEEE Code-point

(QFX Series only) IEEE 802.1p code point (priority) rewrite value. Incoming traffic from the Fibre Channel (FC) SAN is classified into the forwarding class specified in the native FC interface (NP_Port) fixed classifier and uses the priority specified as the IEEE 802.1p rewrite value.

Shaping rate

Maximum transmission rate on the physical interface. You can configure the shaping rate on the physical interface, or on the logical interface, but not on both. Therefore, the Shaping rate field is displayed for either the physical interface or the logical interface.

Scheduler map

Name of the output scheduler map associated with this interface.

Input shaping rate

For Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PICs, maximum transmission rate on the input interface.

Input scheduler map

For Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PICs, name of the input scheduler map associated with this interface.

Chassis scheduler map

Name of the scheduler map associated with the packet forwarding component queues.


Name and type of the rewrite rules associated with this interface.


Name and type of classifiers associated with this interface.


Name of the forwarding map associated with this interface.


(QFX Series only) Congestion notification state, enabled or disabled.

Logical interface

Name of a logical interface.


Category of an object: Classifier, Fragmentation-map (for LSQ interfaces only), Scheduler-map, Rewrite, or Translation Table (for IQE PICs only).


Name of an object.


Type of an object: dscp, dscp-ipv6, exp, ieee-802.1, ip, or inet-precedence.

Link-level type

Encapsulation on the physical interface.


MTU size on the physical interface.


Speed at which the interface is running.


Whether loopback is enabled and the type of loopback.

Source filtering

Whether source filtering is enabled or disabled.

Flow control

Whether flow control is enabled or disabled.


(Gigabit Ethernet interfaces) Whether autonegotiation is enabled or disabled.


(Gigabit Ethernet interfaces) Remote fault status.

  • Online—Autonegotiation is manually configured as online.
  • Offline—Autonegotiation is manually configured as offline.

Device flags

The Device flags field provides information about the physical device and displays one or more of the following values:

  • Down—Device has been administratively disabled.
  • Hear-Own-Xmit—Device receives its own transmissions.
  • Link-Layer-Down—The link-layer protocol has failed to connect with the remote endpoint.
  • Loopback—Device is in physical loopback.
  • Loop-Detected—The link layer has received frames that it sent, thereby detecting a physical loopback.
  • No-Carrier—On media that support carrier recognition, no carrier is currently detected.
  • No-Multicast—Device does not support multicast traffic.
  • Present—Device is physically present and recognized.
  • Promiscuous—Device is in promiscuous mode and recognizes frames addressed to all physical addresses on the media.
  • Quench—Transmission on the device is quenched because the output buffer is overflowing.
  • Recv-All-Multicasts—Device is in multicast promiscuous mode and therefore provides no multicast filtering.
  • Running—Device is active and enabled.

Interface flags

The Interface flags field provides information about the physical interface and displays one or more of the following values:

  • Admin-Test—Interface is in test mode and some sanity checking, such as loop detection, is disabled.
  • Disabled—Interface is administratively disabled.
  • Down—A hardware failure has occurred.
  • Hardware-Down—Interface is nonfunctional or incorrectly connected.
  • Link-Layer-Down—Interface keepalives have indicated that the link is incomplete.
  • No-Multicast—Interface does not support multicast traffic.
  • No-receive No-transmit—Passive monitor mode is configured on the interface.
  • Point-To-Point—Interface is point-to-point.
  • Pop all MPLS labels from packets of depth—MPLS labels are removed as packets arrive on an interface that has the pop-all-labels statement configured. The depth value can be one of the following:
    • 1—Takes effect for incoming packets with one label only.
    • 2—Takes effect for incoming packets with two labels only.
    • [ 1 2 ]—Takes effect for incoming packets with either one or two labels.
  • Promiscuous—Interface is in promiscuous mode and recognizes frames addressed to all physical addresses.
  • Recv-All-Multicasts—Interface is in multicast promiscuous mode and provides no multicast filtering.
  • SNMP-Traps—SNMP trap notifications are enabled.
  • Up—Interface is enabled and operational.


The Logical interface flags field provides information about the logical interface and displays one or more of the following values:

  • ACFC Encapsulation—Address control field Compression (ACFC) encapsulation is enabled (negotiated successfully with a peer).
  • Device-down—Device has been administratively disabled.
  • Disabled—Interface is administratively disabled.
  • Down—A hardware failure has occurred.
  • Clear-DF-Bit—GRE tunnel or IPsec tunnel is configured to clear the Don't Fragment (DF) bit.
  • Hardware-Down—Interface protocol initialization failed to complete successfully.
  • PFC—Protocol field compression is enabled for the PPP session.
  • Point-To-Point—Interface is point-to-point.
  • SNMP-Traps—SNMP trap notifications are enabled.
  • Up—Interface is enabled and operational.


Encapsulation on the logical interface.


Administrative state of the interface (Up or Down)


Status of physical link (Up or Down).


Protocol configured on the interface.

Input Filter

Names of any firewall filters to be evaluated when packets are received on the interface, including any filters attached through activation of dynamic service.

Output Filter

Names of any firewall filters to be evaluated when packets are transmitted on the interface, including any filters attached through activation of dynamic service.

Link flags

Provides information about the physical link and displays one or more of the following values:

  • ACFC—Address control field compression is configured. The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) session negotiates the ACFC option.
  • Give-Up—Link protocol does not continue connection attempts after repeated failures.
  • Loose-LCP—PPP does not use the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to indicate whether the link protocol is operational.
  • Loose-LMI—Frame Relay does not use the Local Management Interface (LMI) to indicate whether the link protocol is operational.
  • Loose-NCP—PPP does not use the Network Control Protocol (NCP) to indicate whether the device is operational.
  • Keepalives—Link protocol keepalives are enabled.
  • No-Keepalives—Link protocol keepalives are disabled.
  • PFC—Protocol field compression is configured. The PPP session negotiates the PFC option.


Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds.

CoS queues

Number of CoS queues configured.

Last flapped

Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second:timezone (hour:minute:second ago). For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago).

Statistics last cleared

Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical interface.

  • Input bytes—Number of bytes received on the interface.
  • Output bytes—Number of bytes transmitted on the interface.
  • Input packets—Number of packets received on the interface.
  • Output packets—Number of packets transmitted on the interface.

IPv6 transit statistics

Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.

Input errors

Input errors on the interface. The labels are explained in the following list:

  • Errors—Sum of the incoming frame aborts and FCS errors.
  • Drops—Number of packets dropped by the input queue of the I/O Manager ASIC. If the interface is saturated, this number increments once for every packet that is dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
  • Framing errors—Number of packets received with an invalid frame checksum (FCS).
  • Runts—Number of frames received that are smaller than the runt threshold.
  • Giants—Number of frames received that are larger than the giant threshold.
  • Bucket Drops—Drops resulting from the traffic load exceeding the interface transmit or receive leaky bucket configuration.
  • Policed discards—Number of frames that the incoming packet match code discarded because they were not recognized or not of interest. Usually, this field reports protocols that Junos OS does not handle.
  • L3 incompletes—Number of incoming packets discarded because they failed Layer 3 (usually IPv4) sanity checks of the header. For example, a frame with less than 20 bytes of available IP header is discarded. Layer 3 incomplete errors can be ignored by configuring the ignore-l3-incompletes statement.
  • L2 channel errors—Number of times the software did not find a valid logical interface for an incoming frame.
  • L2 mismatch timeouts—Number of malformed or short packets that caused the incoming packet handler to discard the frame as unreadable.
  • HS link CRC errors—Number of errors on the high-speed links between the ASICs responsible for handling the router interfaces.
  • HS link FIFO overflows—Number of FIFO overflows on the high-speed links between the ASICs responsible for handling the router interfaces.

Output errors

Output errors on the interface. The labels are explained in the following list:

  • Carrier transitions—Number of times the interface has gone from down to up. This number does not normally increment quickly, increasing only when the cable is unplugged, the far-end system is powered down and up, or another problem occurs. If the number of carrier transitions increments quickly (perhaps once every 10 seconds), the cable, the far-end system, or the PIC is malfunctioning.
  • Errors—Sum of the outgoing frame aborts and FCS errors.
  • Drops—Number of packets dropped by the output queue of the I/O Manager ASIC. If the interface is saturated, this number increments once for every packet that is dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
  • Aged packets—Number of packets that remained in shared packet SDRAM so long that the system automatically purged them. The value in this field should never increment. If it does, it is most likely a software bug or possibly malfunctioning hardware.
  • HS link FIFO underflows—Number of FIFO underflows on the high-speed links between the ASICs responsible for handling the router interfaces.
  • MTU errors—Number of packets whose size exceeds the MTU of the interface.

Egress queues

Total number of egress queues supported on the specified interface.

Queue counters

CoS queue number and its associated user-configured forwarding class name.

  • Queued packets—Number of queued packets.
  • Transmitted packets—Number of transmitted packets.
  • Dropped packets—Number of packets dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.

SONET alarms

SONET defects

(SONET) SONET media-specific alarms and defects that prevent the interface from passing packets. When a defect persists for a certain period, it is promoted to an alarm. Based on the router configuration, an alarm can ring the red or yellow alarm bell on the router or light the red or yellow alarm LED on the craft interface. See these fields for possible alarms and defects: SONET PHY, SONET section, SONET line, and SONET path.


Counts of specific SONET errors with detailed information.

  • Seconds—Number of seconds the defect has been active.
  • Count—Number of times that the defect has gone from inactive to active.
  • State—State of the error. A state other than OK indicates a problem.

The SONET PHY field has the following subfields:

  • PLL Lock—Phase-locked loop
  • PHY Light—Loss of optical signal

SONET section

Counts of specific SONET errors with detailed information.

  • Seconds—Number of seconds the defect has been active.
  • Count—Number of times that the defect has gone from inactive to active.
  • State—State of the error. A state other than OK indicates a problem.

The SONET section field has the following subfields:

  • BIP-B1—Bit interleaved parity for SONET section overhead
  • SEF—Severely errored framing
  • LOS—Loss of signal
  • LOF—Loss of frame
  • ES-S—Errored seconds (section)
  • SES-S—Severely errored seconds (section)
  • SEFS-S—Severely errored framing seconds (section)

SONET line

Active alarms and defects, plus counts of specific SONET errors with detailed information.

  • Seconds—Number of seconds the defect has been active.
  • Count—Number of times that the defect has gone from inactive to active.
  • State—State of the error. A state other than OK indicates a problem.

The SONET line field has the following subfields:

  • BIP-B2—Bit interleaved parity for SONET line overhead
  • REI-L—Remote error indication (near-end line)
  • RDI-L—Remote defect indication (near-end line)
  • AIS-L—Alarm indication signal (near-end line)
  • BERR-SF—Bit error rate fault (signal failure)
  • BERR-SD—Bit error rate defect (signal degradation)
  • ES-L—Errored seconds (near-end line)
  • SES-L—Severely errored seconds (near-end line)
  • UAS-L—Unavailable seconds (near-end line)
  • ES-LFE—Errored seconds (far-end line)
  • SES-LFE—Severely errored seconds (far-end line)
  • UAS-LFE—Unavailable seconds (far-end line)

SONET path

Active alarms and defects, plus counts of specific SONET errors with detailed information.

  • Seconds—Number of seconds the defect has been active.
  • Count—Number of times that the defect has gone from inactive to active.
  • State—State of the error. A state other than OK indicates a problem.

The SONET path field has the following subfields:

  • BIP-B3—Bit interleaved parity for SONET section overhead
  • REI-P—Remote error indication
  • LOP-P—Loss of pointer (path)
  • AIS-P—Path alarm indication signal
  • RDI-P—Path remote defect indication
  • UNEQ-P—Path unequipped
  • PLM-P—Path payload (signal) label mismatch
  • ES-P—Errored seconds (near-end STS path)
  • SES-P—Severely errored seconds (near-end STS path)
  • UAS-P—Unavailable seconds (near-end STS path)
  • ES-PFE—Errored seconds (far-end STS path)
  • SES-PFE—Severely errored seconds (far-end STS path)
  • UAS-PFE—Unavailable seconds (far-end STS path)

Received SONET overhead

Transmitted SONET overhead

Values of the received and transmitted SONET overhead:

  • C2—Signal label. Allocated to identify the construction and content of the STS-level SPE and for PDI-P.
  • F1—Section user channel byte. This byte is set aside for the purposes of users.
  • K1 and K2—These bytes are allocated for APS signaling for the protection of the multiplex section.
  • J0—Section trace. This byte is defined for STS-1 number 1 of an STS-N signal. Used to transmit a 1-byte fixed-length string or a 16-byte message so that a receiving terminal in a section can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter.
  • S1—Synchronization status. The S1 byte is located in the first STS-1 number of an STS-N signal.
  • Z3 and Z4—Allocated for future use.

Received path trace

Transmitted path trace

SONET/SDH interfaces allow path trace bytes to be sent inband across the SONET/SDH link. Juniper Networks and other router manufacturers use these bytes to help diagnose misconfigurations and network errors by setting the transmitted path trace message so that it contains the system hostname and name of the physical interface. The received path trace value is the message received from the router at the other end of the fiber. The transmitted path trace value is the message that this router transmits.

HDLC configuration

Information about the HDLC configuration.

  • Policing bucket—Configured state of the receiving policer.
  • Shaping bucket—Configured state of the transmitting shaper.
  • Giant threshold—Giant threshold programmed into the hardware.
  • Runt threshold—Runt threshold programmed into the hardware.

Packet Forwarding Engine configuration

Information about the configuration of the Packet Forwarding Engine:

  • Destination slot—FPC slot number.
  • PLP byte—Packet Level Protocol byte.

CoS information

Information about the CoS queue for the physical interface.

  • CoS transmit queue—Queue number and its associated user-configured forwarding class name.
  • Bandwidth %—Percentage of bandwidth allocated to the queue.
  • Bandwidth bps—Bandwidth allocated to the queue (in bps).
  • Buffer %—Percentage of buffer space allocated to the queue.
  • Buffer usec—Amount of buffer space allocated to the queue, in microseconds. This value is nonzero only if the buffer size is configured in terms of time.
  • Priority—Queue priority: low or high.
  • Limit—Displayed if rate limiting is configured for the queue. Possible values are none and exact. If exact is configured, the queue transmits only up to the configured bandwidth, even if excess bandwidth is available. If none is configured, the queue transmits beyond the configured bandwidth if bandwidth is available.

Forwarding classes

Total number of forwarding classes supported on the specified interface.

Egress queues

Total number of egress queues supported on the specified interface.


Queue number.

Forwarding classes

Forwarding class name.

Queued Packets

Number of packets queued to this queue.

Queued Bytes

Number of bytes queued to this queue. The byte counts vary by PIC type.

Transmitted Packets

Number of packets transmitted by this queue. When fragmentation occurs on the egress interface, the first set of packet counters shows the postfragmentation values. The second set of packet counters (displayed under the Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues field) shows the prefragmentation values.

Transmitted Bytes

Number of bytes transmitted by this queue. The byte counts vary by PIC type.

Tail-dropped packets

Number of packets dropped because of tail drop.

RED-dropped packets

Number of packets dropped because of random early detection (RED).

  • (M Series and T Series routers only) On M320 and M120 routers and the T Series routers, the total number of dropped packets is displayed. On all other M Series routers, the output classifies dropped packets into the following categories:
    • Low, non-TCP—Number of low-loss priority non-TCP packets dropped because of RED.
    • Low, TCP—Number of low-loss priority TCP packets dropped because of RED.
    • High, non-TCP—Number of high-loss priority non-TCP packets dropped because of RED.
    • High, TCP—Number of high-loss priority TCP packets dropped because of RED.
  • (MX Series routers with enhanced DPCs, and T Series routers with enhanced FPCs only) The output classifies dropped packets into the following categories:
    • Low—Number of low-loss priority packets dropped because of RED.
    • Medium-low—Number of medium-low loss priority packets dropped because of RED.
    • Medium-high—Number of medium-high loss priority packets dropped because of RED.
    • High—Number of high-loss priority packets dropped because of RED.

RED-dropped bytes

Number of bytes dropped because of RED. The byte counts vary by PIC type.

  • (M Series and T Series routers only) On M320 and M120 routers and the T Series routers, only the total number of dropped bytes is displayed. On all other M Series routers, the output classifies dropped bytes into the following categories:
    • Low, non-TCP—Number of low-loss priority non-TCP bytes dropped because of RED.
    • Low, TCP—Number of low-loss priority TCP bytes dropped because of RED.
    • High, non-TCP—Number of high-loss priority non-TCP bytes dropped because of RED.
    • High, TCP—Number of high-loss priority TCP bytes dropped because of RED.

Transmit rate

Configured transmit rate of the scheduler. The rate is a percentage of the total interface bandwidth.

Rate Limit

Rate limiting configuration of the queue. Possible values are :

  • None—No rate limit.
  • exact—Queue transmits at the configured rate.

Buffer size

Delay buffer size in the queue.


Scheduling priority configured as low or high.

Excess Priority

Priority of the excess bandwidth traffic on a scheduler: low, medium-low, medium-high, high, or none.

Drop profiles

Display the assignment of drop profiles.

  • Loss priority—Packet loss priority for drop profile assignment.
  • Protocol—Transport protocol for drop profile assignment.
  • Index—Index of the indicated object. Objects that have indexes in this output include schedulers and drop profiles.
  • Name—Name of the drop profile.
  • Type—Type of the drop profile: discrete or interpolated.
  • Fill Level—Percentage fullness of a queue.
  • Drop probability—Drop probability at this fill level.

Excess Priority

Priority of the excess bandwidth traffic on a scheduler.

Drop profiles

Display the assignment of drop profiles.

  • Loss priority—Packet loss priority for drop profile assignment.
  • Protocol—Transport protocol for drop profile assignment.
  • Index—Index of the indicated object. Objects that have indexes in this output include schedulers and drop profiles.
  • Name—Name of the drop profile.
  • Type—Type of the drop profile: discrete or interpolated.
  • Fill Level—Percentage fullness of a queue.
  • Drop probability—Drop probability at this fill level.

Adjustment information

Display the assignment of shaping-rate adjustments on a scheduler node or queue.

  • Adjusting application—Application that is performing the shaping-rate adjustment.
    • The adjusting application can appear as ancp LS-0, which is the Junos OS Access Node Control Profile process (ancpd) that performs shaping-rate adjustments on schedule nodes.
    • The adjusting application can also appear as pppoe, which adjusts the shaping-rate and overhead-accounting class-of-service attributes on dynamic subscriber interfaces in a broadband access network based on access line parameters in Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Tags [TR-101]. This feature is supported on MPC/MIC interfaces on MX Series routers. The shaping rate is based on the actual-data-rate-downstream attribute. The overhead accounting value is based on the access-loop-encapsulation attribute and specifies whether the access loop uses Ethernet (frame mode) or ATM (cell mode).
  • Adjustment type—Type of adjustment: absolute or delta.
  • Configured shaping rate—Shaping rate configured for the scheduler node or queue.
  • Adjustment value—Value of adjusted shaping rate.
  • Adjustment target—Level of shaping-rate adjustment performed: node or queue.
  • Adjustment overhead-accounting mode—Configured shaping mode: frame or cell.

Sample Output

show class-of-service interface (Physical)

user@host> show class-of-service interface so-0/2/3
Physical interface: so-0/2/3, Index: 135
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 4
Total non—default queues created: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2032638653

  Logical interface: fe-0/0/1.0, Index: 68, Dedicated Queues: no
    Shaping rate: 32000
    Object                   Name                   Type           Index
    Scheduler-map            <default>                              27
    Rewrite                  exp-default            exp             21
    Classifier               exp-default            exp             5
    Classifier               ipprec-compatibility   ip              8
    Forwarding—class—map     exp-default            exp             5

show class-of-service interface (Logical)

user@host> show class-of-service interface so-0/2/3.0
Logical interface: so-0/2/3.0, Index: 68, Dedicated Queues: no
    Shaping rate: 32000
    Object                   Name                   Type             Index
    Scheduler-map            <default>                                27
    Rewrite                  exp-default            exp               21
    Classifier               exp-default            exp               5
    Classifier               ipprec-compatibility   ip                8
    Forwarding—class—map     exp-default            exp               5

show class-of-service interface (Gigabit Ethernet)

user@host> show class-of-service interface ge-6/2/0
Physical interface: ge-6/2/0, Index: 175
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Input scheduler map: <default>, Index: 3
  Chassis scheduler map: <default-chassis>, Index: 4

show class-of-service interface (PPPoE Interface)

user@host> show class-of-service interface pp0.1
Logical interface: pp0.1, Index: 85
    Object                  Name                   Type           Index
    Traffic-control-profile tcp-pppoe.o.pp0.1      Output         2726446535
    Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip             13
    Adjusting application: PPPoE
      Adjustment type: absolute
      Adjustment value: 5000000
      Adjustment overhead-accounting mode: cell
      Adjustment target: node

show class-of-service interface (T4000 Routers with Type 5 FPCs)

user@host> show class-of-service interface xe-4/0/0
Physical interface: xe-4/0/0, Index: 153
    Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 4
      Shaping rate: 5000000000 bps
      Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
      Congestion-notification: Disabled
      Logical interface: xe-4/0/0.0, Index: 77
        Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
        Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

show class-of-service interface detail

user@host> show class-of-service interface ge-0/3/0 detail
Physical interface: ge-0/3/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000          

  Physical interface: ge-0/3/0, Index: 138             
  Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 5
  Shaping rate: 50000 bps
  Scheduler map: interface-schedular-map, Index: 58414
  Input shaping rate: 10000 bps
  Input scheduler map: schedular-map, Index: 15103
  Chassis scheduler map: <default-chassis>, Index: 4
  Congestion-notification: Disabled

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.0                                       
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Filter         Output Filter  
ge-0/3/0.0      up    up   inet
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Policer         Output Policer
ge-0/3/0.0      up    up   inet
  Logical interface: ge-0/3/0.0, Index: 68                             
    Object                  Name                   Type               Index 
    Rewrite                 exp-default            exp (mpls-any)       33
    Classifier              exp-default            exp                  10
    Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                   13

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.1
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Filter         Output Filter
ge-0/3/0.1      up    up   inet
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Policer         Output Policer
ge-0/3/0.1      up    up   inet
  Logical interface: ge-0/3/0.1, Index: 69
    Object                  Name                   Type            Index
    Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip               13

show class-of-service interface comprehensive

user@host> show class-of-service interface ge-0/3/0 comprehensive
Physical interface: ge-0/3/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 138, SNMP ifIndex: 601, Generation: 141
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled,
  Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
  CoS queues     : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues
  Schedulers     : 256
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Current address: 00:14:f6:f4:b4:5d, Hardware address: 00:14:f6:f4:b4:5d
  Last flapped   : 2010-09-07 06:35:22 PDT (15:14:42 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
   Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
   IPv6 total statistics:
    Input  bytes  :                   0
    Output bytes  :                   0
    Input  packets:                   0
    Output packets:                   0
  Ingress traffic statistics at Packet Forwarding Engine:
   Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
   Drop   bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Drop   packets:                    0                    0 pps
  Label-switched interface (LSI) traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 5, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
  Ingress queues: 4 supported, 5 in use
  Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
    0 af3                            0                    0                    0
    1 af2                            0                    0                    0
    2 ef2                            0                    0                    0
    3 ef1                            0                    0                    0
  Egress queues: 4 supported, 5 in use
  Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
    0 af3                            0                    0                    0
    1 af2                            0                    0                    0
    2 ef2                            0                    0                    0
    3 ef1                            0                    0                    0
  Active alarms  : None
  Active defects : None
  MAC statistics:                      Receive         Transmit
    Total octets                             0                0
    Total packets                            0                0
    Unicast packets                          0                0
    Broadcast packets                        0                0
    Multicast packets                        0                0
    CRC/Align errors                         0                0
    FIFO errors                              0                0
    MAC control frames                       0                0
    MAC pause frames                         0                0
    Oversized frames                         0
    Jabber frames                            0
    Fragment frames                          0
    VLAN tagged frames                       0
    Code violations                          0
  Filter statistics:
    Input packet count                       0
    Input packet rejects                     0
    Input DA rejects                         0
    Input SA rejects                         0
    Output packet count                                       0
    Output packet pad count                                   0
    Output packet error count                                 0
    CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0
  Autonegotiation information:
    Negotiation status: Complete
    Link partner:
        Link mode: Full-duplex, Flow control: Symmetric/Asymmetric, Remote fault: OK
    Local resolution:
      Flow control: Symmetric, Remote fault: Link OK
  Packet Forwarding Engine configuration:
    Destination slot: 0
  CoS information:
    Direction : Output
    CoS transmit queue               Bandwidth               Buffer Priority   Limit
                              %            bps     %           usec
    2 ef2                    39          19500     0            120     high    none
    Direction : Input
    CoS transmit queue               Bandwidth               Buffer Priority   Limit
                              %            bps     %           usec
    0 af3                    30           3000    45              0      low    none

Physical interface: ge-0/3/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 138, SNMP ifIndex: 601
Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 5 in use
Ingress queues: 4 supported, 5 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: af3
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: af2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: ef2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: ef1
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 5 in use
Egress queues: 4 supported, 5 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: af3
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RL-dropped packets   :                     0                     0 pps
    RL-dropped bytes     :                     0                     0 bps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: af2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RL-dropped packets   :                     0                     0 pps
    RL-dropped bytes     :                     0                     0 bps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: ef2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RL-dropped packets   :                     0                     0 pps
    RL-dropped bytes     :                     0                     0 bps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: ef1
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets : Not Available
    RL-dropped packets   :                     0                     0 pps
    RL-dropped bytes     :                     0                     0 bps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps

Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues:
Queues: 4 supported, 5 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: af3
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  : Not Available
    RED-dropped bytes    : Not Available
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: af2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  : Not Available
    RED-dropped bytes    : Not Available
Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: ef2
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                      0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  : Not Available
    RED-dropped bytes    : Not Available
Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: ef1
    Packets              :                108546                     0 pps
    Bytes                :              12754752                   376 bps
    Packets              :                108546                      0 pps
    Bytes                :              12754752                   376 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  : Not Available
    RED-dropped bytes    : Not Available

Physical interface: ge-0/3/0, Index: 138
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 5
  Shaping rate: 50000 bps

Scheduler map: interface-schedular-map, Index: 58414

  Scheduler: ef2, Forwarding class: ef2, Index: 39155
    Transmit rate: 39 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 120 us, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: high
    Excess Priority: unspecified
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    < default-drop-profile> 
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      High            any             1    < default-drop-profile>
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
  Input shaping rate: 10000 bps
  Input scheduler map: schedular-map

Scheduler map: schedular-map, Index: 15103

  Scheduler: af3, Forwarding class: af3, Index: 35058
    Transmit rate: 30 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 45 percent, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: low
    Excess Priority: unspecified
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any         40582    green
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      High            any         18928    yellow
Drop profile: green, Type: discrete, Index: 40582
  Fill level    Drop probability
          50                   0
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: yellow, Type: discrete, Index: 18928
  Fill level    Drop probability
          50                   0
         100                 100
  Chassis scheduler map: < default-drop-profile>
Scheduler map: < default-drop-profile>, Index: 4

  Scheduler: < default-drop-profile>, Forwarding class: af3, Index: 25
    Transmit rate: 25 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 25 percent, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: low
    Excess Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      High            any             1    < default-drop-profile>
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100

  Scheduler: < default-drop-profile>, Forwarding class: af2, Index: 25
    Transmit rate: 25 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 25 percent, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: low
    Excess Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    < default-drop-profile>     
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>      
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      High            any             1    < default-drop-profile>
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100

  Scheduler: < default-drop-profile>, Forwarding class: ef2, Index: 25
    Transmit rate: 25 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 25 percent, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: low
    Excess Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      High            any             1    < default-drop-profile>
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100

  Scheduler: < default-drop-profile>, Forwarding class: ef1, Index: 25
    Transmit rate: 25 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 25 percent, Buffer Limit: none, Priority: low
    Excess Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium low      any             1    < default-drop-profile>
      Medium high     any             1    < default-drop-profile>     
      High            any             1    < default-drop-profile>
Drop profile: , Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
Drop profile: < default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    Drop probability
         100                 100
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Forwarding class                       ID      Queue  Restricted queue  Fabric priority  Policing priority
  af3                                   0       0          0             low                normal
  af2                                   1       1          1             low                normal
  ef2                                   2       2          2             high               normal
  ef1                                   3       3          3             high               normal
  af1                                   4       4          0             low                normal

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.0 (Index 68) (SNMP ifIndex 152) (Generation 159)
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 172, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
      Input Filters: filter-in-ge-0/3/0.0-i,
      Policer: Input: p1-ge-0/3/0.0-inet-i
    Protocol mpls, MTU: 1488, Maximum labels: 3, Generation: 173, Route table: 0
      Flags: Is-Primary
      Output Filters: exp-filter,,,,,

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.0 (Index 68) (SNMP ifIndex 152)
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.1 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0

Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Filter         Output Filter
ge-0/3/0.0      up    up   inet  filter-in-ge-0/3/0.0-i
                           mpls                       exp-filter
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Policer         Output Policer
ge-0/3/0.0      up    up
                           inet  p1-ge-0/3/0.0-inet-i

Filter: filter-in-ge-0/3/0.0-i
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
count-filter-in-ge-0/3/0.0-i                            0                    0

Filter: exp-filter
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
count-exp-seven-match                                   0                    0
count-exp-zero-match                                    0                    0
Name                                              Packets
p1-ge-0/3/0.0-inet-i                                    0

  Logical interface: ge-0/3/0.0, Index: 68
    Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
    Rewrite                 exp-default            exp (mpls-any)             33

Rewrite rule: exp-default, Code point type: exp, Index: 33
  Forwarding class                    Loss priority       Code point
  af3                                 low                 000
  af3                                 high                001
  af2                                 low                 010
  af2                                 high                011
  ef2                                 low                 100
  ef2                                 high                101
  ef1                                 low                 110
  ef1                                 high                111
    Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
    Classifier              exp-default            exp                        10

Classifier: exp-default, Code point type: exp, Index: 10
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                af3                                 low
  001                af3                                 high
  010                af2                                 low
  011                af2                                 high
  100                ef2                                 low
  101                ef2                                 high
  110                ef1                                 low
  111                ef1                                 high
    Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
    Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Classifier: ipprec-compatibility, Code point type: inet-precedence, Index: 13
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                af3                                 low
  001                af3                                 high
  010                af3                                 low
  011                af3                                 high
  100                af3                                 low
  101                af3                                 high
  110                ef1                                 low
  111                ef1                                 high
Forwarding class                       ID      Queue  Restricted queue  Fabric priority  Policing priority
  af3                                   0       0          0             low                normal
  af2                                   1       1          1             low                normal
  ef2                                   2       2          2             high               normal
  ef1                                   3       3          3             high               normal
  af1                                   4       4          0             low                normal

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.1 (Index 69) (SNMP ifIndex 154) (Generation 160)
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 174, Route table: 0
      Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re

  Logical interface ge-0/3/0.1 (Index 69) (SNMP ifIndex 154)
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.2 ]  Encapsulation: ENET2
    Input packets : 0
    Output packets: 0

Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Filter         Output Filter
ge-0/3/0.1      up    up   mpls  
Interface       Admin Link Proto Input Policer         Output Policer
ge-0/3/0.1      up    up

  Logical interface: ge-0/3/0.1, Index: 69
    Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
    Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Classifier: ipprec-compatibility, Code point type: inet-precedence, Index: 13
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                af3                                 low
  001                af3                                 high
  010                af3                                 low
  011                af3                                 high
  100                af3                                 low
  101                af3                                 high
  110                ef1                                 low
  111                ef1                                 high
Forwarding class                       ID      Queue  Restricted queue  Fabric priority  Policing priority
  af3                                   0       0          0             low                normal
  af2                                   1       1          1             low                normal
  ef2                                   2       2          2             high               normal
  ef1                                   3       3          3             high               normal
  af1                                   4       4          0             low                normal

show class-of-service interface (ACX Series Routers)

user@host-g11# show class-of-service interface
Physical interface: at-0/0/0, Index: 130
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled

  Logical interface: at-0/0/0.0, Index: 69

  Logical interface: at-0/0/0.32767, Index: 70

Physical interface: at-0/0/1, Index: 133
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled

  Logical interface: at-0/0/1.0, Index: 71

  Logical interface: at-0/0/1.32767, Index: 72

Physical interface: ge-0/1/0, Index: 146
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Rewrite                 dscp-default           dscp                       31
Classifier              d1                     dscp                    11331
Classifier              ci                     ieee8021p                 583

  Logical interface: ge-0/1/0.0, Index: 73
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Rewrite                 custom-exp             exp (mpls-any)          46413

  Logical interface: ge-0/1/0.1, Index: 74

  Logical interface: ge-0/1/0.32767, Index: 75

Physical interface: ge-0/1/1, Index: 147
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

  Logical interface: ge-0/1/1.0, Index: 76

Physical interface: ge-0/1/2, Index: 148
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Rewrite                 ri                     ieee8021p (outer)       35392
Classifier              ci                     ieee8021p                 583

Physical interface: ge-0/1/3, Index: 149
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

  Logical interface: ge-0/1/3.0, Index: 77
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Rewrite                 custom-exp2            exp (mpls-any)          53581

Physical interface: ge-0/1/4, Index: 150
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Physical interface: ge-0/1/5, Index: 151
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Physical interface: ge-0/1/6, Index: 152
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Physical interface: ge-0/1/7, Index: 153
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              d1                     dscp                    11331

Physical interface: ge-0/2/0, Index: 154
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

Physical interface: ge-0/2/1, Index: 155
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

  Logical interface: ge-0/2/1.0, Index: 78

  Logical interface: ge-0/2/1.32767, Index: 79

Physical interface: xe-0/3/0, Index: 156
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

  Logical interface: xe-0/3/0.0, Index: 80

Physical interface: xe-0/3/1, Index: 157
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 5
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2
  Congestion-notification: Disabled
Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
Classifier              ipprec-compatibility   ip                         13

  Logical interface: xe-0/3/1.0, Index: 81


Published: 2013-08-15

Published: 2013-08-15