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show diameter peer


show diameter peer<brief | detail | summary><peer-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.


Display information about all peers associated with Diameter instances or only the specified peer.


brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes basic peer information. The brief output displays the summary information in a different format. The detail output adds information to the brief output.


(Optional) Display information for only the specified peer.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show diameter peer
show diameter peer detail

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show diameter peer command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show diameter peer Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the peer.

brief summary


Name of the Diameter instance in which the peer is configured.

brief summary


State of the peer:

  • Bad-Config—Misconfiguration.
  • Bad-Remote—Remote side does not conform to one of the decisions or is sending malformed messages.
  • Closed—Normal disconnect due to a request from the remote site or due to excessive watchdog timeouts.
  • Destructing—Peer to be deleted on the next timer tick; until then, it performs no actions.
  • Disabled—Peer is administratively disabled.
  • Internal-error—Internal error has been detected and the peer is in the process of restarting.
  • No-Activation—Peer is not used by any Diameter network element.
  • Rejected—Connection was rejected by remote side of the connection.
  • Reopen–Connection has been unexpectedly closed and Diameter is attempting to reopen the connection.
  • Suspended—All other reasons to be suspended.

All levels


Number of network elements associated with the peer.

brief summary

Activated Count

Activation status of the peer:

  • 1—Peer is activated.
  • 0—Peer is not activated.

All levels

Primary Count

Status of the peer, primary (1) or secondary (0).

All levels

Secondary Count

Secondary (0) versus Primary (1) status of the peer.

All levels

Peer name

Name of the peer.



Number of network elements associated with the peer.



Logical system:routing instance of the configuration.


Remote address

Remote IP address of the peer.


Remote port

Remote port on the peer on which the connection is made.


Remote end origin realm

Name of the realm of the Diameter node that originates messages to the peer.


Remote end origin host

Name of the host of the Diameter node that originates messages to the peer.


Local address

Local IP address on the Diameter origin node.


Local port

Local port on the Diameter origin node.


Local transport

Number of transports configured.


Time since last enable

Period since peer was enabled in format.


In state time

Period that peer has been in present state in format.


Remaining in state time

Period that peer will remain in present state in format.


Missing wd events

Number of missed watchdog events.


Tx queue length

Number of messages in the transmit queue.


Answer waiting count

Number of answers on which the peer is waiting.


Time since last rx

Number of milliseconds since the last message was received by the peer.


Time until wd timeout

Time remaining until next watchdog event.


Operation timeout

Watchdog timeout period.


Suspended timeout base

Base timeout period in suspended states (suspended, rejected, bad-remonte, bad-config). This timeout doubles after each consecutive suspension, until the maximum value of 600 seconds is reached.


Closed timeout

Timeout period in normal closed state, such as when an external peer requested a disconnect.


Connection timeout

Timeout period for establishing a connection.


Waiting origin state id

Whether the peer is waiting for the Origin-State-Id AVP, yes or no.


Sample Output

show diameter peer

user@host> show diameter peer
Diameter peer list:
                                                    Activated Primary Secondary
  Peer         Instance     State          NE-Count Count     Count   Count
  p0           master       I-Open           1        1         1       0
  p1           master       I-Open           1        1         0       1
  p288         master       Suspended        1        1         0       0
  pA           master       Suspended        1        1         0       0
  pB           master       No-Activation    1        0         0       0
  pc           master       No-Activation    0        0         0       0
  pd           master       No-Activation    0        0         0       0

show diameter peer detail

user@host> show diameter peer detail
Diameter peer:
  Peer name               : p0                                                 
  State                   : I-Open             
  NEs                     :   1
  Activated count         :   1
  Primary count           :   1
  Secondary count         :   0
  Vrf                     : default:master                                     
  Remote address          :     
  Remote port             : 62917
  Remote end origin realm : rrrrA                                              
  Remote end origin host  : hhhhA                                              
  Local address           :
  Local port              : 57095
  Local transport         : <NO-TRANSPORT>
  Time since last enable  : 08:56.200 
  In state time           : 08:56.200 
  Remaining in state time : no limit  
  Missed wd events        :         0
  Tx queue length         :         0
  Answer waiting count    :         0
  Time since last rx      :      2200 ms
  Time until wd timeout   :      3800 ms
  Operation timeout       :      6000 ms
  Suspended timeout base  :     30000 ms
  Closed timeout          :     30000 ms
  Connection timeout      :      6000 ms
  Waiting origin state id : no

  Peer name               : p1                                                 
  State                   : I-Open             
  NEs                     :   1
  Activated count         :   1
  Primary count           :   0
  Secondary count         :   1
  Vrf                     : default:master                                     
  Remote address          :     
  Remote port             : 58490
  Remote end origin realm : rrrrA                                              
  Remote end origin host  : hhhhB                                              
  Local address           :
  Local port              : 49293
  Local transport         : <NO-TRANSPORT>
  Time since last enable  : 08:56.200 
  In state time           : 08:36.000 
  Remaining in state time : no limit  
  Missed wd events        :         0
  Tx queue length         :         0
  Answer waiting count    :         0
  Time since last rx      :         0 ms
  Time until wd timeout   :      6000 ms
  Operation timeout       :      6000 ms
  Suspended timeout base  :     30000 ms
  Closed timeout          :     30000 ms
  Connection timeout      :      6000 ms
  Waiting origin state id : no

Published: 2013-03-14