Supported Platforms
show diameter route
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
Display information about all routes associated with Diameter instances or only the specified route.
brief | detail | summary | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes basic function information. The brief output displays the summary information in a different format. The detail output adds information to the brief output. |
route-name | — | (Optional) Display information for only the specified route. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show diameter routeshow diameter route detail
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show diameter route command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show diameter route Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Level of Output |
Route | Name of the route. | summary brief |
NE | Name of the network element associated with the route. | summary brief |
Instance | Name of the Diameter instance in which the route is configured. | summary brief |
NE name | Name of the network element associated with the route. | brief detail |
Instance name | Name of the Diameter instance in which the route is configured. | brief detail |
Valid | Determination whether the route is valid, yes or no. | All levels |
Up | State of the route, yes (up) or no (down). | All levels |
Function | Name of the function associated with the route. | brief detail |
Partition | Partition associated with the function. | brief detail |
Dest-realm | Destination realm configured for the route. | brief detail |
Dest-host | Destination hostname configured for the route. | brief detail |
Metric | Metric associated with the destination and function to create the route. | brief detail |
Score | Value that represents how a route is configured. The basic score is 0. Points are added according to the following scheme:
| brief detail |
Sample Output
show diameter route
user@host> show diameter route
Diameter routes: Route NE Instance Valid Up rA ne0 master yes yes
show diameter route detail
user@host> show diameter route detail
Diameter route: Route name : rA NE name : ne0 Instance mame : master Valid : yes Up : yes Function : jsrc Partition : jsrc-a Dest-realm : outer-realm Dest-host : outer-host Metric : 50 Score : 6