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show firewall prefix-action-stats

List of Syntax

Syntax (filter-specific mode)
Syntax (term-specific mode)

Syntax (filter-specific mode)

show firewall prefix-action-stats filter filter-name prefix-action prefix-action-name<from number to number><logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>

Syntax (term-specific mode)

show firewall prefix-action-stats filter filter-name prefix-action prefix-action-name-term-name<from number to number><logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

logical-system option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3.


Display prefix action statistics about configured firewall filters.

If you clear statistics for firewall filters that are applied to MPCs and that also use the prefix-action action on matched packets, wait at least 5 seconds before you enter the show firewall prefix-action-stats command. A 5-second pause between issuing the clear firewall and show firewall prefix-action-stats commands avoids a possible timeout of the show firewall prefix-action-stats command.

By default, policers operate in term-specific mode.

See Filter-Specific Policer Overview for information about how to configure policers in filter-specific mode.


filter filter-name

Name of a filter.

prefix-action prefix-action-name

Name of a prefix action.

from number to number

(Optional) Starting and ending counter or policer.

logical-system (logical-system-name | all)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular system.

Required Privilege Level



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List of Sample Output

show firewall prefix-action-stats

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show firewall prefix-action-stats command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show firewall prefix-action-stats Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Filter name.

Filters configured for logical systems include the name of the filter prefixed with the two underscore characters (__) and the name of the logical system (for example, __ls1/filter1).

Sample Output

The following sample output assumes that the policer act1 is in term mode and that there is a term named term1 configured in the firewall filter test.

show firewall prefix-action-stats

user@host> show firewall prefix-action-stats filter test prefix-action act1-term1 from 0 to 9
Filter: test
Name                       Bytes              Packets
act1-0                        0                    0
act1-1                        0                    0
act1-2                        0                    0
act1-3                        0                    0
act1-4                        0                    0
act1-5                        0                    0
act1-6                        0                    0
act1-7                        0                    0
act1-8                        0                    0
act1-9                        0                    0
Name                       Bytes              Packets
act1-0                        0                    0
act1-1                        0                    0
act1-2                        0                    0
act1-3                        0                    0
act1-4                        0                    0
act1-5                        0                    0
act1-6                        0                    0
act1-7                        0                    0
act1-8                        0                    0
act1-9                        0                    0

Published: 2014-06-24


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Published: 2014-06-24