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Supported Platforms

show network-access aaa radius-servers


show network-access aaa radius-servers<detail>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.


Display RADIUS server status and information.



(Optional) Display detailed level of information.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show network-access aaa radius-servers
show network-access aaa radius-servers detail

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show network-access aaa radius-servers command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show network-access aaa radius-servers Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the profile associated with the RADIUS server. A RADIUS server can be associated with more than one profile.

All levels

Server address

IP address of the RADIUS server.

All levels

Authentication port

RADIUS server authentication port number.

All levels

Accounting port

RADIUS server accounting port number.

All levels


RADIUS server status, UP or DOWN.

If status is DOWN, the Status field includes the number of seconds configured by the revert-interval statement. When a RADIUS server is unreachable and marked as DOWN, the router waits until the revert interval expires before attempting to reconnect to the RADIUS server.

Note: If only one RADIUS server is configured, the server status is never marked as DOWN. If the RADIUS server is disconnected, the router continues to attempt to contact the server and displays a status of UP for the server.

All levels

RADIUS servers

Details for specific RADIUS server, identified by IP address.


Authentication requests

Number of authentication requests received by the authentication server.


Authentication rollover requests

Number of requests coming into the server as a result of the previous server timing out.


Authentication retransmissions

Number of retransmissions.



Number of authentication requests accepted by the authentication server.



Number of authentication requests rejected by the authentication server.



Number of authentication requests challenged by the authentication server.


Authentication malformed responses

Number of responses with attributes having an invalid length or unexpected attributes (such as two attributes when the response is required to have at most one).


Authentication bad authenticators

Number of responses in which the authenticator is incorrect for the authentication request. This can occur if the RADIUS secrets for the client and server do not match.


Authentication requests pending

Number of authentication requests waiting for a response.


Authentication request timeouts

Number of times an authentication request to the server timed out.


Authentication unknown responses

Number of unknown responses. The RADIUS response type in the header is invalid or unsupported.


Authentication packets dropped

Number of packets dropped because they are too short or because the router receives a response for which there is no corresponding request.


Accounting start requests

Number of accounting start requests received.


Accounting interim requests

Number of accounting interim requests received.


Accounting stop requests

Number of accounting stop requests received.


Accounting rollover requests

Number of requests coming into the server as a result of the previous server timing out.


Accounting retransmissions

Number of retransmissions.


Accounting start responses

Number of accounting start responses sent by the server.


Accounting interim responses

Number of accounting interim responses sent by the server.


Accounting stop responses

Number of accounting stop responses sent by the server.


Accounting malformed responses

Number of responses with attributes having an invalid length or unexpected attributes (such as two attributes when the response is required to have at most one).


Accounting bad authenticators

Number of responses in which the authenticator is incorrect for the accounting request. This can occur if the RADIUS secrets for the client and server do not match.


Accounting requests pending

Number of accounting requests waiting for a response.


Accounting request timeouts

Number of accounting requests to the accounting server that timed out.


Accounting unknown responses

Number of unknown responses. The RADIUS response type in the header is invalid or unsupported.


Accounting packets dropped

Number of packets dropped because they are too short or because the router receives a response for which there is no corresponding request.


Sample Output

show network-access aaa radius-servers

user@host> show network-access aaa radius-servers
Profile: xyz-profile1
    Server address:
      Authentication port: 1645
      Accounting port: 1646
      Status: UP
  Profile: xyz-profile2
    Server address:
      Authentication port: 1812
      Accounting port: 1813
      Status: UP

show network-access aaa radius-servers detail

user@host> show network-access aaa radius-servers detail
Profile: xyz_profile3
    Server address:
      Authentication port: 1812
      Accounting port: 1813
      Status: DOWN ( 60 seconds )

RADIUS Servers
    Authentication requests: 7658
    Authentication rollover requests: 0
    Authentication retransmissions: 3600
    Accepts: 6458
    Rejects: 0
    Challenges: 0
    Authentication malformed responses: 0
    Authentication bad authenticators: 0
    Authentication requests pending: 0
    Authentication request timeouts: 4800
    Authentication unknown responses: 0
    Authentication packets dropped: 0
    Accounting start requests: 1
    Accounting interim requests: 1
    Accounting stop requests: 0
    Accounting rollover requests: 0
    Accounting retransmissions: 0
    Accounting start responses: 1
    Accounting interim responses: 1
    Accounting stop responses: 0
    Accounting malformed responses: 0
    Accounting bad authenticators: 0
    Accounting requests pending: 0
    Accounting request timeouts: 0
    Accounting unknown responses: 0
    Accounting packets dropped: 0

Published: 2013-03-14

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-03-14