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show (ospf | ospf3) overview


show (ospf | ospf3) overview <brief | extensive> <instance instance-name> <logical-system (all | logical-system-name)><realm (ipv4-multicast | ipv4-unicast | ipv6-multicast)>

Syntax (EX Series Switch and QFX Series)

show (ospf | ospf3) overview <brief | extensive> <instance instance-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

realm option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.

Database protection introduced in Junos 10.2.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.3 for the QFX Series.


Display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) overview information.



Display standard information about all OSPF neighbors for all routing instances.

brief | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display all OSPF interfaces under the named routing instance.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

realm (ipv4-multicast | ipv4-unicast | ipv6-multicast)

(Optional) (OSPFv3 only) Display information about the specified OSPFv3 realm, or address family. Use the realm option to specify an address family for OSPFv3 other than IPv6 unicast, which is the default.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show ospf overview
show ospf overview (With Database Protection)
show ospf3 overview (With Database Protection)
show ospf overview extensive

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ospf overview command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ospf overview Output Fields

Field name

Field Description

Level of Output


OSPF routing instance.

All levels

Router ID

Router ID of the routing device.

All levels

Route table index

Route table index.

All levels

Configured overload

Overload capability is enabled. If the overload timer is also configured, display the time that remains before it is set to expire. This field is not displayed after the timer expires.

All levels


Topology identifier.

All levels

Prefix export count

Number of prefixes exported into OSPF.

All levels

Full SPF runs

Number of complete Shortest Path First calculations.

All levels

SPF delay

Delay before performing consecutive Shortest Path First calculations.

All levels

SPF holddown

Delay before performing additional Shortest Path First (SPF) calculations after the maximum number of consecutive SPF calculations is reached.

All levels

SPF rapid runs

Maximum number of Shortest Path First calculations that can be performed in succession before the hold-down timer begins.

All levels

LSA refresh time

Refresh period for link-state advertisement (in minutes).

All levels

Database protection state

Current state of database protection.

All levels

Warning threshold

Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of maximum LSA count).

All levels

Non self-generated LSAs

Number of LSAs whose router ID is not equal to the local router ID: Current, Warning (threshold), and Allowed.

All levels

Ignore time

How long the database has been in the ignore state.

All levels

Reset time

How long the database must stay out of the ignore or isolated state before it returns to normal operations.

All levels

Ignore count

Number of times the database has been in the ignore state: Current and Allowed.

All levels


Graceful restart capability: enabled or disabled.

All levels

Restart duration

Time period for complete reacquisition of OSPF neighbors.

All levels

Restart grace period

Time period for which the neighbors should consider the restarting routing device as part of the topology.

All levels

Graceful restart helper mode

(OSPFv2) Standard graceful restart helper capability (based on RFC 3623): enabled or disabled.

All levels

Restart-signaling helper mode

(OSPFv2) Restart signaling-based graceful restart helper capability (based on RFC 4811, RFC 4812, and RFC 4813): enabled or disabled.

All levels

Helper mode

(OSPFv3) Graceful restart helper capability: enabled or disabled.

All levels

Trace options

OSPF-specific trace options.


Trace file

Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation.



Area number. Area is the backbone area.

All levels

Stub type

Stub type of area: Normal Stub, Not Stub, or Not so Stubby Stub.

All levels

Authentication Type

Type of authentication: None, Password, or MD5.

Note: The Authentication Type field refers to the authentication configured at the [edit protocols ospf area area-id] level. Any authentication configured for an interface in this area will not affect the value of this field.

All levels

Area border routers

Number of area border routers.

All levels


Number of autonomous system boundary routers.

All levels

Sample Output

show ospf overview

user@host> show ospf overview
Instance: master
    Router ID:
    Route table index: 0
 	 Configured overload, expires in 118 seconds
    LSA refresh time: 50 minutes
	 Restart: Enabled
    	Restart duration: 20 sec
    	Restart grace period: 40 sec
    	Helper mode: enabled
      Stub type: Not Stub
      Authentication Type: None
      Area border routers: 0, AS boundary routers: 0
        Up (in full state): 0
    Topology: default (ID 0)
      Prefix export count: 0
      Full SPF runs: 1
      SPF delay: 0.200000 sec, SPF holddown: 5 sec, SPF rapid runs: 3

show ospf overview (With Database Protection)

user@host> show ospf overview
Instance: master
  Router ID:
  Route table index: 0
  LSA refresh time: 50 minutes
  Traffic engineering
  Restart: Enabled
    Restart duration: 180 sec
    Restart grace period: 210 sec
    Graceful restart helper mode: Enabled
    Restart-signaling helper mode: Enabled
  Database protection state: Normal
    Warning threshold: 70 percent
    Non self-generated LSAs: Current 582, Warning 700, Allowed 1000
    Ignore time: 30, Reset time: 60
    Ignore count: Current 0, Allowed 1
    Stub type: Not Stub
    Authentication Type: None
    Area border routers: 0, AS boundary routers: 0
      Up (in full state): 160
  Topology: default (ID 0)
    Prefix export count: 0
    Full SPF runs: 70
    SPF delay: 0.200000 sec, SPF holddown: 5 sec, SPF rapid runs: 3
    Backup SPF: Not Needed

show ospf3 overview (With Database Protection)

user@host> show ospf3 overview
Instance: master
  Router ID:
  Route table index: 0
  LSA refresh time: 50 minutes
  Database protection state: Normal
    Warning threshold: 80 percent
    Non self-generated LSAs: Current 3, Warning 8, Allowed 10
    Ignore time: 30, Reset time: 60
    Ignore count: Current 0, Allowed 2
    Stub type: Not Stub
    Area border routers: 0, AS boundary routers: 0
      Up (in full state): 1
  Topology: default (ID 0)
    Prefix export count: 0
    Full SPF runs: 7
    SPF delay: 0.200000 sec, SPF holddown: 5 sec, SPF rapid runs: 3
    Backup SPF: Not Needed

show ospf overview extensive

user@host> show ospf overview extensive
Instance: master
  Router ID:
  Route table index: 0
  Full SPF runs: 13, SPF delay: 0.200000 sec
  LSA refresh time: 50 minutes
  Restart: Disabled
  Trace options: lsa
  Trace file: /var/log/ospf size 131072 files 10
    Stub type: Not Stub
    Authentication Type: None
    Area border routers: 0, AS boundary routers: 0
      Up (in full state): 1

Published: 2014-05-08

Published: 2014-05-08