Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- clear (ospf | ospf3) statistics
show (ospf | ospf3) statistics
Syntax (EX Series Switch and QFX Series)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
realm option introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.3 for the QFX Series.
Display OSPF statistics.
none | — | Display OSPF statistics for all routing instances. |
instance instance-name | — | (Optional) Display all statistics for the specified routing instance. |
logical-system (all | logical-system-name) | — | (Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system. |
realm (ipv4-multicast | ipv4-unicast | ipv6-multicast) | — | (Optional) (OSPFv3 only) Display all statistics for the specified OSPFv3 realm, or address family. Use the realm option to specify an address family for OSPFv3 other than IPv6 unicast, which is the default. |
Required Privilege Level
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- clear (ospf | ospf3) statistics
List of Sample Output
show ospf statisticsshow ospf statistics logical-system all
show ospf3 statistics
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show (ospf | ospf3) statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show (ospf | ospf3) statistics Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description |
Packet type | Type of OSPF packet. |
Total Sent/Total Received | Total number of packets sent and received. |
Last 5 seconds Sent/Last 5 seconds Received | Total number of packets sent and received in the last 5 seconds. |
DBDs retransmitted | Total number of database description packets retransmitted, and number retransmitted in the last 5 seconds. |
LSAs flooded | Total number of link-state advertisements flooded, and number flooded in the last 5 seconds. |
LSAs flooded high-prio | Total number of high priority link-state advertisements flooded, and number flooded in the last 5 seconds. A link-state advertisement is deemed a high priority if it has changed since it was last sent. |
LSAs retransmitted | Total number of link-state advertisements retransmitted, and number retransmitted in the last 5 seconds. |
LSAs transmitted to nbr | Total number of link-state advertisements transmitted to a neighbor, and number transmitted in the last 5 seconds. |
LSAs requested | Total number of link-state advertisements requested by neighboring devices, and number requested in the last 5 seconds. |
LSAs acknowledged | Total number of link-state advertisements acknowledged, and number acknowledged in the last 5 seconds. |
Flood queue depth | Total number of entries in the extended queue. |
Total rexmit entries | Total number of retransmission entries waiting to be sent from the OSPF routing instance. |
db summaries | Total number of database description summaries waiting to be sent from the OSPF routing instance. |
lsreq entries | Total number of link-state request entries waiting to be sent from the OSPF routing instance. |
Receive errors | Number and type of receive errors. Some sample receive errors include:
If there are no receive errors, the output displays none. |
Sample Output
show ospf statistics
user@host> show ospf statistics
Packet type Total Last 5 seconds Sent Received Sent Received Hello 31 14 2 2 DbD 9 10 0 0 LSReq 2 2 0 0 LSUpdate 8 16 0 0 LSAck 9 9 0 0 DBDs retransmitted : 3, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded : 12, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded high-prio : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs transmitted to nbr: 3, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs requested : 5, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs acknowledged : 19, last 5 seconds : 0 Flood queue depth : 0 Total rexmit entries : 0 db summaries : 0 lsreq entries : 0 Receive errors: 862 no interface found 115923 no virtual link found
show ospf statistics logical-system all
user@host> show ospf statistics logical-system
logical-system: C OSPF instance is not running ----- logical-system: B Packet type Total Last 5 seconds Sent Received Sent Received Hello 313740 313653 1 0 DbD 3 2 0 0 LSReq 1 1 0 0 LSUpdate 2752 1825 0 0 LSAck 1821 2747 0 0 DBDs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded : 2741, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded high-prio : 10, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs transmitted to nbr: 2, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs requested : 1, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs acknowledged : 1831, last 5 seconds : 0 Flood queue depth : 0 Total rexmit entries : 0 db summaries : 0 lsreq entries : 0 Receive errors: None ----- logical-system: A Packet type Total Last 5 seconds Sent Received Sent Received Hello 313698 313695 0 0 DbD 2 3 0 0 LSReq 1 1 0 0 LSUpdate 1825 2752 0 0 LSAck 2747 1821 0 0 DBDs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded : 1825, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded high-prio : 10, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs transmitted to nbr: 1, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs requested : 2, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs acknowledged : 2748, last 5 seconds : 0 Flood queue depth : 0 Total rexmit entries : 0 db summaries : 0 lsreq entries : 0 Receive errors: None -----
show ospf3 statistics
user@host> show ospf3 statistics
Packet type Total Last 5 seconds Sent Received Sent Received Hello 0 0 0 0 DbD 0 0 0 0 LSReq 0 0 0 0 LSUpdate 0 0 0 0 LSAck 0 0 0 0 DBDs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs flooded high-prio : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs retransmitted : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs transmitted to nbr: 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs requested : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 LSAs acknowledged : 0, last 5 seconds : 0 Flood queue depth : 0 Total rexmit entries : 0 db summaries : 0 lsreq entries : 0 Receive errors: None
Published: 2014-05-08
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- clear (ospf | ospf3) statistics